What are you going to do with your tax return?

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Brent S

Awesome Friend
Oct 10, 2013
South East US
I just got the federal back! State usually takes a while though. I have a whole list of prep wants, from a start on solar to an underground cellar. I'll set aside about a third for emergencys and such, but now need to seriously decide what to work on next.
a cabinet for canned foods.and a electric fan/motor for for propane heater.a canning pressure canner for canning.are my primary concerns for now..a person can do only so much with $400
a cabinet for canned foods.and a electric fan/motor for for propane heater.a canning pressure canner for canning.are my primary concerns for now..a person can do only so much with $400
Hey, I can stretch 400 to do a whole lot! It's rare that I have that much to just spend on a want, vs needs. Have you done any water bath canning yet? It's really cheap and works for most veggies just fine. I think my kit was about 40.00. Sorry I live so far away, I'd help make you a cabinet if you weren't three time zones away!
I'm gonna buy my first gun with mine!
What are you looking for? My favorite pistol is a 9mm, and a 12 ga. Is a really good all purpose for protection, hunting etc. they are both easy to find ammo for also. I can't believe you still can't get 22's! Good luck, oh and be careful with whatever you buy. 60 minutes just did a special on kids and guns. Most of the kids looked down the barrel when their parents weren't around, pretty scary stuff.
thats some thing that slipped my mind..22 ammo...:p aint done any kind of canning yet.
oh i saw that about the kids and guns.2 boys looked one gun over and looked down the barrel..then started calling out gun or what ever..all this after taught about dangers of guns to..
My dad and my stepdad are felons so I can't have a gun in the house, but it's going to be a 22 when I get my first one. The Henry survival rifle and a small scope for it, it's small enough for my pack and it allows a lot of ammo carry
My dad and my stepdad are felons so I can't have a gun in the house, but it's going to be a 22 when I get my first one. The Henry survival rifle and a small scope for it, it's small enough for my pack and it allows a lot of ammo carry
Good luck finding ammo for it! It is out there, just not easy to find. My local walmart gets it about once a week, but sells out in twenty minutes. You can still get a 22 rifle for less than 150. I bought two at Walmart for 98.00 ea., but that was about 4yrs ago.
I can usually find just about most ammo, except 22 and 30/30. They also have a strict limit of 1 box per customer per day. I actually got busted there one day. I went during lunch and got a box, after work I went back and saw a different person working the counter, and they still had ammo, so I bought it. When I turned around, the dept manager was giving me the evil eye and shaking his head. Oops! (At least I got my ammo!).
Lol I think ours is the same, but my best friend and his dad have tons of ammo for 22 that they're gonna give me when I get my rifle so I can deal with the one box limit hahaha
Jake the Henry will be a good start. I have one I inhereted from my dad after he passed. As far as ammo, I have been able to buy ammo here from the local hardware store of all places! My go to for bulk ammo is still CHEAPERTHANDIRT.COM
I have no plan for it really, normally it goes for 'hard times' or a 'needed item'. We tend to save
I have no plan for it really, normally it goes for 'hard times' or a 'needed item'. We tend to save
I usually keep at least a third put away as life always has unexpected surprises. It amazes me how many people dont save anything! Isn't that part of prepping? On the other hand, i do remember times in my life where just eating took everything i had. At least i can say that at 50 i have it a little easier now. I worked like a dog most of my life to get to the point where i can relax a little now, what worries me are the 20yr olds i see that do the bare minimum every day.
In THIS economy? Not really. I wouldn't have gotten my job without a Bachelor's, but current position doesn't require the MBA I have. In fact, I pretty much had to be a bit mum about the MBA to not be "overqualified" for most available positions.

The good news is, I like the company, and the job is pretty commensurate with my experience, and there is a lot of opportunity for growth and mobility within the company. Downside is that it is an hour commute each way, but one of the pitfalls of living in a rural area.

It's a pretty cool working environment, like a mini-Google type place.
In THIS economy? Not really. I wouldn't have gotten my job without a Bachelor's, but current position doesn't require the MBA I have. In fact, I pretty much had to be a bit mum about the MBA to not be "overqualified" for most available positions.

The good news is, I like the company, and the job is pretty commensurate with my experience, and there is a lot of opportunity for growth and mobility within the company. Downside is that it is an hour commute each way, but one of the pitfalls of living in a rural area.

It's a pretty cool working environment, like a mini-Google type place.
Well, I'm glad you found something you like, and I did an hour each way for almost twenty yrs. too. I also drove I-4 into Orlando, which becomes a parking lot with each fender bender. It's amazing what we do to feed our families! My only benefit was gas was only a dollar a gallon then. Even though the news keeps saying the economy is doing great, I know a lot of people that aren't finding jobs still, just greatfull you did.
I usually keep at least a third put away as life always has unexpected surprises. It amazes me how many people dont save anything! Isn't that part of prepping? On the other hand, i do remember times in my life where just eating took everything i had. At least i can say that at 50 i have it a little easier now. I worked like a dog most of my life to get to the point where i can relax a little now, what worries me are the 20yr olds i see that do the bare minimum every day.
Hey, I remember the Raman noodle days! But I am thankful that I am in my later mid-life (we are not talking age here buddy. . .lol) and have most everything I need already. I am not saying there are not items that I could get to make life a little easier for us, but it can wait for awhile longer since we are still able and maybe it keeps us in better shape since we have to work a little harder. We actually enjoy making/raising the "things" we need and a heck of a lot cheaper (maybe not the raising part, but it sure taste better)! Most of the younger generation today just don't seem to understand our government/economy anymore because they are more interested in their video games and hanging out with friends
Hey, I remember the Raman noodle days! But I am thankful that I am in my later mid-life (we are not talking age here buddy. . .lol) and have most everything I need already. I am not saying there are not items that I could get to make life a little easier for us, but it can wait for awhile longer since we are still able and maybe it keeps us in better shape since we have to work a little harder. We actually enjoy making/raising the "things" we need and a heck of a lot cheaper (maybe not the raising part, but it sure taste better)! Most of the younger generation today just don't seem to understand our government/economy anymore because they are more interested in their video games and hanging out with friends
I think working hard for things makes you realize value and gives satisfaction. So many people want instant gratification, not realizing it leaves you empty, just wanting more. I am convinced that the journey towards a goal is more rewarding than reaching it sometimes. I think I'm getting a little philosophical here, maybey I've had enough wine for the night! Wish you and yours well. Hope to post back over the next couple of days but will see how the ice storm affects power. I'm more prepared than most so will be fine with just riding it out.
You and yours just stay warm and safe! I know you are prepped for this without any probs, except maybe the electricity going out, but you cant help that one.
You and yours just stay warm and safe! I know you are prepped for this without any probs, except maybe the electricity going out, but you cant help that one.
Thanks, it's early weds morning and so far the lights are just fine! Looks like there's 6 inches of snow allready and more to come all day. It's beautiful! Pretty rare for us to have anything like this. I may get lucky here as most of the ice looks like it may be below us this time, just blanketing us with snow. Guess I need to rig up a sled for the hills! Hope you have a good day.
We're bugging out! Really. The only problem is where to bug out to? hmmmm A few places in mind and at the same time trying to figure in the what if's of the future. Sure could use that crystal ball right about now. So, if anyone has any suggestions we are open to hear them, and that is the truth.
Yes, the job position has some to do with where we end up but at this time that is open also. Thought of picking what would possibly be three good places and go from there as to eliminating it to one. Wish us luck..lol
well.i just got my return...plus i got my pay check as well..so i be out of here for now..all yall have fun..i know i will today..:p:D:rolleyes:
Just remember to try and save a little of it for the unexpected, but have fun!
i had fun alright.and no i didn't spend it all..at least not yet..lol..got me a pressure canner/cooker.which i'll take a pic of later.gonna wait till monday to go into tyler tx.. which is a hour drive from here.then i 'll get a cabinet for foods..
i had fun alright.and no i didn't spend it all..at least not yet..lol..got me a pressure canner/cooker.which i'll take a pic of later.gonna wait till monday to go into tyler tx.. which is a hour drive from here.then i 'll get a cabinet for foods..
Hey buddy, yeah it's good to splurge on yourself occasionally!
[quote="Danil54grl, post: 43750, memberMonday night football]Hey, I remember the Raman noodle days! But I am thankful that I am in my later mid-life (we are not talking age here buddy. . .lol) and have most everything I need already. I am not saying there are not items that I could get to make life a little easier for us, but it can wait for awhile longer since we are still able and maybe it keeps us in better shape since we have to work a little harder. We actually enjoy making/raising the "things" we need and a heck of a lot cheaper (maybe not the raising part, but it sure taste better)! Most of the younger generation today just don't seem to understand our government/economy anymore because they are more interested in their video games and hanging out with friends[/quote]
As long as there is domino s pizza and monday night football you could amputate our society's legs and they wouldn't notice or care. Just keep their heads buried in the sand and saying tomorrow will be just like today...Mt. 24

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