What are you preppeing for ?

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packed away in a safe place
I love this filter! I've used many places, even the swampy water of an Alaskan tundra. It takes some time, but I've never had issues with it
What am I prepping for? Its a good question to ask as it can guide you in your planning.
1 I plan to be stuck in my house for 3 days, be it weather or being sick. Mostly a food, toilet paper, and cleaning supplies list
2 same as above but if the grid goes down due to weather or limited area issue- alternative cooking, stored water, light and heat
3 #2 but for 30 days more equipment and a defensive posture
4 bug out due to small scale issues that I have to leave the house- fire, weather. The small town I live in civil disturbance just won't be an issue.
5 bug out due to serious incident involving the nuclear plants in my area. This is a pack the truck and head to another state plan, possible involving decontamination, chemical suits and protective masks.
6 possibility of financial/governmental collapse- this is long term where my community will be on its own without the grid, I see this as trouble now since there is a large commuting population that will be without goods and there are few stores around. This is the big one.
7 while travelling I'm stuck overseas when something important happens in the US and I can't get back. I'd have limited items and have to assimiliate where I'm at but I'll always have some items to maintain psychological comfort (Lighter, knife, flashlight, Nalgene bottle, water purification tablets, compass, cash, silver coins, first aid kit, other items.)
8 travelling on road trip and break down in a deserted area
9 same as above but larger issues arrive like #2,3,6
Are you that close to one of the nuclear plants in PA?
Currently I'm surrounded by 5 operating nuclear power plants. check out this link. http://www.nucleartourist.com/us/us-plant.htm#USMap

Considering how vulnerable we are, its a wonder more terrorist activity isn't already happening in the US. I was going to rattle them off but something tells me not to. Just think what 10 determined, well financed, educated men could do to this country.
Not could do , they ARE doing !
Currently I'm surrounded by 5 operating nuclear power plants. check out this link. http://www.nucleartourist.com/us/us-plant.htm#USMap

Considering how vulnerable we are, its a wonder more terrorist activity isn't already happening in the US. I was going to rattle them off but something tells me not to. Just think what 10 determined, well financed, educated men could do to this country.
Currently I'm surrounded by 5 operating nuclear power plants. check out this link. http://www.nucleartourist.com/us/us-plant.htm#USMap

Considering how vulnerable we are, its a wonder more terrorist activity isn't already happening in the US. I was going to rattle them off but something tells me not to. Just think what 10 determined, well financed, educated men could do to this country.
i was a huge nuke fan before fukishima. I thought the rods could be seperated and would calm down and be buried or something. Thats not the case though. they need coolant poured over them for a long, long time, which takes electricity. So any disruption can have horrible consequences. I read that they have backup generators, only one set???
exactly brent..and how long are those back up's gonna last? they wear out.and/or run out of fuel..
While there are contingency plans for such meltdowns, they kind of depend on a functioning government and response team, etc. In a SHTF scenario, being within 50 miles of one of these plants is likely going to be a bad idea. Even at 100 miles, you'd want to monitor levels. Luckily for me, we're well out of range of one.
I hope those employees are dedicated enough to show up to work in shtf. I've met a few cops over the years that said it's just a job and they would split to take care of their families first.
well brent s..i stand by with the cops who say they'll split and head home to protect the family.on account there'll probably be no one there for that if their not there to do so..and far as i'm concerned in a shtf situation..safety and family come first..so if i had to walk out on a job to do just that.i would in a heartbeat.and without thinking further then i gotta get home for safety and protection..
Yep, I totally get that. The military though, is a different story, since not showing up there could bring you up on charges if you're wrong and it isn't the end of the world! So at least those folks are probably going to be on the job, and assuming police duties in cities, for most SHTF situations....
good point about the military..guess things would have to be bad enough for them not to do anything about it..for example..if there's lots of looting and riots to the point where they dont (always) know whos where at all times.and folks suddenly started disappearing from their post
I hope those employees are dedicated enough to show up to work in shtf. I've met a few cops over the years that said it's just a job and they would split to take care of their families first.
Could you blame them though?

I understand the possible risks associated with where I live and prepare for them. I prefer to live where I am at, because that is what I do- live, not just wait for SHTF. Also, my dad will not budge and I'm not abandoning him. I may think different if I had a family of my own.

Living simply is great, I truly believe it, I also believe that being prepared is part of that. Early man didn't really do too much until they discovered fire and figured out how to store food. Besides, if SHTF just after the growing season ends, it'll be a long winter eating bark. Animals are not guaranteed to walk into traps or bite bait. Bartering is good, as long as you have something to barter. Stock up on books for when the internet goes down, practice the skills you think you'll need.
Does your definition of terrorist include George Soros ? It really just depends on if they're outside or inside . Reminds me of an oil rig explosion / gulf oil leak/ drilling moratorium that occurred after Soros invested 90 million in a Brazilian oil company. Nah , just a 90 million dollar coincidence . Who would profit from a nuclear incident ?
When I first saw your reply, I went "huh?" Then I got it! I did mean terrorists, not the Congress.
Does your definition of terrorist include George Soros ? It really just depends on if they're outside or inside . Reminds me of an oil rig explosion / gulf oil leak/ drilling moratorium that occurred after Soros invested 90 million in a Brazilian oil company. Nah , just a 90 million dollar coincidence . Who would profit from a nuclear incident ?

Oh if only. I'd rather our military go after the real terrorists of this country, but those 538(or close) are more akin to criminals then terrorists. The terrorists I speak of are those determined to deliberately cause damage and turmoil through more direct action like blowing things up, poisoning supplies, disrupting the norm.
I'd rather our military go after the real terrorists of this country, but those 538(or close) are more akin to criminals then terrorists. .................................................One and the same to me .
I get asked a lot " What are you prepping for ? ".
I tell them, I'm prepping for the " Zombie Apocalypse ". Does this mean that I believe that zombies are going to arise and take over the world ? No, I believe that about as much as I believe I can nail Jell-O to a tree ! What that does mean, is that if I'm prepared for the " Zombie Apocalypse ", I'm prepared for just about anything !
Collapse of the economy its going to happen.
I like the idea of doing your best to cover any unforseen emergencies, but I'm still not going to buy those zombie bullets! I do agree with nubria, it's only a matter of time before we have an economic 'correction'.
Mostly, the "zombie" bullets are either hollow points, or Mag-Safe rounds. Either of which are good for certain reasons, and situations.
I like the idea of doing your best to cover any unforseen emergencies, but I'm still not going to buy those zombie bullets! I do agree with nubria, it's only a matter of time before we have an economic 'correction'.
I pick up some wad cutters last week for my 38. Natchezss.com great people fast delivery. Good stock.
Mostly, the "zombie" bullets are either hollow points, or Mag-Safe rounds. Either of which are good for certain reasons, and situations.
I figured that's all they were, but at our Walmart they come in a cool looking box with zombie graphics all over it and cost 50% more! There was a shooting in oak wood ga recently where a marine shot and killed a guy that had threatened him with a gun. (I had posted about his recently). Anyways, I wasn't aware about the power of a 9mm, as the shots went right thru the guy and peppered the cars behind him. Since I've loaded hollow points in my carry, which has better stopping power and less chance of collateral damage.
Im prepping for a megafire one that will happen on a day of 40+ degree heat, north-north westerlies of up to 35 km's an hour with an FFDI of 100+, i'll be given about 2-3 days notice about it by monitoring synoptic charts and constantly checking weather forecasts and maps
Although I do see our government leading us to one or more of several scenarios, including civil war, economic collapse or martial law with rationing, curfews and laws "for our own good", I don't consider what I do prepping. What I do, I do for current economic reasons, to make my money go further and to live healthier. Realistically, it would possibly be cheaper to just go out and buy a lot of canned and powdered foods rather than buying canning jars and lids and using up the electricity to preserve everything I grow. The trade-off is my health. Spend more now to preserve and eat healthy, pay less for medical bills - hopefully.
I think the home canning and other homesteading reasorces is about knowing how . What you can now will come in handi but the knowlage you build and pass on is the bigger prep . So many folks now days have none of this knowlage .
I think the home canning and other homesteading reasorces is about knowing how . What you can now will come in handi but the knowlage you build and pass on is the bigger prep . So many folks now days have none of this knowlage .
That's why I always try to include my grandchildren when I'm putting in or taking care of my garden. I even helped my 8 year old grand-daughter put in her own garden last week. I made sure to provide her with a few tomato, pepper and cucumber plants that already have vegetables started on them so she'd have some "immediate gratification." She and I canned a lot of jams and jellies together last year. To them, it's just fun, but they are learning, just as I learned at my own grandmother's side so many years ago. I went 30 years between the learning and then re-learning to do it by myself but doing it now brings back those memories of picking the veggies from the garden, canning, making homemade biscuits and churning butter at her side. I miss her. The lessons I learned at her side are invaluable.
The above is right on the mark. The inflation of groceries is just way outpacing wages, so anything I can do to help stave that is great. Also, with all the crap they put in food these days, much better going the natural route (without some fruity hippy store price gouging). If you told me 10 years ago that I'd have chickens and a garden, I would have thought you mad. Now, I look forward to maybe adding a couple of cows at come point, maybe a couple of pigs too. LOL!
For me I am currently prepping for four levels of STHF, those being, in order of severity and also order of my prepping.

1) Hard times - caused by my fixed income and increasing cost of living. We already have this well in hand having lived very frugally on the road for the last 13 years and now that we have dropped anchor we can live even cheaper if required. The Oz pension for a couple is about $28k, I can live like a king on that but I see it being worth less and less over the years.

2) Financial collapse - In Oz this may not be full on anarchy in the streets but just a severe version of #1. Prepping for this is in progress, I am building a reasonably secure "house" from shipping containers on our 25 acres in the bush. We have water and power (solar + 2 generators) sorted and store a lot of food but no growing of food yet. Also I will start grinding wheat soon, that seems like a very cheap way of providing some food security pretty quickly.

3) CME, #2 gone bad, or other "back to the 1800s" event - This will be the next phase of my prepping that incorporates food production (fruit, veggies, chickens etc), hardening of the property, firearms, forming a MAG if possible etc. I don't think it will ever be practical for me to create a fully secure compound so if the zombies attack I will be screwed or have to bug out (see #4). That's life, you have to work with what you got.

4) BOL becomes untenable - We have a 6x6 truck to live in and that could be used as a BOV but I think it would be a trouble magnet. So I plan to build a camper on my 4x4 Landcruier and if we ever get to this point we will bug out in that and head north where you can live off the land in relative comfort if you know what to eat, so that means I have to get training in bush tucker and hunting.

I am slowly sounding out the immediate neighbours and so far they seem to be on the same page, but no real discussions yet. Also I'm buying up non-power hand tools and am getting back into blacksmithing, all of which will be applicable to #1, #2, and #3 (after things die down) but of little use for #4.

So, not much to do then :)
The above is right on the mark. The inflation of groceries is just way outpacing wages, so anything I can do to help stave that is great. Also, with all the crap they put in food these days, much better going the natural route (without some fruity hippy store price gouging). If you told me 10 years ago that I'd have chickens and a garden, I would have thought you mad. Now, I look forward to maybe adding a couple of cows at come point, maybe a couple of pigs too. LOL!

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