"WHAT" if anything; does a prepper owe other preppers....???

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I don't feel the need to help anyone, not even family. Now I might chose to help someone if it doesn't cut in to our needs. Everyone in our family had the opportunity to join with us here on our property. I was even willing to give land to them. Nobody was interested so we sold off all of our non adjoining properties.
I expect nothing other than respect from other preppers, since we all do things differently for our own reasons.

Families are a bit different though. If I commit to do something for them, or provide for some need, they are right to expect that I will keep my word. And I would expect them to do the same for their promises. But I wouldn't kick them out if they didn't. We might disappoint each other at times, but that is not a deal breaker for families. The bond there is stronger than any contract.

Other preppers - not family - I would expect nothing material from. And they should expect nothing from me. That does not mean that we wouldn't help each other if we were able. Just that there should be no expectation that this help would occur.
For those inclined to help others.....do it now (by helping them to help themselves)....before the crises hit. The advice you give, may change the trajectory of those you give it to.......but only because there is still time to use that advice to create real preparedness.

Once the crisis hits, everyone's trajectory will be fixed.......including those of the people that insist upon helping random people during a crisis.

You cannot really prep for other people........and if you do, the mindset that they lack, will be the end of you all.
We are soon going to see the answer.

My answer.........nothing.
I might help with advice to get going, possibly trade stuff, but in the end, if they can't hack it, they're prey. Someone must not only want to live, but show effort. after they sit in a ditch for a few days, I'm stealing his stuff.
But, but... I am ENTITLED to your help. You can't hoard food when others (me) are hungry. It's not fair! How am I supposed to know what to do, I didn't ask for the government to fall apart and my EBT to get canceled by that dodgy guy. They are supposed to take care of stuff like this for people. Nobody told me I should be prepared for what's happened. You're the expert, so you should share what you have. I DEMAND you give me some food. I'm gonna report you.

OK, so be that way, DON'T help me. That's not very neighborly. I'll just get my friends and come TAKE it! Maybe we'll burn your house down too. Then you'll be sorry.
OK, how'd I do? ;) :D
to me theres more aspects to prepping than just the physical and economic. theres a emotional and spiritual level also. i know some preppers who will do whatever it takes to be a survivor, even to the neglect or harm of others. that is fear.
can be a great motivator but crappy way to live.

if a person considers themselves a christian it is a whole different story. we are mandated to help, share and not live in fear. i totally know this is hard.

as things fall apart and get more difficult and even dangerous for those who did not or could not prep--id like to think id do the right thing and i pray for this. but i think it is important to alwasy first ask God--do you want me to help this person. let God decide for you cause i was s hown theres bad people who will pose as good people, preppers wanting to trade (to find out what you got) and fake christians. God showed me there are some to Not Help. but must alwasys ask. and ask for HIs help to do what HE wants you to do.

its not about surviving at any cost. we are here to serve Christ and Gods Plan. there are so many times HE taught we are to help others, share, give, forgive. not put our faith in our plans but His Plan. HE said

Matthew 25:44-45: “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’”

the only thing thats gonna help us get thru this coming crash is Jesus Christ and we need to learn to ask Him what to do and then to actually listen. then do it. start asking Him now who you can trust and stand and wrk with.
He will let you know.
My statement doesn't apply to preppers, it applies to people in general. Back in the broke cave man days (long, long ago). people would often pull together & help each other out. That was back in the days where a handshake was all you needed for a deal. As time went on & my financial situation improved, I found that I had enough to help people out. In helping people I found that there was a 10% (at most) return helping people. In other words after it was over I realized that 90% of those I helped burned me in some way. So I mostly don't help people anymore although I have someone living with us who didn't have a place to go. She was an exception to the rule that most people cause their own problems so I don't feel bad about helping her. She just needed a place to stay for a month or two so that she could get back on her feet. Other than that, my charity is that I feed birds, which I find more rewarding that helping people. Over a thousand pounds of bird food this winter & I'll be buying more today. Birds might **** on you but unlike people, they don't do it on purpose.
But, but... I am ENTITLED to your help. You can't hoard food when others (me) are hungry. It's not fair! How am I supposed to know what to do, I didn't ask for the government to fall apart and my EBT to get canceled by that dodgy guy. They are supposed to take care of stuff like this for people. Nobody told me I should be prepared for what's happened. You're the expert, so you should share what you have. I DEMAND you give me some food. I'm gonna report you.

OK, so be that way, DON'T help me. That's not very neighborly. I'll just get my friends and come TAKE it! Maybe we'll burn your house down too. Then you'll be sorry.
OK, how'd I do? ;) :D
What have you got to trade? Stack those propane tanks and help me do a bit of work and I'll give you two quarts of nice soup and a hunk of corn pone! No? well, I... WHAT'S THAT COMING?!
Bacon for the next one that isn't lazy! hehehehh.
After years of explaining to close friends the need to prepare, and being laughed at and told to “put on my tinfoil hat”, I owe nothing to nobody. I have prepared little bits at a time for myself and my family. Everyone has had plenty of opportunity to do exactly what I did. Was never wealthy and scrimped and save a lot, but still did what I could to make sure I could prep while providing for the family at the same time. Anyone who keeps their head in the sand and is too blind to see the need, can fend for themselves when it happens.

On another note, I used to love when after a friend would laugh at me, they would say “I'm coming to your house when the SHTF”. My response was always, “the hell you are!” They better be able to duck fast…..
After years of explaining to close friends the need to prepare, and being laughed at and told to “put on my tinfoil hat”, I owe nothing to nobody. I have prepared little bits at a time for myself and my family. Everyone has had plenty of opportunity to do exactly what I did. Was never wealthy and scrimped and save a lot, but still did what I could to make sure I could prep while providing for the family at the same time. Anyone who keeps their head in the sand and is too blind to see the need, can fend for themselves when it happens.

On another note, I used to love when after a friend would laugh at me, they would say “I'm coming to your house when the SHTF”. My response was always, “the hell you are!” They better be able to duck fast…..
It's getting time to tell all your buddies that "Prepping is bullscat, you don't know how you fell for such garbage, you're selling off your preps to some fools with money and laugh and never EVER bring it up again!
Then double down on the dried goods, ammo, and medical supplies!
I have heard so many times "it will never happen" and "the govt will save us" and the general stupidity of the masses, that I just cannot be bothered to try and help people anymore, even (city) preppers who I have tried to help and just got laughed at, so now when SHTF they are all on their own, I dont want to know.
My initial thought was nothing.

I thought about my small neighborhood tucked up in the hills. F most of those people, They can barely get through a rainstorm and power outage.

I would help my elderly neighbors. Late 70’s, both with walkers to get around, lived up here 50 years. Like minded. I help them out so much now, I know what they have. And I am pretty prepared.
Might help another couple, both Iraq war Vets and their teen kids know how to handle things.

Know what’s around you, and figure out what’s best.
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I'm not what anyone would call a prepper. But if you broaden the term to mean "someone who prepares for what could come" everyone should be a prepper in one way or another. That's just logically smart to live "prepared". And done right it seems to me that the preppers ideas would logically make sense in the long term. Rotating items so they never expire wouldn't cost money, for example. And as far as the tin hat comment I saw above, more tin hat theories of the past have proven to be more true than not true.
Now consider what is owed at this point. I suspect most have looked at this thread question from a "Post" SHTF assumption.

What is owed pre-SHTF. What is owed currently (today).

I know there are a very few with knowledge reference Prepping & Survival (on this forum) who hold those cards close to their chest.
This is a very bad time to try and get answers from those who know but will not tell.

There is also the problem of those who don't know that they don't know. Translated they think they know. but they don't know they don't know.

This is a large problem with internet. Strangely those who know can't challenge the member who does not know that they don't know.
The Princess and I have discussed making up beans and rice packets to be distributed through a local church to stay anonymous.

We believe community is key to restoring order and thriving. Full bellies change attitudes. While other communities will be fighting each other we need people working together to tend fields etc.

I realize our plans are crazy for most preppers. But for us (quoting the Mandalorean)...

"It is the way"


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