What are you paying for gas?

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2022-04-23..... NW BC CA....
E 10 = $1.79-9 CDN..... Liter....
Winter blend road diesel = $1.83-9 CDN.... Liter...
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3.78 liter = 1 US gallon... I have to explain that occasionally....
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I was hoping there was a thread like this here... I like to keep track of prices here and other places..
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Small SHTF incident here... Earlier this week a number of small stations in town were delivered contaminated diesel fuel from the local refinery.... No idea what it was contaminated with.. So that put a lot more pressure on other stations.. Most with good fuel running out quickly.. Also, Costco ran out of diesel but could handle a full tanker size shipment from Alberta to cover there needs..

Young guy here in the house drives a diesel Smart Car.. It doesn't use much fuel, but it also doesn't hold much fuel... So he was using out of my tractor stash.. All seems OK now, but I feel a valuable lesson to keep products on hand to CYA....
2022-04-23..... NW BC CA....
E 10 = $1.79-9 CDN..... Liter....
Winter blend road diesel = $1.83-9 CDN.... Liter...
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3.78 liter = 1 US gallon... I have to explain that occasionally....
And then there is the US$ to CDN ratio to further complicate comparison so you have to do 2 calculations. Currently 1 USD = 1.2722 CDN.
Maybe @Neb or @Peanut can cipher it out better. :(
Best I can do is: 1 US gallon of E10 there = $6.80 CDN divided by 1.2722 = $5.345 US per gallon.
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@Supervisor42 Exchange rates give me a headache. I can figure it out, had to do it for my expense report each week when working in the US and Europe, just hate doing it.

The military does it in a dumb way to handle money and exchanges. In any country were there might be soldiers or sailors... The official exchange rates are established once a year. But world money values change by the minute.

We stopped in St. Johns New Brunswick once (navy). I exchanged US dollars for Canadian on the ship. A buddy was running late, we stopped at a bank on shore so he could get canadian dollars. I noticed there was a 12% difference in the rate on our ship and the bank. So we went back to the ship and gathered all our cash (several thousand). We’d get Canadian dollars at the bank then return to the ship and exchange it to US dollars, then repeat, over and over…

We were making 12% every trip. Our ship's Disbursing Officer finally got wise to us and stopped it… after a couple hours. We made out like bandits!!! 🤣 couple thousand in profit for each of us.
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