What "could" it (SHTF) actually look like.........Think Haiti (currently)

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
I am "kind'a glad this is happening. Good learning opportunity. How fast could it build. North Gaza & Haiti are training films, on just what SHTF in a substantial city looks like.
Haiti is where they are testing concepts.

Sure. But hardly anything new. A few years ago it was Aleppo. I got a lot of idea's from that. They residents would put of big walls of tarps and sheets across the roads at intersections to block the sight-lines of snipers. I thought that was a pretty interesting idea. Super low tech but would be highly effective.
Reading about Haiti yesterday. Gangs attacked the police stations, got into two major prisons and released the prisoners. There was more but you get the idea. Helicopter went in to evacuate the US embassy over the weekend even though they say they’re not evacuating.
IMHO it doesn't have to look that way. I would consider the Maui wildfires an SHTF event, especially in Lahaina, and there isn't chaos and civil unrest.

It depends on the event and where it happens.
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Why would we even have an embassy in Haiti? What is the point?
Embassies are for spy stuff.

The chopper the evacuated N.E. personnel, was for hauling in additional military.
I see the Haiti/Dominican Republic kinda like, Hey I only peed in my end of the pool!
the interesting point is after all these years when earthquake hit and much more since..its not spilled over the shared border they have.I have no answers but i do know they have decent armed security to deal with it.But seen vids of travelers crossing in remote spots on motorcycle and theres no guard houses.Another interesting thing is a few years ago in rural Haiti there was a group that started farming on very steep hillsides..because it was all they had access to...they were thriving enough they got a grinder/mill and had it in a small outbuilding like thing and they produced goods they sold in towns.Chaos in town but yet some spots not...not saying going to town to sale wasnt risky..it is..but sometimes even criminals know they cant bite the hand/workers feeding them.

Lots of historical information. I didnt realize DR started building a wall in 2023.

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Bigger question, Why are we spending a single thin dime on that $hithole
Because when countries fall into anarchy, someone always moves in.

Russians, Chinese, ISIS.....

Its why the US gave away free land to homesteaders....it wasn't for the economy.....the homestead act was a net negative....its because empty lands are lawless lands....and in lawless lands bandits, raiders, indians....etc make bases and trade through there becomes impossible.

Let Hatiti fall, and you have another Somalia....another pirate base....or maybe even another Cuba eventually.
Because when countries fall into anarchy, someone always moves in.

Russians, Chinese, ISIS.....

Its why the US gave away free land to homesteaders....it wasn't for the economy.....the homestead act was a net negative....its because empty lands are lawless lands....and in lawless lands bandits, raiders, indians....etc make bases and trade through there becomes impossible.

Let Hatiti fall, and you have another Somalia....another pirate base....or maybe even another Cuba eventually.
With the DR on the other side of the Island? I don't think so. Besides I'm not sure it could be any more corrupt or lawless than its been the last 30-40 years
Agree when SHTF, in the US comes it will spread like a grass fire.. Agree it will be different in different parts of the country.. Haiti is only one extreme example that is possible..

My 5 cents of opinion..
When I was doing elementary Montessori training in Washington,dc in the late 1980s, the classmate whose seat was beside mine was from Haiti. She owned her own school in Port-au-Prince. At that time they had had 5 new leaders in 5 years. Every time a leader is overthrown and leaves the country, he takes all the money he can get his hands on, robbing the country of what little they have. I do know that this woman now lives in the Miami area.

A church I used to attend has done mission work in and for Haiti. I’ve known several people who participated in the mission trips and have been there a few times. They do a fundraiser gala to get a shipping container to fill up and send. People are asked to donate beans, rice and other items. Someone told me that in situations like that, that the containers like that are probably taken by Haitian officials. Donations do not likely make it to the poor and needy people. One of the people who has gone there a few times said that if there is no food, they eat dirt. Mothers make cakes out of dirt for the family to eat. There is probably some nutritional value in eating dirt, but just gross to imagine.
Might happen in California first if they make tractor trailers zero admissions. My little mind things trucks with admissions get stopped at the state line. Zero / electric tractor trailers reload and drive in California. Then they have an electric blackout cant charge trucks. Ya didnt get my meds refilled
Might happen in California first if they make tractor trailers zero admissions. My little mind things trucks with admissions get stopped at the state line. Zero / electric tractor trailers reload and drive in California. Then they have an electric blackout cant charge trucks. Ya didnt get my meds refilled
California is the best bet for the one to lead a downfall.
Losing thousands of tax-paying productive people every year while taking on 100's of thousands of dependant migrants, is not a path to success. :(

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