What is the distinction. What is the distinction between "fools who don't" and those who do.......?
Well.. My only .02 would be that for those who "prep" (the Wise ones, anyway..) They work to make it a Way of Life, from stem to stern..
..but for the 'Fools', well.. They let 'Life get IN the Way' of prepping for [whatever] (ie: "..B-But I don't have enough Moneeeeeyyy!" they wail... Yah - on their way back from buying 2 Cartons of Cigs, a case of Bud Loser, I mean Light, and the current issue of 'Juggs' magazine..
And, by those who are 'Wise', I don't just mean those 'Having stuff stacked' - No, as @RJ2019 pointed out, that 'Way of Life' is Learning / Crafting / Living Adaptation - withOut that 'Stuff' - Now.. Literally, forging one's Self (by Asking / Learning / Doing...) into a 'Survivalist', from a "Prepper".. What's That 'difference'? Well..
..My .02 therein would be my 'Point' in This post: https://www.survivalistboards.com/t....990340/page-7?post_id=21584133#post-21584133
(..and, I'm Not tryina 'Toot my own Horn' here, it's just that it's an example I can Speak to... ) relative to 'Learning how to "Fix stuff" you are not - 'inherently' (from schooling / training, etc) skilled in.. As-that 'leverage' to mature from 'Prepper to Survivalist'.
Salient snip:
Prepper: "..the clothespins in my stash work to line dry clothes. ...until dryer fix it guy comes tomorrow..." (Good)
Survivalist: "...Just placed an order for a Belt / Roller / Tensioner kit, and a replacement glow-plug / starter for my gas dryer; Meantime, reading up How to change it all out.. Guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend.. ...But hey, at least I'll never have to call or spend another Dime on a "repair guy" again - 'specially when there Are no more comin', Lol.. " (MUCH Mo' Bettuh
Point being: the 'Fools' are the ones who - Might even "prep" (ie: Goofus goes and buys a Genny before 'Storm season' rolls in... But - he's a Fool, because After 'Storm season' Passes (and cuz he didn't end-up Needing it) ...he goes and Returns it, because "wasted money"..
'Gallant' however, not only buys - and Keeps - his Genny.. He self-educates (ie: Asks / seeks out the Knowledge from others With the Experience..) on How to convert it into being a Tri-Fuel.. Then, goes about getting as Much of those 3-fuels packed-back as Possible.. Then, studies / learns / Preps for how to live / thrive withOut a Genny, for - when - all that fuel runs out (and it Will..) THAT's the 'difference', IMO..
And, sure - Granted that any 'Survivalist' Must have prepped to Become one.. ie: 'Gallant', there, Ain't gonna achieve all that he Did, without the Proper Tools, spares, and .edu to 'Get there'.
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