I made my coop so I could move it and everything inside it. Mostly for ease of cleaning and for changing needs. A friend has a coop i dislike going in. Its wood and built to last. Even supporting a ton of chicken poop with an inch of dust on top, a bacteria cesspool... Can't breath in the coop. Reminds me of my uncle's big chicken houses... but his are cleaner.
My hens seem to do better with fresh air. It doesn't get that cold here. I buy the tarp big enough to cover the north and west side of the coop. Blocks the cold winter winds, chickens do fine, never lost one in winter.
This is my coop layout now... and the roost by the door. Everything is moveable except i have to figure a way to feed, water both groups along with nest boxes for each (I use soda flats).
I have other feeders, not sure about water...
One of my uncle's egg production house below. Eggs to hatch chicks are picked up nightly then and hatched else where... Next the chicks go to broiler houses. Then they become the chicken we buy at the store.
The smell is nasty to me, the air is filled with dust you can taste, not pleasant... and the flies. Flies are a big problem. This one chicken house holds 30K chickens. Ever hear 30K noisy chickens?