What are you prepping for?

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Good joke. Trump was running the response to C19, and unless you're saying that the is a democratic/socialist, your proposition is obviously erroneous.
I'm prepping for the next pandemic from China, because if another moron line Trump is running the country when it hits, we're in trouble. Even with an organism as relatively benign as C19, for a while, the shelves were empty, ICUs' were overflowing, businesses closed down, no air travel, etc. etc.
The biggest threat if, say an organism with a fifty-percent lethality rate hits the US, is that half of the country are such dedicated followers that basic steps to stop the spread of the disease would be ignored, as in "Why should I wear a mask if my hero Donald Trump ain't wearin' no mask?" And "I hain't gettin' no vaccination because I done been tolt by Tucker Carlson that they's injectin' RFID tags" or some such BS.
I'll wear a mask until the collapse is predictable. Then I'll bug out and wait for the half of the half to die off. Then people with some common sense will return and restart the economy after we are sure that we don't have to risk death compliments of some moron who gets his virology information from a fox pitchman and an eye doctor from Kentucky.

Maybe trump is a moron but Ive never ever seen or heard of a politician that actually tries to do what they say they are going to do when running. But he did!! Biden said he was going to be moderate and instead he is extremely progressive. He said he wanted to unite the country and instead he is trying to divide it even more. Its not Tucker that is full of it it is CNN and MSNBC and twitter and all these hacks like you that have become so hateful that they dont care how they present themselves in society anymore. They, just like you, are an embarrassment to yourselves for spewing such hatred against your political enemies and dividing this country. If you dont like FOx then I could care less. Go listen to the propaganda machine you love so dearly and spare us your drivel because I can tell that nobody hear cares what you think.
Maybe trump is a moron but Ive never ever seen or heard of a politician that actually tries to do what they say they are going to do when running. But he did!! Biden said he was going to be moderate and instead he is extremely progressive. He said he wanted to unite the country and instead he is trying to divide it even more. Its not Tucker that is full of it it is CNN and MSNBC and twitter and all these hacks like you that have become so hateful that they dont care how they present themselves in society anymore. They, just like you, are an embarrassment to yourselves for spewing such hatred against your political enemies and dividing this country. If you dont like FOx then I could care less. Go listen to the propaganda machine you love so dearly and spare us your drivel because I can tell that nobody hear cares what you think.

moron? - trouble with you and everyone else that didn't like Trump's demeanor or bluntness are basically hypocrites - he never claimed to be a soooooooth professional politician - a street con man like Obammy and the Clintons - just the opposite - he was street fighter from NYC that came thru his family biz of construction .....

and a great majority of the bluntness and his supposed crudeness was 100% DNC & CNN generated - word play and nothing but cutting room manipulation >>> still going to this very day

Trump was EXACTLY what the country needed and needs even more now !!!!!!!!!!
moron? - trouble with you and everyone else that didn't like Trump's demeanor or bluntness are basically hypocrites - he never claimed to be a soooooooth professional politician - a street con man like Obammy and the Clintons - just the opposite - he was street fighter from NYC that came thru his family biz of construction .....

and a great majority of the bluntness and his supposed crudeness was 100% DNC & CNN generated - word play and nothing but cutting room manipulation >>> still going to this very day

Trump was EXACTLY what the country needed and needs even more now !!!!!!!!!!
I couldn’t agree with you more Illini warrior, if Trump was still president I think Biden and hunter would be in jail by now. Trump was good for AMERICA, he has a set of stones unlike the shuffling babbling idiot in charge now.
I can't stand Biden or Hunter or Kamala, but I have given up hope that any politician will ever see a jail cell. No matter who is president.

not only politicians >>> all the liberals that had court cases of some kind had them either quietly settled or dismissed entirely - try to find out what happened to the various Hollyweird celeb cases - POOF !!!! - gone

most of the rioter cases - gone - remember those two black lawyers that firebombed that NYC cop car - attempted murder >>> try to find that case

in Chicago - the Jesse Smollet case - GONE
moron? - trouble with you and everyone else that didn't like Trump's demeanor or bluntness are basically hypocrites - he never claimed to be a soooooooth professional politician - a street con man like Obammy and the Clintons - just the opposite - he was street fighter from NYC that came thru his family biz of construction .....
Your quoting the wrong person. You should quote the person that did call him a moron not me.
I am currently preparing for an evil government Dictatorship that a large police state will set up against its own population. We have had the former since Corona, the latter is currently under construction. In the history of our country it has seldom or never been that rights and freedom have been taken away from us and that the surveillance state is present on every corner. Three days ago the time has come when the government is actively dividing the population without hiding it and directly issuing a guideline that public institutions such as restaurants have the right to refuse guests without vaccination if they want to. This step will bring unsatisfactory results, the government also knows that, for which reason there are of course more police forces whose baton is probably looser.

Even if an EMP would be absolutely ******, meanwhile I wouldn't mind if there was one, it would probably overshadow many other things, including the surveillance apparatus, so mankind could prepare for a real catastrophe again. I know that it would be a nasty catastophe and there would probably be thousands of deaths, possibly including me, but our society is at its end and run away anyway, a few theoreticians sheep or a few power-hungry types less harm this world.
I am prepping for the unknown, whilst thinking of the known, multiplying it by an unknown and hoping I will have enough for the known which will give me a good chance against the unknown which will follow the known and unexpected directly after the known has surprised me unknowingly...Gary
I'm prepping for my final retirement now. The kids don't want the ranch, fine, we'll sell it and go live on the coast somewhere and have a 40' boat tied up at the dock. What ever happens with the economy and whatever dipshit and the whore do to the country we'll survive just fine. After all we've been "prepping" for over 40 years now and much of our preps have been about an economic collapse. We're prepping for a communist dictator style of government too, which is (almost) here. This is the kind of country the people want.
Large scale military conflict between the big boys is possible but not likely IMO. Long term grid failure is another possible but low on the radar for me, short term failures are very possible but you can prep for that fairly easily.

The biggest threat I believe we face is a Virus. We've been incredibly lucky with C19 given its low mortality rate, get a nasty variant evolve or a new virus altogether with a higher death rate and we're in big trouble. Take out 10% of the workforce and services would be greatly impacted, higher and things start to grind to a halt and stop and thats when it really hits the fan and we end up in deep poo poo.

better start reading the Darkside more >>> that improbable "large scale military conflict between the big boys" is coming on faster & faster - the US military has gone into overload in Asia - the similarities between 2021 & 1940 is freaky ....

PS >>> Biden's full-scale flub & flop at the G7 was even worse than ANYONE predicted - if I was Putin, I'd hit full speed and not worry about it and the Chinese just got more confirmation that brought the few nay sayers over to GOOOO!
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I guess now I'm prepping for the massive cost increases in everything. Today I bought 250 gallons of diesel, tomorrow I have to buy a load of hay (because of the drought), next I have to get 275 gallons of premium gasoline (without ethanol) delivered, Monday at $4.42/ gallon. I'm picking up some lumber to finish some projects. Everything is almost double now under Biden than it was under Trump, and everything will keep going up. Just wait for Bidens masive tax increases start kicking in and businesses start passing on the increases to the consumers, us.

Thanks Biden voters. Please tell us yokels just how Bidens policies are helping us. From where I sit I just don't see it. Trump was great for America and for Americans, all Americans. Not just for certain demographics.
I’m prepping for Grid down very soon. These hacks of infrastructure and businesses are just test runs. The Corpse In Chief sent Putin a list of things NOT to attack 🤦‍♀️ and VP Kneepads is too busy shopping and redecorating the VP’s house to care about anything.
its only a matter of time......

The Corpse In Chief----great!

Grid down is a real possibility here and a cascade across a regional area is also possible.
I am prepping first and foremost for coming food shortages. The 3s of survival are simple. You need shelter, water, and food. I've got the shelter and water covered without making any preps however when the grocery stores shelves run bare a person better have there own grocery store in there basement. My main food preps DO NOT REQUIRE A REFRIGERATOR OR POWER
I'm prepping for my final retirement now. The kids don't want the ranch, fine, we'll sell it and go live on the coast somewhere and have a 40' boat tied up at the dock. What ever happens with the economy and whatever dipshit and the whore do to the country we'll survive just fine. After all we've been "prepping" for over 40 years now and much of our preps have been about an economic collapse. We're prepping for a communist dictator style of government too, which is (almost) here. This is the kind of country the people want.
Dad, it's me, long lost son, I've reconsidered my evil ways, I'm sorry, can I have the ranch???