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Absolutely. And THEY (those who would hide out in their tax payer funded bunkers) have seen to it that the populous sees their enemy as their fellow citizen rather than them....aka those who got everyone into the global mess that we are in today.

Divisiveness (divide and conquer) is their life blood. We fell for it with Hitler. We fell for it with Stalin. We fell for it with Mao and sadly, we are falling for it again with the WEF and their minions.
I just got through watching the Hunger Games series of movies.
The pivotal moment for the series is in the second one when Katniss is about to shoot another Tribute and he calls out to her "Remember who the real enemy is."
I just got through watching the Hunger Games series of movies. The pivotal moment for the series is in the second one when Katniss is about to shoot another Tribute and he calls out to her "Remember who the real enemy is."

Read the books when they came out. Liked the movies too. I feel a movie night binge coming on!

I would take it even one step further...it is not the persona of the politician who is the root enemy...it is the ideology they foment.

Attacking a person gets you nowhere (because of the emotional attachment people will defend those they identify with, it is an emotional argument), attacking, destroying and degrading an ideology using reason, logic and common sense is the only way to keep it from spreading and repeatedly rearing its ugly head... people do not want to sound like idiots once reason is applied.

It is why you still have communism after Stalin and Lennin, why even though Hitler committed suicide and Mussolini was hung, that you still see Fascism pop up. The figureheads were discredited but the philosophy continued to be pushed and taught as a good idea.

To truely stop it, the ideas themselves must be discredited with incontrovertable reason.
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To truely stop it, the ideas themselves must be discredited with incontrovertable reason.
Even tho what you say is actually true, we have come to the point in time that we must realise that the opponent has already gotten so much support from the sheeple, Antifa, BLM and yes even THE KKK with their generations of hatred spread out equally amongst themselves and constantly screaming it out with their favorite megaphone (MSM) we are slowly outnumbered, out-gunned and even out-tricked. "THEY" have more fanaticism, more fantasy, more hatred and a longer breath than the rest of the normal world.
One thing I learned from a personal meeting with Eugene, (the last guard on Hess in the prison in Berlin) I came to realise that, after hearing that most of the SS were either homo-sexual or bi-sexual in order to maintain the absolute control over their faith, love and even a jealous ideal love for their führer, that they would really fight to the death...such a strong, steady and jealous love can only be expected from homosexuals. This is not bad, but it was used towards and for the specific means of protecting Hitler and assuring his status as their leader thru this fanatical love of him, his ideals and his goals....mis-use of love to gain absolute power...and then, he "commited suicide" or one of his fanatical "doubles" (he had several) died in his place to let him get away and left his fanatical lovers and soldiers to die instead of leading them thru till truly dying....
It is questionable if we "normal" persons can or could ever attain this level of fanaticism, and, if so, how long could we hope to keep it up and fight the fight, kill those attacking us and still not go crazy doing so.....normal persons and even those who did the terrible killings of millions under Hitler, do eventually go under from the NON-HUMAN overkill of innocents. Many reports were made of such soldiers having problems with the mass murdering back then. WHERE DO WE LAND????
How long can we hold out? Till they change? Till they are dead? Till when?
What I am saying is NOT that you shouldn't address (sorry for the double negative) the people who are spreading and supporting this stuff. Yes, that must take place but, they are not the real enemy. They are hosts. If you stop the ability of the parasite to use the host, you can starve the parasite.

There is a line in the Desiderata that says : Speak your truth quietly and clearly...

My SIL is a raging Liberal. If I get into a shouting match with her at Thanksgiving, or personally attack her or those who believe as she does, what does it achieve? Perhaps even those family and friends who might agree with my points or be open to being swayed, are now more likely to see me (and my accompanying views) as negative. The point is missed because it has been made emotional.

My SIL is not my enemy. She is misguided and would be one that if approached with logic, facts and common sense, might actually start to think for herself. Remember, the media and the administration has such control over what information people see/hear or don't.

People who do not spend the time to look for opposing views or stories, will have no knowledge of what is really going on. The truth and corrections are often on pg 22 of a newspaper and is made as inconspicuous as possible. Those things are completely left out of the selections that scroll through your news feed online. They don't know what they don't know.

You can feel as passionately about the truth in reason and logic as you can in any other thing. Our founders here allowed it to nourish them through a brutal war that by all rights they should have lost. Truth is a powerful motivator. There is no reason that we cannot find the same strength in it.
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HEMP , Neutron bombs, Aerosol bombs and Thermobaric bombs are strong enough to do any job, without the radioactive fallout which caused the problems of "re-taking" or "re-using" any area desired to be attacked. No need to screw up the whole world....BUT...who is "in Charge" and will decide which bomb goes where, explodes where and explodes how high in THE MATTER OF MINUTES still available in a HOT WAR???
Each of the senile, gray-haired, non-military idiots in charge who have a bunker to hide in (which they did NOT have to PAY FOR) and will be able to "wait it out" after the SHTF and we have to live in the aftermath.
They do not send their kids into the scrap, they do not have to eat the crap left over, they do not have to walk around after HEMP has stalled so many cars, (theirs will be EMP proofed), they will have clean water and enough food....need I go further?
We are the re-builders who have to survive and do the dirty work, like the widows in Germany after Hitler was responsible for destroying the entire generation of strong and healthy MEN...What a useless HERO he was...
GOD help us if BICRAP has anything with making the decision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can feel as passionately about the truth in reason and logic as you can in any other thing. Our founders here allowed it to nourish them through a brutal war that by all rights they should have lost. Truth is a powerful motivator. There is no reason that we cannot find the same strength in it.
Spoken wisely and straight forward sis. Hope to live long enough and make it back to Texas one day and have a day with you and yours.
Spoken wisely and straight forward sis. Hope to live long enough and make it back to Texas one day and have a day with you and yours.

I will look forward to that day! Stay safe, warm and as you say, live free!
One of the things that I did this morning was print hard copies of news regarding the economy. It has become increasingly clear that the game plan of the Democrat party is to blame the coming crash on the inevitable Republican Congress that will be elected in the next couple of weeks.

In the next election cycle, I fully expect that their line will be…see how bad things have gotten since these Republicans got put into power? They are already sowing the seeds.

This of course is a farce. The World Bank has already said that things are going to get much worse and by all technical definitions, we are already in a recession with a very good chance of Stagflation already taking hold. But, just as Joe was like Inflation? What inflation? Shortages? What shortages? Hey, how about them Mets? Did you see their pitcher...someone get me some ice cream!

It is now, recession? What recession? Oh, that “old” definition….these aren’t the droids you are looking for…and people are buying his $hit.

The Democrat party has put us on a road to collapse and it may already be too little too late. There may be no way to stop the freight train they have put in motion.

I am printing off these reports from credible sources as a mile marker of reminder for any family members who, in the future might wish to buy into the propaganda the party will keep watering for the next two years. Vladimir Lenin said “A lie told often enough, becomes the truth” and they will be employing his tactic in spades over the next two years.
Everybody around Bicrap was trying to say that no, he did not **** his britches....but, explain to us why he had started the whole meeting in BLUE suit, and the final photo shows him in a BLACK suit== rotten photo shopping?!?🤣🤣🤣
I really do not think he had SWEATED the first blue suit soooo bad that he had to change clothes...
he always had a runny nose (childrens and womens hair)...runny hands (little girls bodies) a runny mouth
(talking **** about things he does not know) and and and....a runny butthole (reasons unknown)
Isn’t this a Secret Service Agent with the bag?
What is interesting about this is that they were not buying iodide tabs like usual. They were buying an intravenous drug with a refrigerated shelf life of only 18 months used for people who have already been contaminated vs. preventive, like the potassium iodide.

I got mine stored. Miso soup!
Dispose of Grandpa Joe, put him in jail or in a closed crypt or home or better yet straight into the ground so he never comes out.
This guy is no longer sane and crazy, if there are new elections in your country and he realizes that he loses he will start World War 3 against Russia, he has now already stationed U.S. troops in Romania against Russia can go into the field.

Joe will drive your country to the wall, he is already destroying everything and he will not stop, this man is a criminal and he will destroy everything, every day more and his biggest interest as far as this idiot can still think clearly is to turn the whole world into a pile of rubble. Russia knows that, and every video in which Joe again runs in the wrong direction is taken to Kentniss in Russia, by Joe alone the world is currently on the brink of World War 3 and this idiot promotes the escalation even more.
, he has now already stationed U.S. troops in Romania against Russia can go into the field.


Are you talking about the recent restationing of the 101st airborne division there?
I didn't see that one but, I saw the NBC/CNN clip of him falling asleep in the middle of an interview.

I think this is intentional. They could have edited those things out but they let it stand.

After the red wave election, they want the option of having Biden bow out so Cam-illa DeVille can take over.

They know he will be unelectable in 2024 so they have to create new options.