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Super Friend
Jul 18, 2014
Food ($1,911.78)
23 Buckets of Mountain House Essential Meals (Enough for lunch and dinner for a little over a year)
13 Buckets of Mountain House Breakfast Meals (Enough for breakfast for a little over a year)
Water (74.95)

LifeStraw Family 1.0 Water Purifier (Enough water for 12 years for me)
+ a Water Bottle
Shelter ($48.85)

Coleman Sundome 2-Person Tent

For entertainment, I will have a deck of Uno cards, a deck of playing cards, and a bow and arrow with targets. I will also be getting a pedal boat so I will be able to sit out on the lake relaxing while fishing. For security, I will have a handgun. By security, I mean animal attacks, not attacks from others because where I will bug out to it is hard for me to believe someone would even try to come. My total sums up to a little under $4,000. I think it is a great deal because living for 1 year for 4k is cheap, especially for the amount of entertainment that I am paying for. I can sit out on the lake all day! This setup will last for a little over a year. I will have plenty of time during that year to stock up on food and water. I will also get a few other things like chickens, fire starters, etc.
Whats with the tent? hope your winters are mild, if you are planing for a pedal wheel boat and the amount of food (36buckets) would require driving to the BOL, if you have a road leading to it then the place may not be all that secured? I came down from the mountains I can't think of a day I had enough free time to do much of anything other then get ready for the coming season such as cutting firewood and turning the garden in the fall etc... Freeze dried food will get old very quickly, if you plan to be there a year or longer I would suggest getting the ground ready for the end of winter planting asap otherwise I feel you are in for a very rude awaking, I truly wish you luck.
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Whats with the tent? hope your winters are mild, if you are planing for a pedal wheel boat and the amount of food (36buckets) would require driving to the BOL, if you have a road leading to it then the place may not be all that secured? I came down from the mountains I can't think of a day I had enough free time to do much of anything other then get ready for the coming season such as cutting firewood and turning the garden in the fall etc... Freeze dried food will get old very quickly, if you plan to be there a year or longer I would suggest getting the ground ready for the end of winter planting asap otherwise I feel you are in for a very rude awaking, I truly wish you luck.
I forgot about the food transportation. I live in Florida so winter is not a problem. I actually updated my plan. I will edit this post tomorrow.
Another point I noticed, the 'LifeStraw Family 1.0 Water Purifier' a slow tedious process (I own several) and notice you said you will bring a water bottle? you should bring several 55gal water barrels and set up a rain collector and also something like a berky (faster then the family 1.0) the family 1.0 are good but not for the long haul because of the time it takes just an fyi
Another point I noticed, the 'LifeStraw Family 1.0 Water Purifier' a slow tedious process (I own several) and notice you said you will bring a water bottle? you should bring several 55gal water barrels and set up a rain collector and also something like a berky (faster then the family 1.0) the family 1.0 are good but not for the long haul because of the time it takes just an fyi
My updated post will come up tomorrow. You seem to know a lot so fix my mistakes in it :p haha
so I will be able to sit out on the lake relaxing while fishing...
where I will bug out to it is hard for me to believe someone would even try to come
I can sit out on the lake all day!
I will have plenty of time during that year to stock up on food and water

You're assuming to much and taking a lot for granted, that kind of thinking will get you dead ;)

My updated post will come up tomorrow. You seem to know a lot so fix my mistakes in it :p haha

Keep the Family 1.0 just add a berky, the water *bottle* is very short term, you need barrels. Florida is prone to fires (depending where you are at) escape rout? again, not knowing where your BOL is located (I'm not asking) during a fire the alligators and poisonous snakes will head into the water to escape so, if you think of going to the middle of the lake in your boat during a fire keep that in mind, the snakes will crawl into the boat also, hopefully your BOL is under heavy canvas (eyes in the sky) if your in northern Florida keep in mind a good number of people will flock to this part of Florida due to the year around gardening potential! I will guarantee you, it will not be a picnic nor will it feel like a vacation that I can a sure you of, I'm not trying to ruin your plans, everything needs to be thought through instead of making a blanket assumption on your first post above, there is a lot more that can be added but for right now review your plans again but this time look at all the potential dangers ;)
Whats with the tent? hope your winters are mild

At least he's in FL. Maybe a few really cold days a year, and if any below freezing, would be just barely, and rare.
My updated post will come up tomorrow. You seem to know a lot so fix my mistakes in it :p haha


While I understand that Florida has an optimum temperature throughout the year, I'd advise taking some of Mavericks ideas to heart. I've been a concentrated prepper for a long-time. One large short-fall that I've seen with most preppers is accepting that their situation is related only to their geographical area. For me and I think Maverick is on the same page, you should consider prepping for all types of situations...narrowing it down to just one scenario will allow you as I like to call it Mr or Sir Murphy to bite you hard.

I agree the Lifestraws are a great and light tool for water purification, but take it from someone who plans at least three different ways to deal with a situation...have some back-ups, and the Berkey, while nominally expensive is a great way to filter water for a large group of people without long period of effort. Using a straw is great for survival situations while on the road, but not a long-term situation. If you can' t afford to buy a Berkey, then make one...using 2 5 gallon BPA free plastic food pails, and three large filters (similar to the ones used in the Berkey). Sure I placed instruction in the How To forum on how to make one, but I think Maverick has made one or two before..so pick his brain.

Also, I'd recommend either a Sawyer or Katadyn...see my video...on it...because these will quickly supplant the life straw as an alternative to water filtering on the march or you can use the Micropour tablets as an alternative...

While I understand that Florida has an optimum temperature throughout the year, I'd advise taking some of Mavericks ideas to heart. I've been a concentrated prepper for a long-time. One large short-fall that I've seen with most preppers is accepting that their situation is related only to their geographical area. For me and I think Maverick is on the same page, you should consider prepping for all types of situations...narrowing it down to just one scenario will allow you as I like to call it Mr or Sir Murphy to bite you hard.

I agree the Lifestraws are a great and light tool for water purification, but take it from someone who plans at least three different ways to deal with a situation...have some back-ups, and the Berkey, while nominally expensive is a great way to filter water for a large group of people without long period of effort. Using a straw is great for survival situations while on the road, but not a long-term situation. If you can' t afford to buy a Berkey, then make one...using 2 5 gallon BPA free plastic food pails, and three large filters (similar to the ones used in the Berkey). Sure I placed instruction in the How To forum on how to make one, but I think Maverick has made one or two before..so pick his brain.

Also, I'd recommend either a Sawyer or Katadyn...see my video...on it...because these will quickly supplant the life straw as an alternative to water filtering on the march or you can use the Micropour tablets as an alternative...
Bob is dead on with multiple ways to filter water. It's the number one thing you should cover first. Not only for three ways to filter, but some system for storage and replacement.
Mason you should take heed to the "pardon the saying" old timers! I too live in Fl. Water,water,water, just think how much you sweat. The tent will not hold up for long term, you should look into a oiled cotton canvas. Tools, very important, extra clothing, work gloves, boots, trapping supplies,(not just snares) snares work once and done, seeds heirloom, cordage lots of it in different sizes. You should look into rim fire and a center fire rifle, or at least a shotgun. Then there is medical supplies and meds, and the knowledge to use them! You should think about a group of like minded people, many hands make light work. And those times will be labor intensive. Just some food for thought?
Good luck, be safe, and God bless.
P.S. I have a small farm and work a full time job. We also buy from the stores like every one else. We were without jobs for some time and to supply our needs via foods, barter, and sales day light to dark 6 1\2 days a week. You may want to go out for two weeks, with only 3 days of food and supplies and see how that works for you. Freezer dryer foods clog up some people. Just saying!
Without food....survive how many days..........................without water.........................How are you gonna take care of your woman ?
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Personally, I did not notice he was banned. I do think what we do is fun however. The info here is serious. I try to give only true and correct info, as we may have to bet our lives on it. You may be correct, some mayor ave been having a bit of fun. However we should all remember that there always going to be those that are ignorant to our way of life. Think you can go and buyna bunch of things and younarenset for what ever life throws at you. That is so wrong. The skills needed to survive are needed to be practiced on a regular basis. A lot of us live the life that it could happen in a hour without warnings. While others dabble, and others think of this life as a romantic fairy tale. For those who have never been put in a life or death struggle. They will have a life changing event.

Yesterday I thought a 12 Y\O how to make fire with a rock from our dirt road and a old rusty file. Then I had him reproduce the skill. Then mag and ferro bar, then a bit lighter and dryer lent. He was amazed. Next time I told him he would make fire from two(2) sticks. He looked at me like I had a square head.
What we do is an important skill set, some may be more advanced in there skills and knowledge and we should try to pass it on. If for no other reason than to keep them from being a problem for us in trying times. We are practicing skills that are dying because of modern conveniences. Even so, all of the modern conveniences still derive from, fire, water, shelter and food. I would venture to say most on this site can't identify and use 50 medicinal and food plants combined. I am not knocking these people. I am however saying that you tube is a good place to start, then Amazon books would be another.
In order to survive we all need to be capable of finding and making fire, without a bic lighter, obtain safe drinking water, shelter, trap,hunt, fish, garden, animal husbandry, medical, wild foods and meds to start. Why do I say this? Because eventually all of our preps will run out.
Poking fun is fun, and at some time we all do it. Yes me too!! When some one let's there ignorance hang out and and are braving on how they know it all. Oh well! Game over for him. Damn sure he don't live close to me or Gazrok, as we don't need problems like that.
Good luck be safe, and for heavens sake GOD Bless!!
Personally, I did not notice he was banned. I do think what we do is fun however. The info here is serious. I try to give only true and correct info, as we may have to bet our lives on it. You may be correct, some mayor ave been having a bit of fun. However we should all remember that there always going to be those that are ignorant to our way of life. Think you can go and buyna bunch of things and younarenset for what ever life throws at you. That is so wrong. The skills needed to survive are needed to be practiced on a regular basis. A lot of us live the life that it could happen in a hour without warnings. While others dabble, and others think of this life as a romantic fairy tale. For those who have never been put in a life or death struggle. They will have a life changing event.

Yesterday I thought a 12 Y\O how to make fire with a rock from our dirt road and a old rusty file. Then I had him reproduce the skill. Then mag and ferro bar, then a bit lighter and dryer lent. He was amazed. Next time I told him he would make fire from two(2) sticks. He looked at me like I had a square head.
What we do is an important skill set, some may be more advanced in there skills and knowledge and we should try to pass it on. If for no other reason than to keep them from being a problem for us in trying times. We are practicing skills that are dying because of modern conveniences. Even so, all of the modern conveniences still derive from, fire, water, shelter and food. I would venture to say most on this site can't identify and use 50 medicinal and food plants combined. I am not knocking these people. I am however saying that you tube is a good place to start, then Amazon books would be another.
In order to survive we all need to be capable of finding and making fire, without a bic lighter, obtain safe drinking water, shelter, trap,hunt, fish, garden, animal husbandry, medical, wild foods and meds to start. Why do I say this? Because eventually all of our preps will run out.
Poking fun is fun, and at some time we all do it. Yes me too!! When some one let's there ignorance hang out and and are braving on how they know it all. Oh well! Game over for him. Damn sure he don't live close to me or Gazrok, as we don't need problems like that.
Good luck be safe, and for heavens sake GOD Bless!!
You're right in everything you said here doc. I do believe this is serious stuff. I try to have fun in everything I do, but I know in my heart that we are going to see some tough changes in this country soon, so sharing whatever knowledge we have is important. If we can help others to be able to feed and shelter their families, what could be more important in our lives. I'm always glad to read your posts here, and hope one day I can help with anything I have learned about. Like just let me know when you want to make some of that muscadine wine! Be safe my friend.
Brenthpost: 58272 said:
You're right in everything you said here doc. I do believe this is serious stuff. I try to have fun in everything I do, but I know in my heart that we are going to see some tough changes in this country soon, so sharing whatever knowledge we have is important. If we can help others to be able to feed and shelter their families, what could be more important in our lives. I'm always glad to read your posts here, and hope one day I can help with anything I have learned about. Like just let me know when you want to make some of that muscadine wine! Be safe my friend.

Thank you, that's funny you offer that as we planted 6 muscadine plants this spring . We are trying the consecutive ring planting. Have you ever made black berry wine?
Good luck, be safe, and God bless.
Thank you, that's funny you offer that as we planted 6 muscadine plants this spring . We are trying the consecutive ring planting. Have you ever made black berry wine?
Good luck, be safe, and God bless.
I have not yet, but I planted some thornless blackberries last fall, about 7 plants. They grew a lot this year, and I got a few handfuls of berries, but in another two years I hopefully will have enough. They are sprouting long runners, that lay on the ground and take root, so I should have a good patch one day. So far I have made fermented oranges (yuk, but potent), blueberries, apples, peaches (yummy), pears, and of course Concorde and muscadine grapes. I've read some way out there flavors like asparagus, rutebega, and of course saki (rice). So far muscadines are the best flavor. Of course you can mix flavors as well to custom tailer for your taste. All it takes is a little patience. I am just about to start making this years wines and will post Picts of the process. It's amazingly easy.
I wish I had planted in the ring style more, as I have a cultivated farm that is way too easy to identify. Oh well, a little late now. I have some security issues here to address, but still feel better than living in a city. Good to hear from you doc, Brent.