What are you preppeing for ?

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New Friend
Mar 30, 2014
I get asked a lot " What are you prepping for ? ".
I tell them, I'm prepping for the " Zombie Apocalypse ". Does this mean that I believe that zombies are going to arise and take over the world ? No, I believe that about as much as I believe I can nail Jell-O to a tree ! What that does mean, is that if I'm prepared for the " Zombie Apocalypse ", I'm prepared for just about anything !
I get asked a lot " What are you prepping for ? ".
I tell them, I'm prepping for the " Zombie Apocalypse ". Does this mean that I believe that zombies are going to arise and take over the world ? No, I believe that about as much as I believe I can nail Jell-O to a tree ! What that does mean, is that if I'm prepared for the " Zombie Apocalypse ", I'm prepared for just about anything !
I'm just prepping because something in side me say's I should, My mum & Dad were preppers and my mum's father was but they didn't call it prepping, They just thought it important to keep old skill's alive just incase.
I get asked a lot " What are you prepping for ? ".
I tell them, I'm prepping for the " Zombie Apocalypse ". Does this mean that I believe that zombies are going to arise and take over the world ? No, I believe that about as much as I believe I can nail Jell-O to a tree ! What that does mean, is that if I'm prepared for the " Zombie Apocalypse ", I'm prepared for just about anything !

Pretty much my attitude as well. Honestly, I think the most likely scenario is martial law and rations, etc. at some point. But, we're also in FL, so hurricanes are another good bet. Also, we live out in the country (somewhat), so we need to be somewhat self-sufficient.
Im 47 years old and my moma use to tell me stories of the depression when she was young. They had ration stamps and had to make clothing from old flour sacks. ect. The stories were fun to listen too and I was the only kid in the family to really tune in. I learned a lot from her old stories. They weren't prepared but they didn't have what we have today with all the technology so losing technology was no miss for them since they didn't have it. That would be tough for us today. I started prepping because when Bush was in office and Hurricane Katrina hit. I watched it on tv and thought how terrible for all those people. Some stuck in an auditorium, some in attics and rooftops. The old people just left. People being hurded on busses like cattle and taken to unknown destinations to either depend on the gov or start out on their own in a place where they knew no one and didn't know what would happen next. Then Obama came into office and started spending money out the rear and our debt clock just kept rising and rising with no hope of ever going down. It was at those points I knew we had to become self sufficient. Problem is, my family is not on board. Im prepping alone and learning as much as I can. My guys are hunters and fishers but as for storing gas and tools ect. They are out of there. Not a day goes by I don't walk outside and find some tool we will need again laying on the ground. But anyway, I do my best to put back food and buy extra every month. I can and dehydrate and try to learn as much as I can. I know if something happened the only problem I would have is surviving the summer heat here but I am working on that too. spending more time outside and using the air conditioning less. But anyway that is why I started prepping. Thanks for your story. Its good to know I am not alone.
howdy cyndi.and welcome aboard.

i started because of a worry about a possible emp,and talk about it on the news.then a total economic collapse joined in on my worries..now the so called president we have now when it comes to the so called laws that's being passed.and of course the price of things going up...
howdy cyndi.and welcome aboard.

i started because of a worry about a possible emp,and talk about it on the news.then a total economic collapse joined in on my worries..now the so called president we have now when it comes to the so called laws that's being passed.and of course the price of things going up...

I agree completely, but what laws are you talking about? They change daily if not hourly. How do you keep up. lol. I absolutely love how the media tells the world how the grid is so vulnerable. We don't have a president. We have someone playing politics like little kids play make believe games. We have no people in Washington with common sense. We are in trouble. Leave a 5 year old to make a household budget and the same result happens as what has happened in Washington. Total irresponcibility. Thank you for welcoming me, love to read all the post. They are very helpful!!!
the health care act and the gun laws thier trying to pass are 2 laws im referring to..and yeah power grid is vulnerable..not only to a emp.but in other ways as well..
It's actually pretty scary just how vulnerable the grid is, to all kinds of threats. And, most don't realize just how important it is for maintaining our society. Without it, all hell would break loose within a matter of days, if it was known for sure that it wasn't coming back up anytime soon.
yeah exactly..if just one person did their studying on the power grid.then they'll know where to go to,and do the most damage.and then they can go out and take out different areas.if half of texas people went without electric for 1 or 2 weeks..they'd probably be in panic mode.
It's actually pretty scary just how vulnerable the grid is, to all kinds of threats. And, most don't realize just how important it is for maintaining our society. Without it, all hell would break loose within a matter of days, if it was known for sure that it wasn't coming back up anytime soon.
Yip, We've been told that the U.K WILL face power shortages in the near future.
I prep for power outages and storms by having back up food and batteries , suvival gear .
But my real reason for preppeing is civil unrest as at least half our Country seems to imbrace socialist ideas thinking someone is going to give them something for free and take care of them . They inturn blame thoes of us that know better for messing up their Commie bliss . Then our increasing leftist Government not wanting to mis the chance may well step in to "restore order " . We could very well be heading to a Civil War and you know other leftist Nations will want to "help" . But as I've said before . After the cold dark of then comes the warm light of the morning sun .
I like everyone's reason for prepping. No matter what motivates you, it's a good thing. I just know in my gut that things are going to change in the near future. Even if it's not catastrophic change, I can see prices starting to increase, supplies limited, and I darn sure haven't seen my salary even come close to keeping up with inflation. I am afraid that it will be a major change though. I see a future that has power outages often if not daily, store shelves bare, and cleared out as soon as something comes in. (Kind of like 22 ammo is now!). I've had a great life, and at fifty, hope I have more years to enjoy, but I feel for the kids of today. I think they will have a major change to our way of life. Hopefully I can be an example and someone will learn some of the things I'm learning now to make their life better.
I like everyone's reason for prepping. No matter what motivates you, it's a good thing. I just know in my gut that things are going to change in the near future. Even if it's not catastrophic change, I can see prices starting to increase, supplies limited, and I darn sure haven't seen my salary even come close to keeping up with inflation. I am afraid that it will be a major change though. I see a future that has power outages often if not daily, store shelves bare, and cleared out as soon as something comes in. (Kind of like 22 ammo is now!). I've had a great life, and at fifty, hope I have more years to enjoy, but I feel for the kids of today. I think they will have a major change to our way of life. Hopefully I can be an example and someone will learn some of the things I'm learning now to make their life better.
Ditto...The knowledge MUST be past on, I think we are seeing the start of it but our kids will see the end of it.:(
I'm already teaching my 10 year old daughter how to prepp I think she will need all the help available
My kids not into taking the edc box with them, Thinks it's a bit silly and worries about what school would say if they found it.
I get asked a lot " What are you prepping for ? ".
I tell them, I'm prepping for the " Zombie Apocalypse ". Does this mean that I believe that zombies are going to arise and take over the world ? No, I believe that about as much as I believe I can nail Jell-O to a tree ! What that does mean, is that if I'm prepared for the " Zombie Apocalypse ", I'm prepared for just about anything !

There is a wonderful elderly couple that attend church with us, Mr Claude and Miss Vi. Miss Vi once told me that as a child, prior to the stock market collapse of 1929 which toppled us headlong into the great depression; she remembers her "Momma and Papa" sitting up night after night discussing the uneasy feeling they had, that something terrible was about to occur. She said after the collapse happened, her folks were somewhat relieved as they felt that "burden" lift and then they knew what they had to do! Miss Vi told me recently, "...now I know just what Momma and Papa were feeling. Something terrible is just on the horizon child, Claude and I feel it now."

I believe each of us on this Forum can relate to Miss Vi. We know in our knower, that "something" is coming at us like a freight train. We have an unction to prepare for the worst, pray and hope for the very best and knowing that we have at least begun to prepare is what allows us to sleep at night.

There is a wonderful elderly couple that attend church with us, Mr Claude and Miss Vi. Miss Vi once told me that as a child, prior to the stock market collapse of 1929 which toppled us headlong into the great depression; she remembers her "Momma and Papa" sitting up night after night discussing the uneasy feeling they had, that something terrible was about to occur. She said after the collapse happened, her folks were somewhat relieved as they felt that "burden" lift and then they knew what they had to do! Miss Vi told me recently, "...now I know just what Momma and Papa were feeling. Something terrible is just on the horizon child, Claude and I feel it now."

I believe each of us on this Forum can relate to Miss Vi. We know in our knower, that "something" is coming at us like a freight train. We have an unction to prepare for the worst, pray and hope for the very best and knowing that we have at least begun to prepare is what allows us to sleep at night.

I had that gut feeling before the real estate market collapsed. I put up my property and business for sale and moved about six months before it went south. My wife came kicking and screaming, but i think she finally realized it was the right thing to do, even though she wont admit it. Anyways, i still feel in my gut that it was just the tip of whats to come. I dont think the world is going to end, but im pretty certain we are going to have a financial collapse, probably world wide. life will go on, but if youre prepared you can weather it a little better.
i agree with shenandoah and brent on this..i haven't been paying 1/4 of the attention to the news like i should and all..but my gut feeling been telling me the same.. i believe we're heading head long into a total and complete economic collapse...right along with everything that goes with it..and to top it off.i also believe that obama,congress the senate right along with the very rich high powered rich folks are aiming towards a total government control.like a one world government..and i also believe its gonna be worse than the 1929 collapse..
Even if it's not catastrophic change, I can see prices starting to increase, supplies limited, and I darn sure haven't seen my salary even come close to keeping up with inflation.

That right there, is pretty much how I got my wife on board. If anything, it's to help mitigate the damage of this increasing gap. The rate groceries and gas rise...is just WAY more than the rate at which our salaries do. It helped too, that a few of my preps helped us get through some emergencies.

When we lost water for a while due to a slab leak, my extra water reserves helped us through.

When the kids came back home to live with us, the extra food stored helped keep the grocery bill in check until they could start paying rent, etc.

Having oil lamps, flashlights, a grill, etc. when the power goes out, sure helps.

Doesn't have to be zombies at the fences to put those preps to work!!!
The biggest thing I am doing to prep, learning how to live simply. As I see it, if you don't have much, you don't have much to loot. I don't have huge stashes of things, I prefer to stock up on knowledge. I know how to get meat from animals and fish, and I know how to cook it. I know how to filter water and boil it to kill germs. I know how how to make fire after all the matches and lighters have been used up. And I know how to barter. among other things......
The biggest thing I am doing to prep, learning how to live simply. As I see it, if you don't have much, you don't have much to loot. I don't have huge stashes of things, I prefer to stock up on knowledge. I know how to get meat from animals and fish, and I know how to cook it. I know how to filter water and boil it to kill germs. I know how how to make fire after all the matches and lighters have been used up. And I know how to barter. among other things......
I think storing some food and water is wise, as well as any other supplies, but you're right on about knowledge being the most valuable tool you can have. I tell people when they ask about where to start prepping to start with two different water filters as water is the most important thing you need. If you can safely and easily hydrate, then you can spend more time on other needs. I also tell them about what you just mentioned, live simply. You don't need all the crap we desire so much now days. Do you really need that 60" HD tv? I bought a car the same time as a young lady at work, mine was 6 yrs old and had 100k on it, and I had it paid for in 7 months. She got a really nice, brand new camery with six years of payments and full coverage insurance. Basically I got what I could afford, even though I was a little short of the cash I was at least close. Yes I could afford payments, but who wants to? If you don't borrow money, you get to keep a lot more of it.
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already on it...

packed away in a safe place
Do you really need that 60" HD tv?
No, I'll just grab the one from across the street when they bug out ;)

I take $5 each paycheck and buy a prep item(food, ammo, first aid, ect) Doesn't take much more than that.
The biggest thing I am doing to prep, learning how to live simply. As I see it, if you don't have much, you don't have much to loot. I don't have huge stashes of things, I prefer to stock up on knowledge. I know how to get meat from animals and fish, and I know how to cook it. I know how to filter water and boil it to kill germs. I know how how to make fire after all the matches and lighters have been used up. And I know how to barter. among other things......
I seen a good tip on a T.V show for folks that plan to bug in, When things kick off make it look like your house has already been looted, Throw things around your garden in the hope that looters will think you've been looted and move on to the more promising looking houses down the street, Not good for your neighbours but every man for them self's.
I seen a show that said same thing last year..a huband n wife with 2 children who did that.they partrade thier patrts real good