Use to love hearing these songs on my 8 track
while driving down along the beach feeling the topical air blowing in. Theey were oldies then too in the 70s and earlt 80s.
I'm trying to get to like these songs you put up, I did mkae it through this one,not bad ElkH. I'm too old to form too many new taste and I thought I had a huge music vocaulary thanks to mama being such a great pianist, till this past few years.
Mama was a little Bohemien with a conservative twist, but don't think she would have went for rap or electric head banging etc,etc,etc,. She could do a heck of a Jerry Lee great Balls Of Fire 'though. Standing up fingers blasting the ivory and feet pumping on pedals with a little shimmy thrown in. She could play all the classics too. could shoot like Annie Oakly and had a giant heart.
My city is now a pity, but the memories are good.Liked the country too though. But enough is enough!Too much of a good thing ain't good.
dancercize time,