We "Preppers" good! or bad? your thoughts.

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doc pops

Awesome Friend
Aug 24, 2013
If you look around we are portrayed or made fun of for wanting take care of families and friends. There are groups like the Zombie Squad in St. Lewis, who have worked with emergency management, SWAT, and have numerous affiliate's world wide. The ZS wants what the most of us want! Preparation for man made or natural problems. ZS wants to work with and train others so in time of trouble people can stand on there own.

Then there are those like Martin Howard Winters who get on social media and run there mouth's, make threats, and make the good people look like we all anti government gun toten, bomb making Redneck's.

Then those who get on Reality TV and put there wares out for the world to see, like the man who started an IV on his wife backwards, or the dude who says he will do a C/section on his wife and come take our preps.

I know we are the few, who put up stores for the lean/hard times, some train, some read, some plant, farm small animals, Can up the fruits of our labors

What are your thoughts?
If you look around we are portrayed or made fun of for wanting take care of families and friends. There are groups like the Zombie Squad in St. Lewis, who have worked with emergency management, SWAT, and have numerous affiliate's world wide. The ZS wants what the most of us want! Preparation for man made or natural problems. ZS wants to work with and train others so in time of trouble people can stand on there own.

Then there are those like Martin Howard Winters who get on social media and run there mouth's, make threats, and make the good people look like we all anti government gun toten, bomb making Redneck's.

Then those who get on Reality TV and put there wares out for the world to see, like the man who started an IV on his wife backwards, or the dude who says he will do a C/section on his wife and come take our preps.

I know we are the few, who put up stores for the lean/hard times, some train, some read, some plant, farm small animals, Can up the fruits of our labors

What are your thoughts?

I agree totally with your thoughts on the "Show Boats" of prepping community, don't know much about the ZS Squad, but if it works to attract like minded people into their community and they are all preparing and can get along, that's great. I've spoken to Roninsensei about placing more teaching videos on the site and plan to start doing some medical videos, provided I don't screw it up, under the supervision of my computer geek son, he's done tons of videos for school projects, so I am leaning on the younger to teach the old guy here. As for Winter's I have no use for them. As, I've vented to Alabaster and JimLE, why I enjoy this site, its because I feel safe in this community. Other sites, not so much.

Don't get me wrong, I am 50-50 when it comes to the Zombie stuff, genetic mutations are not to far off. Its a mixed blessing when it comes to genetics, we are able to mutate some great products that help stave off illnesses or combat known diseases. I shudder to think that a mutated gene cell could extinguish life as we know it, but even bio labs are not completely contained and could be compromised.

However, I wonder why we have such a high rate of cancer...well as many of my friends who are deep into organic farming and eating non-genetic grown foods/animals...it does make my head turn twice at some of what they say, hence why I never disagree with them. I am a data-person, one thing is interesting, it's easy for me to look at Japan because my mom's from there, she's ate pretty healthy her entire life at her age, well over 80, she does not have cancer or cardiac issues. When you look at the data from Japan's Ministry of Health, the 60-80 Japanese age group have a lower rate of cancer/heart related issues than the 30-50 age group because this generation has been exposed to the likes of Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonalds, not that this is a bad thing, but Japan has turned into like most American's in their daily diet. Much of this like American diets related health issues are linked to processed foods. Gone are the days that Japanese eat strictly organic foods, as the worlds supply of sea-food becomes unstable due to overfishing, I think the likelihood that you will see higher incidences of disease data that follows similar American data. With that in mind, their will be an increase in genetic engineered foods and with the current drought affecting the U.S, their will be higher demand/costs. While strictly entertainment only, I believe in a few months, their is a fictional movie being released that talks about the earth's food supply being affected by the environment. It's called Interstellar, don't know much about it, but the trailer is linked. Like I said in a previous post, our children and our grandchildren will pay a high price for our negligence. So as I go about my prepping, I also believe I am doing some legacy prepping for my unborn grandchildren. I may sound crazy for saying it, but just look around, its not getting better.

As for DPF, for me, I have always enjoyed you and Warriorhealer22's feedback in the medical forum. I love medicine, love both field and clinical aspects of medicine, but after doing two years of it in a high paced medical clinic where we did lots of ENT issues, I just got a bit burned out with all the insurance paper work and having to jump through hoops with other clinics, while trying to keep my doc (who tended to be a bit inpatient) happy. Not that I didn't enjoy the lighter moments, but it was way different than practicing medicine in the field and certainly wasn't as stressful as being in combat medicine/where every decision counted. I'd like to think that the moments that I've read a thread on DPF Medical Forum, I've came away with one more piece of info that may help if SHTF or hey, I didn't think about it that much, until now. Even working as a contracted laboratory research and response specialist has its ups and downs, but, I'd lie to think that I've contributed a few things for those that are less experienced in medicine a few moments to ponder or even take away lesson learned. In my present day job, I seem to see the erosion of America's values, it saddens me and then angers me that people believe the government will save them.

I've certainly learned things from the communications, sustainment food-farming-animal husbandry, and as I've always enjoyed the weapons threads, more to see how others approach it. As I threaded to Roninsensei the other day, I've always enjoyed his very well thought out and crafted videos...so for me, I've always kept an open mind about what everyone rights here.

Most of all, I enjoy the friendship. I've enjoyed my interactions with many of the regulars and believe that while other sites exist, DPF is a community of like-minded preppers who all fear the worst. I know while the miles separate us all, I know deep in my heart, if the internet goes down, we are all going to be worried about each others safety.

Not that I am a Communication guy, still trying to study up on my HAM radio stuff to get my license, but I hope as we move forward in the next few years, that we could all agree to work on a HAM radio communication net...where if the internet failed, maybe we could all could be a string of HAM operators...more or less to be a back fall to other of our DPF community. I know that many of the preppers that I've communicated, would be welcomed into our fold, just because they have shared so much with me and I know that I can trust them with my family and my groups family. I hope someone who has a better understanding of a net can help organize one. I'd certainly be a part of it and hope most of you would too.

Like I've read in other forum, after the SHTF, I believe the U.S. population will dwindle down to about 150 million (that is half our current population) due to starvation and other extremism. Good people will resort to unthinkable things...I'd rather not mention them, but its a reality and its been mentioned in other forums. As a part-time historian and full-time school teacher, do I need to point to the Donner party to give you a picture. Desperation will make people commit things that are certainly not acceptable in normal times. I doubt that the government will be able to control through martial law any event that is beyond their scope and resources, so I know that I will open myself up, but its not unrealistic.

In the mean time before the SHTF, I will continue to enjoy learning from everyone, pray that it never happens and continue to prep as we all do. Great thread, Doc Pops, always enjoy your thought provoking inputs, keeps me on my toes.
well,I'm thinking me as a good guy.
I prepp in silence,gather my supplies little by little,do the utmost to learn new things especially in the field of medicine,as it gives me the chance to help someone, as I'm ready to help I don't consider me as a wolf, rather a sheapdog keeping its flock healthy and safe.
despite this I'm ready to protect my flock whatever it takes.
I greatly enjoy this forum, and all of you here I think as friends,though there are some miles apart.
there are lots to learn for my part and one wish is that someday I will make contact to fellow preppers here in Fin,
in the meantime I keep on coming here,exchange ideas,thoughts and continue my silent prepping and pray thet I would be somewhat ready if something happens, if the www- goes down I will deffinately miss this forum and friends from here and will be worried that how everyone is doing
It is a shame we Don't live a little closer, we sound a lot alike. I love to learn, and teach. The young teaching the old, make me LOL, as some of my medic instructor's were my kids age, and now some work for me. I had one of my instructor's ask me if I had a problem with an instructor being my son's age, I promptly told him only if he had a problem having a student old enough to be his dad.
As far as the cancer I think you may be onto something. We started to plant heirloom seeds a couple of years age. I like them better! And I see first hand why there GMO seeds. We tend to have to plant more to get as much to put up for our food stores, and for our seed bank. We are also now starting to plant extra just for our children's seed banks.
We are never to old to learn, if we are why are we here, I look forward to learning something new each day.
Good luck, be safe, God bless!
doc pops,
you to,be safe,God bless and whatch your 6
p.s. we're old only when we don't wanna learn anything new
and who knows I might someday make tour in the US and come by for coffe :)
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I think I'm a good guy. Most of my prepping is really just trying to be a little self-sufficient in more areas. Initially, it's in case of the grid going down (for whatever reason). Just seems inevitable to me...if not in my lifetime, then maybe in my kids' lifetime. However, some of it is just the satisfaction of doing for myself, and some is just to save money and make my actual earned income go further. Granted, if strictly this reason, I'd lose the horses. Hell of an expense just to keep around for pleasure, but keeps the wife happy.
well,I'm thinking me as a good guy.
I prepp in silence,gather my supplies little by little,do the utmost to learn new things especially in the field of medicine,as it gives me the chance to help someone, as I'm ready to help I don't consider me as a wolf, rather a sheapdog keeping its flock healthy and safe.
despite this I'm ready to protect my flock whatever it takes.
I greatly enjoy this forum, and all of you here I think as friends,though there are some miles apart.
there are lots to learn for my part and one wish is that someday I will make contact to fellow preppers here in Fin,
in the meantime I keep on coming here,exchange ideas,thoughts and continue my silent prepping and pray thet I would be somewhat ready if something happens, if the www- goes down I will deffinately miss this forum and friends from here and will be worried that how everyone is doing

Nice! That
I think I'm a good guy. Most of my prepping is really just trying to be a little self-sufficient in more areas. Initially, it's in case of the grid going down (for whatever reason). Just seems inevitable to me...if not in my lifetime, then maybe in my kids' lifetime. However, some of it is just the satisfaction of doing for myself, and some is just to save money and make my actual earned income go further. Granted, if strictly this reason, I'd lose the horses. Hell of an expense just to keep around for pleasure, but keeps the wife happy.[/qu
I think I'm a good guy. Most of my prepping is really just trying to be a little self-sufficient in more areas. Initially, it's in case of the grid going down (for whatever reason). Just seems inevitable to me...if not in my lifetime, then maybe in my kids' lifetime. However, some of it is just the satisfaction of doing for myself, and some is just to save money and make my actual earned income go further. Granted, if strictly this reason, I'd lose the horses. Hell of an expense just to keep around for pleasure, but keeps the wife happy.

Now you are making me LOL my wife just got a Palomino for my birthday! I never wanted a horse!!! I got thenpleas
It is a shame we Don't live a little closer, we sound a lot alike.
As far as the cancer I think you may be onto something. We started to plant heirloom seeds a couple of years age. I like them better! And I see first hand why there GMO seeds. We tend to have to plant more to get as much to put up for our food stores, and for our seed bank. We are also now starting to plant extra just for our children's seed banks.
To your first sentence, I have often lamented that the United States is too big. So many people here that I would love the opportunity to meet.
To the cancer - GMO Corn has already been proven to cause huge tumors on rats and it is killing off the bee population. However, I have not had the same experience as you with heritage seeds, especially corn. GMO Corn only produces one ear per stalk, whereas my heritage produces 4 to 5 ears. Now, they aren't ready to harvest yet and I may find that they are smaller ears or less developed. But I plan to can it all as creamed corn anyway! I can purchase heritage seeds so cheap that I've already purchased enough to cover me for the next 5 years.
I want to throw out there 2 things that I have learned. Concord Grapes contain several nutrients that are known to kill cancer cells. And fully ripe Bananas with brown spots can combat abnormal cells and cancer. I consider these must haves for the prepper garden.
I'd love to meet fellow preppers, not likely that I'll meet any of you US guys but there was a get together in Oz recently. Unfortunately I couldn't get to it but there's talk of another in September.

I think I'm a good guy. Most of my prepping is really just trying to be a little self-sufficient in more areas. Initially, it's in case of the grid going down (for whatever reason). Just seems inevitable to me...if not in my lifetime, then maybe in my kids' lifetime. However, some of it is just the satisfaction of doing for myself, and some is just to save money and make my actual earned income go further.
Every time I read a Gazrok's posts I think "That's exactly what I would have said", I should probably save time and just quote him :)

Are preppers good or bad? I guess that depends on the prepper, certainly some are bad (if that whack job on Doomsday Preppers is anything to go by) and the media seems to portray us all as nutters that hope the sky is going to fall, and I'm sure the government hates the fact that people are trying to cut the apron strings. But many of us are simply aiming to be more independent of an increasingly fragile system. It's total BS that my neighbour might be growing turnips, shipping them a 1000 miles to a Woollies central warehouse, Woollies ship them back to my local shop, then I drive into town and buy one. That's probably 2c for the turnip and $2 for the overheads, not to mention that if one cog in that complex machine breaks you ain't got no turnips at all in the shop. Meanwhile my neighbour has to dump half the crop because they don't look good enough or are slightly the wrong size.

There are benefits so the current system of course and my immediate goal is to reach a compromise whereby I pick the eyes out of both the 1800s and the modern day, but always with a view to being able to survive in the 1800s should it become necessary. Even if we don't have a SHTF event (and who the heck would want that?) at the very least I will be stronger, healthier, and will be able to make my pension go further, if that's "all" I get out of prepping then job well done IMO.
It's is the public's increasing demand for sensationalism that makes preppers look bad. Media doesn't get much hurrah if they show the mundane. And that's what most of us are; just quiet people going about our lives in the smartest way we know how, saving money, living healthier and as Graynomad said, trying to cut the apron strings. But how much money would the cable channels make high-lighting one of us?
I could call myself many thing and prepper isn't even at the top of the list. I like "frugal" and "independent."
Being prepared for whatever situation happens is not a bad thing at all. I believe in being as self reliant as possible. I do not like or want to have to go to someone else for anything that I can do for myself, that is just not something that we do around here. I don't have a problem with food and can take care of most of my animal problems. . . there are some that I do need to call and ask for advise though. My downfall is medicine. I would love to learn more about our natural plants and there medicinal values for the area I live in.
I have been on TV many times, mostly as my "nature photographer lives on the road in huge 6x6 army truck" alter ego, before prepping as such although that lifestyle does demand a high level of independence.

It seems at least one of the shows ("World's Most Extreme Homes" for HGTV, is that cable?) is still running as I get emails every few weeks saying somebody just watched it.

In those days I was happy to show all about our lifestyle, not so much now and it looks like I'll be on another show soon so I will have to stipulate that they don't show any of my infrastructure in the background of the shots, just the motorhome and cameras.
Nice to see so many people who only want to be self sufficient, independent, prepare for the rainy day. My whole life I would be called a prepper by today's standards. Back in the 90s we were called survivalist, and classed as nut jobs then. My family would ask what is wrong with these news people? Do they think all fried chicken comes from Kentucky, taters from Idaho. This is how people lived for years in this country. Gardens, animal husbandry, hunting, firhing, trapping, and hard work. If they did not have it they made it or if it was broken they fixed it or bartered with someone who could.
It seams to me that there is always the one bad apple. I posed this question because I tend to see a trend on this forum. It seams to me that the people I have met here only want to be free, self sufficient, independent, save monies when ever possible, help others in times of need, and enjoy there GOD given rights.

Thanks for proving my point. You guys and gals are the salt of thee earth.

Keep your seed's, bandages and powder dry!
Good luck, be safe and for heavens sakes GOD bless!
[quote="jontte, post: 5134member: 2581. doc pops,
you to,be safe,God bless and whatch your 6
p.s. we're old only when we don't wanna learn anything new
and who knows I might someday make tour in the US and come by for coffe :)[/quote]
Always have coffee, if we can't get it, we can roast acorns and remember when we had coffee.
Good lord and the puppies have my 6, thank you!
God bless and keep your head on a swivel.
I could call myself many thing and prepper isn't even at the top of the list. I like "frugal" and "independent."

I'm leaning towards "homesteader/homesteading" these days, that's what I'm working on right now and to me that evokes the right image, but with a nod to "prepping" in the form of weapons and security and a further nod to "survivalist" in the form of having to bug out if things go really pair shaped at my homestead. In short I think this is very similar to (what I imagine) frontier living was like except there's the option to duck into town and buy a pizza :)

So I just decided, I'm a homesteader now, not a prepper.

I'm leaning towards "homesteader/homesteading" these days, that's what I'm working on right now and to me that evokes the right image, but with a nod to "prepping" in the form of weapons and security and a further nod to "survivalist" in the form of having to bug out if things go really pair shaped at my homestead. In short I think this is very similar to (what I imagine) frontier living was like except there's the option to duck into town and buy a pizza :)

So I just decided, I'm a homesteader now, not a prepper.
Homesteading used to mean taking land and making it yours by working it rather than paying for it. Note that I did not say "land that doesn't belong to someone else" because it was actually taken from the Indians. Wait... what? And we're still trusting a government that steals land from people? Wrong thread, sorry.

There are some excellent books on Amazon that are occasionally available for free. I got "Homesteading Handbook" by Michelle Grande. It covers so many facets of homesteading that I haven't even read all of it yet.

Frugal Living, Independence, Prepping, Survival - we're FLIPS
I have been on TV many times, mostly as my "nature photographer lives on the road in huge 6x6 army truck" alter ego, before prepping as such although that lifestyle does demand a high level of independence.

Nice. Some may still see me on TV, if they watch an old episode of TLC's "A Wedding Story"....as they covered our wedding on one episode. Episode 82 I believe, is the number. Pretty cool experience, and makes me a bona-fide reality TV star, lol....(though "star" is hardly appropriate).

And thanks for the complement! (on thinking alike)
Remember when you think what does the public think each of the general public has something going on that makes them look at the rest of us and say what do they think of us . I try to always do whats right and then it needs no justifacation . If you are white rural Southerner like me you get used to being stierotyped . Some of wich I don't mind .
We (AKA 'er indoors and myself) used to be YUPPIES (Young Upwardly mobile something-or-others), then we were DINKS (Dual Income No Kids), then we degenerated to ZITs (Zero Income Travelers), or NITs (No Income Travelers), or even UNITs (Unemployed No Income Travelers).

Now I'm a FLIP :)

I've been noticing an increase in acronyms lately, and it leads me to ask "What is becoming of the English language?"

In fact I believe it is such a problem that I've formed an action group to help stamp out acronyms.

I originally named the group the Society to Help Eradicate the Ridiculous Proliferation of Acronyms, but that was too much of a mouthful, so now I just refer to it as SHERPA.

we have celebs here
Yep, legends in our own (lunch) time.
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If you guys have problems with acronyms,well as finnish is spoken only by 5,5mil bi-peds on this planet,it's sometimes quite horrible to listen when you take the trainto work when people combine 2-4 diff languages when speaking with each other...or perhaps I'm just oldfashioned and follow the rule keep it simple ( one language at a time)
Too many modern day preppers of the internet age tends to make a game of it as mentioned above 'show-boating' and to be honest about it, 'doomsday prepper' show and 'youtube' does not put us in a very good light amongst public opinion! using the word 'Doomsday' does put a stigma on all preppers 'crazies, paranoid that own firearms'

I would like to believe the majority of preppers are doing it for the right reasons and that is being self sufficient in times of a crises and/or being less dependent on government resources such as living off the grid in normal times. After timothy mcveigh us survivalist become targets not just from the feds but also public opinion, we was much under the radar for years except from time to time the posse comitatus movement would rear it's head further exposing us as radicals but mcveigh pretty much single handedly destroyed the movement when he targeted children. Today we have many so-called preppers wanting a confrontation, wanting society to fail.

I am a prepper not an anarchist!
there's a huge difference between prepper and anarchist and I can bet a million that if you put this wanna-be anarchist to real anarchy situation he/she will cry for momma and his/hers pant are soild and law and order is so good to have
so mcveigh was a "survivalist"? didn't know that,they only told here that he was some weaponloving right-wing crazy terrorist and 'cause that happend there we have to have more strict weaponslaws here also, so "logical"
there's a huge difference between prepper and anarchist and I can bet a million that if you put this wanna-be anarchist to real anarchy situation he/she will cry for momma and his/hers pant are soild and law and order is so good to have

Yes, a big difference! though I don't see much difference between preppers wanting a confrontation, wanting society to fail and that of a anarchist!
let's hope that if SHTF happens it wont be 'cause of us ordinary good preppers,I can only call us good so if you have a better word for us,tell me, we're only prepping and I think the gov.s of the world will be the badguys if something is to happen

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