We are in a world war against globalist Tyrrants

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Once the Central Banks loose control the rest will be for each community to create. But at least there will be no power structure waiting to destroy all the new creations springing up as possibilities. The banks will collapse when the Dollar is no longer trusted. That may be just a few months away, hopefully.

There are many who think the globalists are crashing everything so they can bring in a worldwide crypto…with 100% control over what you can purchase. They are working on crashing the bitcoins that they do not control. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to convert to a total ELECTRONIC money system?? How has that electronic voting gone for us?! DON’T LET THEM DO IT! Refuse to participate. The FED is what is wrong with our current system.

EDITED to change the word “bitcoin“ to ”crypto”
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I am still leary of it. There will come a time when it is precious metal backed. Then I will have confidence in it.
But for me metal in hand is the best investment today.

What freedom is there in numbers on a screen in a database that is controlled by government? If one can’t purchase anything without the government tracking it and deciding IF you can purchase the product you want…we are all nothing but slaves.

Social Credit Scores will be TIED to those bitcoins too. Bet your life on it. You think they are controlling now with mandates, throwing people off twitter, facebook etc…you’ve seen nothing if they control what we can buy and sell! Want to purchase a weapon or ammo? Too bad. Get “caught” expressing something online or on your phone the globalists don’t like, you could go to the grocery store only to find out they’ve cut off your ability to buy food.
GeorgiaP: What you are saying are indeed valid concerns. And they will remain until the war is over and we see if the Banksters remain or not.

Then we must determine if a true, valid, auditable system is adopted, after a lot of the current cryptos are discarded.
So in my opinion it's too early to place a bet unless you are trying to move out of country and cannot drag your gold safely.
But in that transaction it is indeed an instant transaction rather than a long term investment.

So again, for me the long term action is in hand held precious anything but cryptos.
Same could be said about firearms. Are you saying guns are evil because they have been misused?
No, I was not implying money is evil because a government perverts its original purpose.
I was implying that money is no longer "just a tool of commerce" because governments pervert its use.
Sorry for the ambiguity of my post.
No, I was not implying money is evil because a government perverts its original purpose.
I was implying that money is no longer "just a tool of commerce" because governments pervert its use.
Sorry for the ambiguity of my post.
Thanks for the clarification.
I feel that most of us have awakened and thrown the problems on the table and are dissecting them, which is a must do and greatly needed.
We are studying them.

Around 1980 I read Patch Adams' book which was just a collection of all the articles he wrote pushing his vision.
For me the highlight of the articles was his conversation about the four finger problem/lesson given to him by one of his mentors.

He points out that it is hard to create options when one stares only at the problem until fear sets in and it appears Insurmountable.

We are the creators. We need to create options if we are to grow beyond the problems. Turn away from the problems and you see the solutions.

One of my heroes is Madam Marie Currie who, along with her husband, discovered radiation (Radon).
It took her only 5 minutes of consideration to decline a patent on it, knowing the wealth it would have yielded her.

Last night I watched a true story on Netflix, PadMan, who looked at an impossible problem and did the same as Curie and Adams - walked away from the wealth and in so doing, changed the culture around the problem, removing the problem.

I highly recommend the movie in this, our time of need.
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@DavidSB A ways back you pointed out that they wanted to own all the land.

Regarding the land control, I once saw a cartoon of two cavemen laying on the ground staring up at the stars.
One said "I've got an idea . . . let's draw large squares on the ground and sell them!

Can't we just reverse that idea in some degree? How about a small percentage of land owned cooperatively? How about multi use of the land (home and food production? How about some smaller squares and more community squares that produce life for the community, such as a community production company or co-op?

Here's another idea. When corporations first came into existence they were chartered by the government. Annually they were reviewed to see if they still served the state (society). Somewhere along time a line was drawn against reviews. Maybe it's time we erase some lines here and there, perhaps.

Your thoughts?
The BOL is owned by a LLC with relatives owning shares in the LLC. So it is in effect a community owned property, albeit with only close relatives. Most of the BOL is a tree farm, which works out fine being community owned. We considered parceling it out at one time, but it was to everyone's advantage to keep the tree farm (which is also hunting land) intact.
The main cabin (I guess you could call it a "lodge") is community owned. That helped everyone financially. We only need one large great room for everyone. That is an advantage.
One big disadvantage is that my wife won't agree to building a small log cabin that I have always wanted to build there since I don't outright own the land it will be on. Since I only own a share of the land, I will legally only own a share of what I build. I'm still trying to figure that one out...
Doc: Just brainstorming after getting out of rehab two hours ago . . . But I will add this, I haven't had a DUi since my last one.

1. Lease a defined piece of land (see A) for 50 years,
with a defined first option of everything back to the land owner.

Note A: The land need not necessarily be parceled out.

If that land is mostly zoned as rural/agriculture,
It may allow for un-inspected farm buildings, such as one used for canning of the produce.
Can your wife can or can-can?

If not zoned for more than one residence, then partition one acre (or the minimum size)(from the owner to the owner; $25),
Then lease it from the owner as mentioned above in #1.
Note: A survey should not be required, just the land description on the deed ($300).

We have legally done both of these in Florida.

Note B: Good contracts are made to be broken. They spell out everything including damages if unusual things occur.
Therefore there are no fears or hurt feelings.
Do your kids get the house? Can they sub-lease the land? Can they remove the home before the lease expires? After? If your wife discovers your researching can-can, can she run you off?

The best definition of a bargain I ever heard is when both parties walk away thinking they took advantage of the other side.
Strike a bargain with the Owners. What's stopping you? Perhaps In the event of activation the house can be the medical clinic with a separate well as a back-up to the first.

P.S. Contact me if further info is needed. There are several ways it can be done legally. I did research on this when designing a cooperative community I planned. I can give you writings you can explore with your lawyerman and others.
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Zoning is not an issue. This is out in the middle of nowhere and the county doesn't really care what we do with it.
I've thought about leasing, but decided against (I'll explain below). I want to buy a small lot, but I don't know whether they will agree to that, I haven't broached the issue yet. I am also considering buying a small lot from the landowner north of the BOL. The property line is less than 75 yards from the main cabin and they get no benefit from that that particular piece of land. They don't hunt anywhere near it due to its proximity to our camp, and don't farm it.
Anything I do is also for the benefit of future generations, which is why I don't want to lease. My daughter is ready, willing, and able to help pay for it right now, and both she and my son will use it and inherit it (along with my share of the BOL).
Then it sounds like you have the solution to your problem.
If I understand you, the new property is available so you can get within a hundred feet or so to their main building, right?

If that is correct then you two parties can support each other in all ways except a running water line.
Then you can later tie the two lines together with a ball valve for future emergency.
If activation you may have to beef up your security but hey, you get your wish.
What's stopping you?
I have always been enamored with old square sail ships.
I love the sight of photos of Captain's quarters; so beautiful, so functional.

But then I discovered the scene from the movie Master and Commander: Far Side Of The World when they were preparing for battle.
The door and wall was removed and cannons were rolled in.

Your vision should be the same.

So what's stopping you?
Then it sounds like you have the solution to your problem.
If I understand you, the new property is available so you can get within a hundred feet or so to their main building, right?
I wouldn't say "available" because I have not talked to the landowner(s) (it is also an LLC) and the previous president of the LLC who is the only one I had any kind of relationship with recently died.
Not a done deal by a long shot. Lots of moving parts that have to fit together just right.
That is why an LLC is always my last choice of armor.
Make contact through letter to registered agent. Otherwise, you do nothing and gain nothing and hold only a wisp of a dream.
Then again, sometimes dreams are all we really want.

Best of luck to you Doc.
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Same could be said about firearms. Are you saying guns are evil because they have been misused?
And how many people have been killed with screwdrivers, ashtrays, baseball bats, tennis rackets, glass bottles, crowbars, ball point pens, neckties, leather belts, pieces of broken window glass...... need I go on??
You can mis-use anything for any purpose on anyone at anytime for any reason and just claim ""it was NOT INTENDED FOR THAT PURPOSE...so I am not guilty,"" if you get the best lawyers, you could possibly get away with saying that you were driven by the fear of your life and get away with it...

1. Retail CEOs donate to Woke causes.

2. Woke State AG’s remove cash bail, dramatically spiking retail theft.

3. Organized thieves raid retail stores, stealing inventory (microwaves, TVs, etc.) to resell online

4. Retail CEOs pivot their companies to produce only ‘smart’ products - add QR codes that require internet connectivity and authentication before use.

5. Your social credit score goes down (perhaps for being unvaccinated), and you can no longer authenticate a ‘smart’ toaster over 5G.”

Thoughts? I haven’t seen these yet, but CodeMonkey Z is usually spot on.
When I was a kid in school we learned that communism and the old Soviet Union was bad. The people weren't free to travel, they had to carry "papers", neighbors informed on neighbors, there were shortages on everyday products and their entire lives were controlled by government. Thats exactly whats going on in the US right now. We have become the old Soviet Union. Sadly most people don't care.
When I was a kid in school we learned that communism and the old Soviet Union was bad. The people weren't free to travel, they had to carry "papers", neighbors informed on neighbors, there were shortages on everyday products and their entire lives were controlled by government. Thats exactly whats going on in the US right now. We have become the old Soviet Union. Sadly most people don't care.

The school system was used to produce narcissists. Narcissists think they'll not only be unaffected by disasters, but they'll thrive in them. So Communism will be good for them, not for you. But then they also don't care about you.

Our fault was standing around while leftists took over our school systems. We allowed it. We watched it. It's still happening now. In fact it's getting worse. What are we doing? Nothing as usual.
We are finally doing something with the school systems. The way we know that is the response from the Regime and them siccing the FBI on parents going to school board meetings! Which has only made parents angrier across this nation. In the recent off year elections there have been places report taking over many seats on school boards. We MUST keep taking back!!

You may not believe this but as I was listening to Stephen Bannon's words, calling for a replacement of Mitch McConnell TODAY by Republican Senators, I go a fund raising call from Ted Cruz's office. I unloaded on them, it is not money, it is action we need, and told her to have Ted Cruz call for a Republican meeting in the senate today to replace Mitch McConnell. No money for Republicans until they act.