West coast Democrat Havens start to implode.

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I note that these Democrats in the US sanctuary cities are welcoming illegal immigrants with open arms to places like Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles but are now apparent deciding to round up and drive out impoverished homeless American citizens. It appears as though the US is as nearly ( not quite) as F**ked up as the UK is.
31% increase in homelessness? That is insane! When I went to visit there I remember seeing a lot of homeless people it was kind of shocking..I can't imagine 31% more. Seems like drugs have a lot to do with it. I wonder if they will crack down harder on drugs in those states?
That is a GREAT find, you did well! The news report really shows the whole problem. They have no idea how to deal with it, but they really define it well. There are a bunch of excellent one-liners throughout the whole segment.

Businesses say the city cares more about the homeless than keeping businesses. The city says they need to spend more (and more, and more and more), taxing the businesses even worse.

Baloney. I've got their solution. The majority of these homeless are druggies who refuse to work because simply they do not have to: the city & others give them all their essentials so they are free to stay smashed/high all day. The solution is to drop all 'freebie' programs to nothing. Replace them with work programs. If a homeless guy whats a meal, give him a trash bad & tell him to clean up a city block. Give him cleaning supplies & tell him to clean up some graffiti. Let them clean out some buildings that are abandoned & trashed out. You will give him dignity, value, purpose, and personal pride. He will earn his meals and they will taste all the better. And with purpose, he has a change to cut back on the drugs.

If he doesn't want to work? No problem, no meals. No worries, when he's hungry he will reconsider a little work. Or he'll leave town. And the more work he does over time, the city works him into a housing option & training toward a job (that is funded by the work he keeps doing).

It can be a self-resolving situation, but the city needs to take steps like this. I know, it'll never happen. Sad.
I visited slums in Nairobi once, These west coast sanctuary cities are going the same way. I can tell you in advance that in the near future we WILL be discussing TB, Cholera, Typhus, E Coli, C Diff, viral Meningitis etc outbreaks on the US west coast. With that percentage of increased addiction / poverty/ poor hygiene/ homelessness its almost unavoidable. May I suggest the forums Americans who have to travel to those cities ensure their inoculations are up to date.
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Why not work camps instead of homeless camps? Not that I condone forced labor but if a person wants stuff it should not just be handed to them. I have to work for the things I need and they should too. I just can't stand the entitled attitude in this country, there is no gratitude anymore. I think they should put the stigma back on welfare and call it what it is and stop trying to be so PC.
There are a reason why one doesn't feed the animals in State parks, perhaps the Cities council ought to study nature, Portland and San Fransisco should hire park rangers from Yellowstone to police the streets, they have a better idea how animals react when feed in an unnatural way and issues with being tolerant of encroachment!
I note that these Democrats in the US sanctuary cities are welcoming illegal immigrants with open arms to places like Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles but are now apparent deciding to round up and drive out impoverished homeless American citizens. It appears as though the US is as nearly ( not quite) as F**ked up as the UK is.

When they started fencing the homeless out from the bridges underpasses, that was beyond despicable. Bring in the illegals, but let our vets (much of the homeless population) and legal citizens, that should be the line in the sand for Americans.

I've read where they are getting much more backlash in Cali than they expected
Agree with no subsistence programs without work. On the homeless Vet thing... I'm never sure those guys holding signs are actually vets. It's a pride thing. I would be way too proud to advertise my Vet status as a way to get some change, come on. I get that maybe they have problems, PTSD, alcoholism, drugs, whatever, but I still find it hard to fathom using your military background to beg. Seems like a step too far to me. But, what do I know?

And I am NOT defending any of the Liberal/Socialist cities, but If I was homeless and had no choice left, seems like San Fran or LA would be a nice place to be. Just a train ride away.... could be a lot of those folks have gravitated there because of the weather, and wealth. Not necessarily created there, by liberal social programs or policy.

Oh, and edited to add... If you are the Mayor of a sanctuary city, and are refusing to cooperate with ICE and DHS, and are fencing off your underpasses to deny homeless US citizens shelter, then you should be stripped of your citizenship, have all your assets seized, and be deported. I get so pissed about the hypocrisy of progressivism. I hope it dies as a belief system in my lifetime. I want to see that day.
31% increase in homelessness? That is insane! When I went to visit there I remember seeing a lot of homeless people it was kind of shocking..I can't imagine 31% more. Seems like drugs have a lot to do with it. I wonder if they will crack down harder on drugs in those states?
A crack down on gangs leads to a crackdown on drugs. Off drugs and they have a chance at getting their life together. Some of this in my opinion is related to the closure of state mental hospitals. They don't keep them in and when they start acting better, send them out on their own where they go off their meds and back to their prior state. I wonder how many homeless people there are that are to blame for their own circumstances, like they lived without any safety net, spent all their money and didn't save for a rainy day, used drugs, etc. etc. Not that I am saying that is the only reason and that they are to blame, just wondering what the percentages are. I think there is some sort of Homeless Coalition out there. I will try to find more information. Trying to not be judgemental. When Target has to lock up the tents so homeless people don't steal them then that's crazy!
I thought that the homeless coalition was to help prevent homelessness, WRONG, it is to push for money to give free homes to those who are already homeless. They stop police from clearing streets, writing tickets and in other words enforcing laws. Apparently the idea in SF is to tax working Americans to provide free housing and medical care for homeless people. SF can't give enough to keep the streets clear, the idea providing more and more to address the problem has failed. I heard someone say that you can't fix money problems with money. No one seems to be attacking the causes of homelessness. Just trying to treat the symptoms. Why don't they teach people to fish instead of just giving them fish? There I go again being judgemental, but geez!
From what I've read, some of these sign holders pull in some big bucks.

A local guy has been arrested close to 100 time for panhandling at off ramps.

He drives a SUV nicer than mine too.
Many beggers treat it as their job. I don't know why anyone would give money to these bums. I've seen beggers before with a sign saying they were hungry and needed money to eat. And they had a dog sitting next to them. I have to wonder, if they are really so hungry that they need to stoop to begging, why don't the eat the damn dog first?
Many beggers treat it as their job. I don't know why anyone would give money to these bums. I've seen beggers before with a sign saying they were hungry and needed money to eat. And they had a dog sitting next to them. I have to wonder, if they are really so hungry that they need to stoop to begging, why don't the eat the damn dog first?

How do they feed the dog?
Buy a man a fish, he will eat for a day.
Teach a man to fish, he will never work again.
I thought that the homeless coalition was to help prevent homelessness, WRONG, it is to push for money to give free homes to those who are already homeless. They stop police from clearing streets, writing tickets and in other words enforcing laws. Apparently the idea in SF is to tax working Americans to provide free housing and medical care for homeless people. SF can't give enough to keep the streets clear, the idea providing more and more to address the problem has failed. I heard someone say that you can't fix money problems with money. No one seems to be attacking the causes of homelessness. Just trying to treat the symptoms. Why don't they teach people to fish instead of just giving them fish? There I go again being judgemental, but geez!
San Francisco BART station full of drug users and homeless.


Top BART cop says they are just too understaffed and too busy to deal with the problem.

Yeah, those two fat BART cops in the video look really overworked, sauntering around the station gazing fondly into one another's eyes. Managed to hustle off the buck-o-five black bag lady, at least. All the homeless, drug using males, though... Way too busy to take care of that.

So all the folks who PAY for all this, the taxpayers, can just stumble through vomit and crack pipes and hope they don't get mugged or raped while the BART cops are off taking their third dump of the day, while their partner keeps an eye out for the shift supervisor.

Why, WHY do we not seem to be capable of FIRING these cretins and inserting an actual, walking and talking human with a work ethic that will take care of this ****???

I feel for the homeless, I really do, been there myself when I was a kid. But hey, you know what worked for me? Stop doing drugs, sleep in your car for a while, save up enough for a crappy boardinghouse room, then build up from there. It's not that mysterious, it's not magic.

Most of those guys in the video are working age, and if they can get drugs they can work. Get a job, you friggin bums.

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