What is Everybody Reading?

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I have several books in my cart - historical, just purchased the Little House series which I'm ashamed to say I've never read. I am reading Christ of the Celts, have an old-fashioned Irish living book to read (I couldn't resist, read the intro.) I am listening to Atlas Shrugged, and have a devotional I read daily. Maybe I need a clone so one of me can read all these :)
I have a few medicinal plant books I haven't read yet. Because of cataracts I only read when I had too for over 4 years now. It didn't stop me from buying new books though, lol. I'm still trying to figure out which strength reading glasses are best. Today I got a pair of half lens readers I'd ordered, luv them already.

Anyway, the book I have I most want to read is by Phyllis Light on Appalachian folk medicine, another is one Tommy Bass contributed to... Got 4 years of reading to catch up on.
I have a few medicinal plant books I haven't read yet. Because of cataracts I only read when I had too for over 4 years now. It didn't stop me from buying new books though, lol. I'm still trying to figure out which strength reading glasses are best. Today I got a pair of half lens readers I'd ordered, luv them already.

Anyway, the book I have I most want to read is by Phyllis Light on Appalachian folk medicine, another is one Tommy Bass contributed to... Got 4 years of reading to catch up on.
The half glasses are handy! I've never worn glasses until about 2 years ago - cheaters. I will only say that I ended up going 1 power less than what the ophthalmologist prescribed. They were too strong and made me dizzy. I wear a 1 (lowest level) and don't get dizzy or headaches with them. Not sure after your surgery, but if they recommended a certain strength, might try one lighter.
I have several books in my cart - historical, just purchased the Little House series which I'm ashamed to say I've never read. I am reading Christ of the Celts, have an old-fashioned Irish living book to read (I couldn't resist, read the intro.) I am listening to Atlas Shrugged, and have a devotional I read daily. Maybe I need a clone so one of me can read all these :)
Since the Little House books have some roots in South Dakota, the local libraries there have well worn copies. I read them several times as a child. I owned a collectors set of them. Then I tried to read them when I was teaching in the Inner City. Nope! Native Americans were referred to as savages and my students were offended by that. I realized that, and knew this was not a good idea, closed the book I was reading and never opened it again. When it comes to all the books that are not being published any more because of being offended, I wonder if the Little House books will eventually go that way as well.
I have been doing the audio book of Atlas Shrugged.

We have gotten past the anti dog eat dog and Hank and Dagny chilling that they are both producers.

The Sans Sobatian mine has shown to be fruitless. Dagny is on her way to see Fransisco but on the way remembers her relationship with him...

Am I spoiling the book?

I am finally on the 2nd CD - not sure what chapter. Repeatedly recognizing the similarities to our real world.
Geesh, guys, now I'm missing the story. I'll have to pull out my copy from a box somewhere. It's been a few years.
Am looking through some garden books husband bought for me. The Vegetable Gardeners Bible, by Smith. We are in a totally different zone for planting this spring. And it actually rains here. But alot of this soil has not been worked for a very long time.
I'm in section 49/91 disc 2 of 4 - can't remember which chapter. I think ch. 14 was the last I remember hearing but am probably past that. The country has pretty much picked up its hand basket and is going to H311. When I first began this disc, it is/was so close to what is happening, there was a part of me that didn't want to listen - knew it wouldn't be good. Now half way through the disc., it's all falling apart - want to know what becomes. 2 1/2 more discs!
I'm in section 49/91 disc 2 of 4 - can't remember which chapter. I think ch. 14 was the last I remember hearing but am probably past that. The country has pretty much picked up its hand basket and is going to H311. When I first began this disc, it is/was so close to what is happening, there was a part of me that didn't want to listen - knew it wouldn't be good. Now half way through the disc., it's all falling apart - want to know what becomes. 2 1/2 more discs!
A lot!

Brace yourself for a bunch logic interweved with the context of today and we should not direct our energies and talents to maintain the status quo

Get back to us please.

All kinds of nuggets in there. But understanding is hard. Proverbs 14:12 was a good one for me today, the entire chapter actually
When I find those gems that speak to me, or things that I don't understand, I write them on index cards. I can revisit those verses as I think of it. I keep them in a zippered bag and usually in my purse. I read somewhere to read one chapter of Proverbs a day. That is a lot, but I do try. 31 proverbs in a month.

Psalms are more of a challenge to me. I read one of them each day, or try to.
I can relate to that and why it is timely reading.

On a sinilar note The Princess had been sporting a new t-shirt that reads.

Make Orwell fiction again.

For some reason the J Swift piece "A Modest Proposal" came to mind upon pondering what of the book I heard yesterday. (That should be a link)

All kinds of nuggets in there. But understanding is hard. Proverbs 14:12 was a good one for me today, the entire chapter actually
Read this passage 3 times as well as the whole chapter. I figure when specific pieces are suggested, it is my clue or hint that I need to read them. There is so much I don't understand or think I do only to later have my eyes opened. Whatever I think, I try to remind myself that God lives within us not without us. Somehow that can change a perspective on words.
Read this passage 3 times as well as the whole chapter. I figure when specific pieces are suggested, it is my clue or hint that I need to read them. There is so much I don't understand or think I do only to later have my eyes opened. Whatever I think, I try to remind myself that God lives within us not without us. Somehow that can change a perspective on words.
I pray for understanding.
Thanks folks. I sure needed the encouragement. Weedy and ladies method both are good techniques.
I had a class years ago, one suggestion was to read 1 chapter from both psalms and proverbs, along with a chapter from other books each day.
Yes psalms must be understood in the context if David's like which is mentioned in... Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. He is unique in the the chronacales of men in that he is God's chosen and and at the same time faulty. He is a typical man.

He like Job is characterized by an unyielding faith in the creator despite his flaws.

Psalms reveals his state of mind as he passes through his trials and tribulations. There are times when he is desperate and others when he he his bolstered by his faith. Like other believers he is human and not superhuman.

David was a cool great great....grandfather of Jesus.

Thanks folks. I sure needed the encouragement. Weedy and ladies method both are good techniques.
I had a class years ago, one suggestion was to read 1 chapter from both psalms and proverbs, along with a chapter from other books each day.
That is pretty much what I do. In a class I am taking now, there was a discussion about daily devotions. One chapter each of Psalms, Proverbs, a gospel and some other book. Also, read whole books from beginning to end, at least one chapter at a time, but there are other strategies. Reading the whole book means that we don't miss anything. The Epistles are not long, just a few chapters each, mostly.
Yes psalms must be understood in the context if David's like which is mentioned in... Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. He is unique in the the chronacales of men in that he is God's chosen and and at the same time faulty. He is a typical man.

He like Job is characterized by an unyielding faith in the creator despite his flaws.

Psalms reveals his state of mind as he passes through his trials and tribulations. There are times when he is desperate and others when he he his bolstered by his faith. Like other believers he is human and not superhuman.

David was a cool great great....grandfather of Jesus.

We've been studying Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "Life Together." It is great. There is so much good stuff in the book.

" Because the Scripture is a corpus, a living whole, the so called lectio continua or consecutive reading must be adopted for Scripture reading in the family fellowship. Historical books, prophets, Gospels, Epistles, and Revelation are read and heard as God's Word in their context. They set the listening fellowship in the midst of the wonderful world of revelation of the people of Israel with its prophets, judges, kings, and priests, its wars, festivals, sacrifices, and sufferings. The fellowship of believers is woven into the Christmas story, the baptism, the miracles and teaching, the suffering, dying, and rising again of Jesus Christ. It participates in the very events that occurred on this earth for the salvation of the world, and in doing so receives salvation in Jesus Christ. "

The Psalms are used as prayers, and according to Bonhoeffer, were Christ's prayers. We learned that not all of the psalms will be understood by us, and I really get that. Psalms also move from one person speaking to another, and it is not always clear who is speaking. It is good to have a study bible or study guide to help understand and help interpret what is written. There is so much, too much to share, but such good teaching.
I read a book about Bonhoeffer a while back. Can't remember the title, but it was about his life. Good man.
He was martyred for participating in a scheme to murder Hitler. He was a good man. "Life Together" details what a Christian life involves. I have never really had it all taught to me, since I was raised Catholic. We didn't have daily devotions, read the bible, and more. We went to Mass on Sunday, prayed at meals, and a little more.
Currently in CD 3 of 4 of Atlas Shrugged. Obviously more to go, but so far my thoughts: those 'poor' folks who were left in the little town where the 20th cty motors shut down probably don't feel the chaos of the elites. In Utopia (or Atlantis or whatever they will call it) no children, no love, all business, all platonic??? Still in this section so that might change. I get Rand's message, but it just stepped into "fiction" at its greatest.
Currently in CD 3 of 4 of Atlas Shrugged. Obviously more to go, but so far my thoughts: those 'poor' folks who were left in the little town where the 20th cty motors shut down probably don't feel the chaos of the elites. In Utopia (or Atlantis or whatever they will call it) no children, no love, all business, all platonic??? Still in this section so that might change. I get Rand's message, but it just stepped into "fiction" at its greatest.
It is hard to say where you are in the tale. There is plenty of social insight woven into narrative. What is Dagny up to now?

Thanks folks. I sure needed the encouragement. Weedy and ladies method both are good techniques.
I had a class years ago, one suggestion was to read 1 chapter from both psalms and proverbs, along with a chapter from other books each day.
I've been looking for something that I have that I have no idea where I got it from. It may have been in a used bible I bought at a yard sale. I just found it. It is certainly more than I ever could have covered when I was teaching, and even a lot now. Add some prayers in there, a little worship music, and the day is full.

Daily and Annual Bible Reading Schedule
5 Psalms per day of the month; complete each month
1 chapter per day of Proverbs; complete each month
1 chapter per day of the Gospels; 89 chapters, complete once per quarter
1 chapter per day of the Epistles (Acts to Revelation, 171 chapters); complete every six months
2 chapters per day of the Old Testament (748 chapters, not including Psalms and Proverbs); complete annually

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