I'm looking for the low 80's out west of you here today!! Upper 80's tomorrow!60* and sunny now, high of 73*.
It's February for crying out loud!!!!!
I wish we only had 6 weeks of winter left."CNN :
Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog weather watcher, was pulled from his warm burrow this morning and saw his shadow, predicting six more weeks of winter.
Each February 2, on Groundhog Day, the members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club make the pilgrimage to Gobbler’s Knob — Phil’s official home. Legend has it, if he sees his shadow, six more weeks of winter are on the way. If he doesn’t, an early spring arrives.
In reality, winter will end on the spring equinox, known also as the vernal equinox, on March 20 at 5:01 a.m. ET, regardless of Sunday’s prediction. But weather conditions don’t always follow the timetable — and neither does Phil."
It's about time you got your cold weather back.
I had several windows open all night! We only went down to 55°, but the house is chilly this morning!! I'm looking for upper 80's today! We'll be back to February soon. It will be interesting to see how the month plays out!!Had windows open today, just remembered the kitchen window is still open, about 59 and clear at midnight. Monday will be even warmer, 82 for a high. Oh actually supposed to be really warm all week until next Sunday temps drop lower.
Looks like summer there. I love four unique seasons. From what I see, Texas has only two seasons: hot summer and cool summer.
85° out west of you right now!! I'll be heading for the pool float, did that yesterday too for a bit! Only my rear end and back of my legs are in the cold water on the float chair! No swimming yet! Water was 60° yesterday, is 63° right now!! Swimsuit and a couple of tank tops over it!78* sunny and windy. High of 80* today.
Back to more normal temps as of Sunday, but until then it's freakin beach weather here.
Maybe Pearl will slip into her bathing suit and go swimming??![]()
This reminds me of a phone call from our Belton, TX daughter from few years ago. It was springtime. We were enjoying lunch at a restaurant that overlooked a nearby lake. My wife asked her daughter if the kids were having fun in the pool. Our Texas daughter said it was way too cold to get into the pool. Just as she said that, a speedboat went by our lakeside window. The boat was towing an inflatable water toy with two kids riding on it.85° out west of you right now!! I'll be heading for the pool float, did that yesterday too for a bit! Only my rear end and back of my legs are in the cold water on the float chair! No swimming yet! Water was 60° yesterday, is 63° right now!! Swimsuit and a couple of tank tops over it!![]()