What do you have for breakfast?

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I don't break my fast until noonish when I have nachos made like single little hors d'oeuvres. I sometimes wake up at 2am and have some Cheerios.
Me too!:thumbs:
Mine looks like this :D:
But do you have it with leftover pizza like the old days? I prefer Coors Banquet :)
What’s leftover pizza?

Now that the eggnog is gone till next October, I usually go for Cream of Barley cereal with a good dollop of butter and heavy cream. I cook in a few dried cherries when I have them. It is much better for my blood sugar than the eggnog french toast.
I don't usually have breakfast; just a few cups of coffee over the morning. Normally have a sort of brunch around 11 or 12. By then I've been to the poly and done the hens, so I dry fry some chard or spinach, scramble in an egg tip all into a wrap with a bit of cheese, fold and pop back into the pan to warm the wrap. Breakfast in the hand, no washing up :)
We have family breakfasts with the full works on special occasions.
Breakfast has become a real mainstay for me. I rely of breakfast to get me going, and often skip lunch.

I spread it around with a mixture of eggs, cereal, and oatmeal. Most days with a cup or two of coffee. I'm not a big pancake guy, but once in a while I get a craving. When I do, we usually go out for breakfast. My breakfast meat of choice is sausage. Don't get me wrong, I love bacon, but sausage is about 1/3 the price of bacon, at least where I shop.
I haven't eaten breakfast consistently in years. However I am trying to eat a high protein meal within an hour of waking up now. I have a tendency to forget to eat throughout the day so when I finally notice that I'm hungry, I feel sick and just want junky snacks.

I've been making egg bites(mini quiche) with surplus eggs on weekends to have all week and me and Honey both really enjoy them. I made 5 dozen on Saturday. Would have had a few dozen more but I sent eggs home with family. I put meat, cheese, spices and whatever else I feel like. I also make protein pancakes and keep those in the freezer for when I want something different.
Yah. But you get up early with all those animals. I stay up past midnight every night so I sleep late and I am not hungry at all when I wake up.

I really wish I was a morning person.
I wish I was a morning person, too. I’m a night person. I worked 3 shift most of my working life.
On a rare occasion, a bowl of hot Coco Wheats with a scoop of vanilla ice cream is wonderful...
WOW! I never thought of that. It sounds good.
Normal day: Breakfast:
1 hard boiled egg with cracked pepper
1 cheese stick 1/2 inch wide 3-4 inches long.
6 ounces of yogurt.
2-4 ounces of fresh fruit(blueberries, blackberries, raspberries)
1/2 banana
! cabbage leaf(raw)
4 ounces of thinly sliced meat.
4-5 cherry tomatoes
1 slice of pepper jack cheese
10 ounces of homemade Italian Wedding soup
2 slices of homemade sourdough bread
2 slices of provolone cheese toasted on sourdough bread
1/2 banana
6 ounces of yogurt.
Once or twice a month I will make up miniature quiche made into muffin tins.
I normally make 60 miniature quiche as veggie quiche(carrots, peppers, mushrooms,coleslaw, with eggs)then these are baked and placed into gallon freezer bags.
I also make meat,(ham, bacon, sausage) with veggie quiche.(50)
Ham and cheese scramble eggs cooked into muffin tins.
I make meatloaf in muffin tins, miniature loaf pans.
I used to use the vanilla ice cream thing to get my kids to eat oatmeal, coco wheats, and the like.. Sometimes I have a bowl of cold white rice with cream, Splenda, fruit if I have it.. Rice with cream and a bit of maple syrup.. REAL maple syrup, not maple flavor pancake syrup.. And a bit of maple syrup in a cup of black coffee..
I only eat 2 meals each day. Usually have breakfast at lunch. Made home fries today, haven’t had them in a while. They were so yummy, glad i made enough for dinner too.

I dice the potatoes, hard boil them for 4-5min. Drain then dump them in a hot skillet for another 4-5min without turning them. Next I dump in diced onion, bell pepper, fresh garlic and basil, stirring occasionally for another 4-5min. My basil plants in the garden are big enough so I grabbed a couple leaves and chopped those this morning. The fresh garlic and basil make the dish, it was sooo good! Some thick slice bacon and it's a meal!

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