What forum are you supposed to ask question in?

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Awesome Friend
Jan 26, 2014
I don't want to break any status quos of the forum ha. I hardly use forums, but I though this would be a good place to dig into the accumulated knowledge of preppers since I'm new to prepping anyway. I have a whole lot of questions, but I'm not sure where I'm wanted to ask them. I've noticed that forum members of other websites are finicky about that sort of thing.

Thanks in advance.
First, do a quick search to see if it has already been asked. Then try to match the subject of your question with a topic and ask away.

The only stupid question is the one that is never asked. Although if you come across like someone trying to entrap preppers with your question, you will be savaged!

LOL! The one question that will get you in trouble if you don't ask it the right way is "Why do you prep?"

what drhenley says..
up in the upper right hand cornner you'll see the word search..you can use certain word(s) to find diffrent topics.thats also a good way to learn where to post and not post what you need to know.right along with every thing else.might even try just roamig the diffrent topics.and if you comes across one that catchs your intrest.post a reply..
I have a few questions for you Simmons. What is one of your main questions? Why did you want to look into preppers forums? What was the reason? Did something happen or catch your attention? Did a friend or a passer by make a comment? Did you see or read something in the news that made you want to get information? Do you have a main fear?
I think that once you answer these questions you will then be able to focus on what topic matters most to you. Then go to the those topics and read, comment, and learn. Before you know it you are on your way to being "ready" for what maybe just around the corner!
I have a few questions for you Simmons. What is one of your main questions? Why did you want to look into preppers forums? What was the reason? Did something happen or catch your attention? Did a friend or a passer by make a comment? Did you see or read something in the news that made you want to get information? Do you have a main fear?
I think that once you answer these questions you will then be able to focus on what topic matters most to you. Then go to the those topics and read, comment, and learn. Before you know it you are on your way to being "ready" for what maybe just around the corner!

I can already see many of the members giving plenty of very well written information in the forums, giving answers to what is already on my mind. I may have questions in which Google does not give me very specific sources. Body armor was a great concern for me, mostly because I know very little about it. What's the best kind? What's the most affordable? The most reliable? Am I better off using a lighter concealed wear? Or heavier kind? Ballistic plates or not? And so on. Just an example.

To answer your questions, firstly, I wanted to go to a source in which there was communication among seasoned preppers. I'm getting plenty of information from articles and what not, but speaking to other preppers seems to do just as much good. I came across a show called Doomsday preppers and I thought it was interesting to say the least. Just your average Joe concerned about his family. So what if there's no risk? At least they're safe right? I started looking more into the subject and the news I found looked startling. I am not fully confident of a national catastrophe simply because I've yet to be fully convinced by anyone. I am also a firm believer in the Bible, and from light study of Revelation and other prophetic scriptures, there's supposed to be a major shift in power somewhere sometime. I was once told that the antichrist will promise a restored nation wherein the people will "give up a little freedom for a little security." (I might have to look into this one a bit more)

If you're not a believer of the Bible, that's okay. There still seems to be shocking evidence around us of an approaching disaster, of untold proportions, and untold probability and untold type of disaster. Economic collapse seems to be an approaching danger, and that is an area where I may have many questions. Our dependence on technology may also mean that an EMP strike could be devastating to our nation, and open doors to invaders. This seems like one of the more unlikely dangers though. To put it shortly, I don't know. Anything is possible. It seems that there are major shifts in power in every country great or not, all ideals and governments never lasting more than fifty to one hundred years all throughout history. I believe the United States is overdue for a shift.

It isn't just national or global catastrophe I am worried about, major flooding, water shortage, heatwaves, huge dust storms, tornadoes and earthquakes are all things to be weary of in Arizona, and we aren't immune to these dangers. My thoughts are that if you can prepare for these "small" disasters, you are one step closer to being prepared for anarchy.

Thank you for your response.
Thanks for joining, Simmons, and thanks for YOUR patience. I might have taken some of the above posts the wrong way and thought people were being sarcastic or suspicious of me. Again, thanks for your diplomacy.

I think it's pretty much been covered now. Search out key words to your question. Search the forum for a subforum that would cover the topic. lastly, POST AWAY! It might bother some folks to see the same questions a few times, but we're here to help each other out, so don't let it keep you from posting.

"Fear" isn't always a motivator. While many of us believe that "Something" could happen in our lifetime, many of us have seen something happen and have dealt with it. Preparation is something that will hopefully help keep us from having to be afraid. If you have the tools, know how to use them, and the mindset to keep calm and think things out, then fear is going to be waaay down the list on things that motivate you. At least in my opinion...

DrHenley's right again. There is a post above that I deleted because they've been posting advertisements for personal property on at least half a dozen different threads that are about TOTALLY different topics. That would be called threadjacking and it's not a welcome technique on any forum that I know of.

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