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I got 3.5 inches of rain between 8pm and 1am... flooding started, not serious, just very annoying... Time to call a basement/foundation company. Around the back of the house beside the foundation we put a gravel bed, perforated pipe, then covered it with gravel. That was 47 years ago. I think over the years this drain has filled with sand. There is nothing piping water off the back wall which is why it floods when I get over 3 inches of rain. We only need to redo the corner of the house where my bedroom is located... about $6/7 grand is my best guess. Gravel, pipe, a trackhoe and 1 day of labor should do it.
Too warm to snow, 37 at the moment, but too cold to to feel like doing much outside. Really not much to be done out there right now anyway. Overcast and dreary.

I really do not enjoy the TN Cumberland Plateau winters. In years past, we would take off about now and go spend a couple of months with our son n DIL in the Phoenix area. But with all of this covid crap, we're figuring that travel this year ain't gonna happen. :(
I got 3.5 inches of rain between 8pm and 1am... flooding started, not serious, just very annoying... Time to call a basement/foundation company. Around the back of the house beside the foundation we put a gravel bed, perforated pipe, then covered it with gravel. That was 47 years ago. I think over the years this drain has filled with sand. There is nothing piping water off the back wall which is why it floods when I get over 3 inches of rain. We only need to redo the corner of the house where my bedroom is located... about $6/7 grand is my best guess. Gravel, pipe, a trackhoe and 1 day of labor should do it.
Might think about using infiltrators instead of pipe this time. They use this on drainfields now. Much more room.
Its a nice cozy 27 degrees outside this morning at 3am.
NWS says we'll be getting up to 18 inches of snow starting this morning sometime(7-10) and lasting almost 24 hours.
We're ready. Hubby has 4 hours to get in for a 40 hr week this morning so he should be home before any significant snow is on the ground.

Saw online where the stores in the area were swamped yesterday. I don't get people. They knew this was coming for days and they wait until the last minute.
We're good until next week for my usual store run on tuesdays. Even then we're good but I'd like some fresh produce
It has dropped 20 degrees in 2 hours, was 67, is now 47, but it feels like 39 because of wind gusts 22 mph. Sounds like old man winter blowing in fiercely. Wind advisory. But it isn't wintery here, it is blizzarding across the midwest and into the east.

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