a) ....surviving really isn't the end goal, its the price of admission to the arena.
b) Family? Family dies. ...If you think you will avoid watching your family die in pain and despair by prepping....you won't...
c) ...Your worst nightmare will come true.
Interesting perspective...
a) Some of us view protecting (as best
as-Possible, within the
Reality of
All our 'mortal coils'..) Family "
as" that 'Arena'.. I mean, I certainly won't be over voluntarily helping out on someone
Else's 'scarred slope' - while Mine burns by choice or neglect. (Unless, of course, in
Doing So I
will be doing what-Best Defends / Protects my Family.. Or, sure, they're already dead...)
b) Well, that's what certain Opiates are for.
c) My 'worst nightmare' is that I will die before They do - Not as much Them dying. Sure - I'll be Absolutely Gutted when that happens, but.. WHY would I be 'ok' with Them dying Before me? Well..
..Due to my Absolute Conviction that there 1)
Is a Benevolent Creator - who 'allows' - but
Not Causes (Very-important distinction) the horrible things we all suffer / go thru - for a Very Important / "Good"
Reason (the 'issue' of Universal Sovereignty, and Our 'role' in that, as 'Free Moral Agents'... the Book of Job illuminates this 'issue' best.. But that's all another thread
2) He Can be trusted when he assures us all that the Dead 'no longer suffer' (I personally Do Not believe in 'Hell' as a place of 'Eternal Torment in Flame' - that would make the "Devil" basically an 'employee' of God - which would make Him hideously Cruel and also Evil (again, a different thread, tho..)
..And That, All those who die (whether by natural or unnatural causes) Will be resurrected into better, 'restored conditions' here on Earth.. (again - different thread..)
Therefore - the 'Safest Place' for Anyone, is 'in His Memory', meantime, as There, we no longer suffer, nor Can be harmed by Any malevolents.
Thus, I don't "fear" their deaths.. Yes - I will absolutely Rue that day of Extreme Anguish, but.. I am Not 'paralysed' by that Reality
, now,
because of those 'core beliefs', mentioned above - Death is Already 'accepted'.
But - I will Fight to my Own death, if need be, to give them The Best, Longest, and Most Pleasant 'chance' / Life,
until that grievous day.
My 'Arena'.