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It was only 41 yesterday but the sun did occasionally appear lol Rain line last night moved through and is now on the east coast.
Its 35 right now and its supposed to be getting up to 65 today with sunshine. We'll see.
56 for monday. oh and "breezy" which means the wind will be blowing at a good clip here. We have a "breeze" when other people don't
55°F and foggy at 6:30am

We are 60s and 70s daytime and 40-50s night time. Just about 30 minutes to our west, they got 5 inches of hail and rain while we got nothing. Absolutely gorgeous outside today.
This morning I watched it snow big fat fluffy snow.
Last night we had thunderstorms rolling think they are staying awhile.
Yesterday was 55* today it's 36*. Brrr!
Levees are crumbling all over the place around me.
Got kids in every little town around me filling sand bags, while the adults work on shoring up levees.
Got church groups feeds just about everybody on sand bagging crews.
Trees were trying to bud out, don't know what this cold spell will do to them.
So far we only had 11 levees break so far.
Every little town is effected though.
Have no clue when or if everything will dry out to plant crops.
Flood Warnings for the following counties in Missouri and Kansas
Chariton River near Prairie Hill effecting Chariton and Mason Counties
Grand River near Pattonsburg affecting Davies and Gentry Counties
Grand River near Gallatin affecting Daviess and Livingston counties
Grand River near Sumner affecting Carroll, Chariton,Linn and Livingston counties
Grand River near Brunswick affecting Carroll and Chariton counties
Missouri River at Leavenworth affecting Leavenworth and Platte Counties
Missouri River at Parkville affecting Leavenworth, Wyandotte, and Platte counties
Missouri River at Sibley affecting Clay, Jackson, Ray counties
Platte River near Agency affecting Buchanan County
Petite Saline Creek near Boonville affecting Cooper Counties
Stranger Creek at Easton affecting Atchison and Leavenworth counties
Wakenda Creek @ Carrollton affecting Carroll County
Chariton River @ Novinger affecting Adair, Macon, Putman, and Schuyler counties
Grand River near Chillicothe affecting Linn and Livingston counties
Missouri River at St. Joseph Mo. affecting Doniphan, Andrew, Buchanan counties
Missouri River@ Napoleon affecting Jackson, Lafayette, Ray counties
Missouri River @ Waverly affecting Carroll, Lafayette, Saline counties
Missouri River@ Glasgow affecting Chariton, Howard, Saline counties
Moniteau creek near Fayette affecting Howard county
Platte River near Sharps station affecting Platte county
Crooked River and Fishing River in Ray county flooded
And they're not giving guess when the rivers will start till fall.
Yellowstone water is suppose to hit Missouri Sunday @ 0600.
:( That's a lot of flooding. I am not tuned in to weather in other areas for the most part. I used to "enjoy" watching the weather channel. I don't have cable or satellite stuff like that now, but sometimes tune in to "local" tv stations nationwide to catch it online.
Stay safe, @MoBookworm1957
Don't have cable or satellite either.
That information came NWS- Pleasant Hill Missouri off my phone.
I'm good.
Bad news with all the flooding. Snowpack out west, yellowstone area and such is just starting to melt and probly still getting snow at times. This is gonna take a while to drain the whole system. Hopefully it stays cold out west long enough to hold the snowpack back until the lower rivers can drain some.

It was mid 70's here today, really windy. We had gust over 50mph. Suppose to be 53 tomorrow.
@jimLE Looks like I got the same storm as you. The hail didn't last but about 10 minutes. Over an inch of rain since about 7pm and a light rain is still falling, looks to continue for another hour or so.

Lots of lighting though! Most impressive I've seen in a couple of years.

Funny about some of the hail... some of it wasn't round. It was like rectangular shards of glass, never saw that before. Some pieces were about the thickness of a window pane and roughly rectangular in shape. It was melting as soon as it hit the ground or shattering. I didn't even get a pic...
Still having storms... there was a 2 small tornadoes somewhere in the state at daylight this morning. I didn't catch exactly where.

The big storms were all west of me tonight, 5 or 6 of them all following the same track. Lots of wind and hail damage.

Another line of storms to the southwest of me, still in Mississippi, will get here between 3 and 5 am. Hopefully the cooler temps will take the punch out of them.
Almost 80 yesterday, and currently 22 degrees. Snowing and this storm is being called another bomb cyclone. In South Dakota, they are getting lightening AND snow at the same time. Repeated warnings here in Colorado, for people to stay off the road. Because of the storm a month ago when 1000's of people were stranded on the interstates, they decided to close the gates on them this time. Yet, the news had people who were stranded today, because of closed roads, trying to figure out alternative roads so they can get where they want to go. Some people just do not get to stay home when the news has been telling people over and over to stay off the roads. I think some people need the drama to feel that they are alive. Some people just seek it out.

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