We are DOOMED, again, or are we, or is it to late????

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oh well suit yourself, you've obviously been programmed by the lies of the oil barons.
maybe oil is being formed even today but the process takes millions of years and it wont be available for millions of years, once the current stuff is used up that's it, no more for millions of years and we go back to a simpler sort of life.
Seems like there is some kind of documentary with a title something like when the oil is gone. Can't exactly recall it.
Still doesn't address the environmental problems of alternative energy sources also. Most of which involve batteries, so then you have the strip mining and disposal environmental issues. With today's population, there really isn't any such thing as "green" energy. At some point along the chain, there's going to be an environmental consequence. The difference is, some of us acknowledge this and weigh it out with logic, considering the actual impacts, vs. emotion, group-think, and fear-mongering. ;)
Still doesn't address the environmental problems of alternative energy sources also. Most of which involve batteries, so then you have the strip mining and disposal environmental issues. With today's population, there really isn't any such thing as "green" energy. At some point along the chain, there's going to be an environmental consequence. The difference is, some of us acknowledge this and weigh it out with logic, considering the actual impacts, vs. emotion, group-think, and fear-mongering. ;)
when it all shuts down i'll just go back to the simpler life off grid and non electric that I had before all this computer malarkey.
oh well suit yourself, you've obviously been programmed by the lies of the oil barons.
maybe oil is being formed even today but the process takes millions of years and it wont be available for millions of years, once the current stuff is used up that's it, no more for millions of years and we go back to a simpler sort of life.

Paul, I asked wife who has no vested interest in any type of oil industry but she is a mineralogists for the USGS, I shorten up her long winded explanation and removed technical words I can't even spell

dead plankton and dead plants on the ocean floor is the foundation for oil, the bacteria that is formed removes oxygen nitrogen sulfur and phosphorus, the only thing that remains is sludge made up of hydrogen and carbon, then refined into oil using heat and pressure. This process has been going on before and after the jurassic period.
Paul, I asked wife who has no vested interest in any type of oil industry but she is a mineralogists for the USGS, I shorten up her long winded explanation and removed technical words I can't even spell

dead plankton and dead plants on the ocean floor is the foundation for oil, the bacteria that is formed removes oxygen nitrogen sulfur and phosphorus, the only thing that remains is sludge made up of hydrogen and carbon, then refined into oil using heat and pressure. This process has been going on before and after the jurassic period.
yes it does but it takes millions of years to go from dead plants to being oil.
That's the one! Believe the scenario won't be panic in the streets but rather, escalating prices, then an eventual lack of supply. It won't be you wake up one morning and no oil.
more like a dwindling supply than all out no oil , only the rich will be able to afford it not the common man or woman in the street, but like everything else one day it will all be used up, not in my life time, probably not in the lifetime of anyone here but one day.
"Oil takes between TENS of millions and HUNDREDS of millions of years to form naturally.
about 70% of current oil deposits originate from the Mesozoic period which lasted from 65million to 150million years ago" unquote.
yes it does but it takes millions of years to go from dead plants to being oil.

That's debatable, many scientist are questioning that long held belief, they have seen changes through soil samples to challenge that long held belief that by suggesting 10s of thousands of years and not millions, because the ocean and continental plates are constantly in motion the organic matter is still being broke down and refine, they have seen releases of newly formed pockets in the sedimentary layer and in the granite layer, meaning oil is still being produced at a far shorter period of time.

The Abstract
The deep abiogenic synthesis of hydrocarbons is possible under the conditions of the asthenosphere. We have found that this process can also occur under the mineral and thermobaric conditions of subducting slabs. We have investigated the abiogenic synthesis of hydrocarbon systems at pressures of 2.0–6.6 GPa and temperatures of 250–600 °C. The determined lower thermobaric limit of the reaction at 280–300 °C and 2–3 GPa corresponds to a depth of 70–80 km during cold subduction. The hydrocarbon fluid formed in the slab can migrate upwards through the network of faults and fractures to form petroleum deposits.

bigpaul you seem to think that the earth made a bunch of oil thousands of years ago and stopped, and now needs to start back up again. It's been making it all along and continues to make it. Yes, some land based oil fields are depleted and will never produce again, but others just keep producing long after they were predicted to run dry.

The current estimates are that by the year 2050, oil consumption will peak and that after that there will be a massive glut of petroleum as demands wane due to new technologies.
That's debatable, many scientist are questioning that long held belief, they have seen changes through soil samples to challenge that long held belief that by suggesting 10s of thousands of years and not millions, because the ocean and continental plates are constantly in motion the organic matter is still being broke down and refine, they have seen releases of newly formed pockets in the sedimentary layer and in the granite layer, meaning oil is still being produced at a far shorter period of time.

The Abstract
The deep abiogenic synthesis of hydrocarbons is possible under the conditions of the asthenosphere. We have found that this process can also occur under the mineral and thermobaric conditions of subducting slabs. We have investigated the abiogenic synthesis of hydrocarbon systems at pressures of 2.0–6.6 GPa and temperatures of 250–600 °C. The determined lower thermobaric limit of the reaction at 280–300 °C and 2–3 GPa corresponds to a depth of 70–80 km during cold subduction. The hydrocarbon fluid formed in the slab can migrate upwards through the network of faults and fractures to form petroleum deposits.

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Only tens of thousands of years? Phew. For a moment there, I thought we were in trouble! :D
Only tens of thousands of years? Phew. For a moment there, I thought we were in trouble! :D

ya but its been non stopped producing, we haven't even tapped 1% of the worlds supply with most of it under the worlds oceans nor have we dug deeper than the sedimentary layer except maybe a couple of times just above the granite layer, we only dug down to 23000 feet the deepest on one rig I believe.
Atlas Shrugged.

Oil will never be completely depleted. NO FUEL source has ever been completely depleted. We used to burn wood as a fuel. We used to burn coal as a fuel. We used to kill whales for a fuel source. None of these sources have ever been depleted, they simply became too expensive. If we should ever get to that point the amount of oil demand exceeds the amount of oil available, then the alternate fuels will be come cheaper, in comparison and will become more readily available. As stated elsewhere, there is no free lunch and every fuel source will have a negative aspect attached to it's use or development or both. Within 20 to 30 years fusion will produce all the cheap power you could want.

Fuel is not going to be the deciding factor in the life of this planet, the birth rate is going to be the deciding factor. Too many people and not enough food or jobs. Cheap power will not help the food sources to triple or quadruple. The improvement is food production is not keeping pace with population growth. Bio-engineering of plants and animals will end up biting us in the tush. The demand for more and bigger food supplies will allow for bio-engineering changes to happen to fast. The other issue is, food will still costs money, and if a large majority of the population is not working, then they can't afford what food is available. I am not opposed to automation (don't fight losing battles) but I do understand the cause and effect of these technological advances. Useless degrees and low skilled (no skilled) people cannot be support by a minority of workers. As pointed out in the movie Atlas Shrugged (3-parts) when those that produce decide it is no longer viable, then the final collapse is near. JM2C
The source and age of oil is unknown. We have theories. I think the animals buried in Noah's flood are the source of the vast majority of oil. I think we have easily 1000 years of oil in the ground. And I don't know (wild guess) that mankind will live long enough to use all of it (Revelations).

So we have far more important things to worry about now than an issue that may (or may not) happen in 1000 years.
The source and age of oil is unknown. We have theories. I think the animals buried in Noah's flood are the source of the vast majority of oil. I think we have easily 1000 years of oil in the ground. And I don't know (wild guess) that mankind will live long enough to use all of it (Revelations).

So we have far more important things to worry about now than an issue that may (or may not) happen in 1000 years.

Texas, your freaken depressing, I have 3018 marked on the calendar Tuesday December 1st 3018 to be exact that my preps are done and you come along and ruin it.
like I said, I have never met an American yet that didn't think oil would last forever. must be because of all those "nodding donkeys" you have over there they give a false sense of security.
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like I said, I have never met an American yet that didn't think oil would last forever. must be because of all those "nodding donkeys" you have over there they give a false sense of security.

Oil will last forever. As it becomes too scare and too darn expensive, then an alternate fuel will eliminate the demand for oil. We don't hunt the whales for oil any more. We don't cut down whole forests for our heating fuel and gradually we will quit pumping oil. Solar, fusion and synthetics will force oil to fade back in the annual of history. Fuel dependency has not been a real problem since 1973 oil embargo. Since then we have developed the ability to become energy self sufficient.

Now when I say we, I mean the USA. If I lived in the U.K, then I would be dumping crap bricks. I think you all have some oil fields in the North Atlantic but no on-shore oil fields. I do have to admit I am not up on who or where your fuel supplies come from but I am under the impression the U.K. is not fuel self sufficient yet. Please feel free to correct me if I am mistaken. No offense will be taken.
governments lie all the time about a lot of things mainly for political ends, and one of the things they lie about is the amount of oil reserves they have, I suspect this is so as to not panic the masses. I know new oil fields have been announced from time to time but we the public have no proof of the validity or not of these claims, are we just supposed to trust their word for it? yeah right!
there is still I believe some North Sea oil but I think most of the UK oil is purchased on the open market and imported-along with a lot of other things.
it dosent really bother me, as once SHTF and the power goes off I shall revert to a simpler non oil, non electric lifestyle that I have lived before.

You lack evidence. In my region, I don't have to drive far to find areas where you go 10-20 miles and all you smell is sulfur from the oil wells. Every hill and every valley. It's hard to believe we're out of oil when that's all you smell for miles and miles and miles.
bigpaul, walk through how making everyone believe we have more than enough oil is good for the oil companies.

I personally have some interest in oil wells that I inherited from my father. I can tell you that oil surpluses make my royalties go down. Oil shortages make my royalties go up. Why would the oil companies make up a lie that causes their profits to go down? It seems counter intuitive to me. What am I missing?
governments always lie about how much oil reserves there are, cant afford to frighten the sheeple can they!
I don't think it applies here in the UK because I don't think we have any oil reserves, only whats bought on the open market.
we haven't even got enough power stations, if there is a shortfall in electricity supplies, and there is every winter, we buy extra supplies from the continent, so it wouldn't take much for the lights to go off.

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