So fired FBI director Comey plans to testify as early as next week to confirm accusations that Trump pressured him to end his investigation.
Is Trump really in danger of being impeached? Or will this blow over? Predictions?
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My bet is that nothing will come of it. With Clinton, it was the republicans out for him. Trump has most of them on his side. Unless he pisses enough of them off....
When it was Willie, I wondered how many of them had done the same thing (had a fling, or a bunch, on the side and just didn't get caught. That's politics though.
Of course, that's my opinion and worth the price charged.
Dang. You're young. Or I'm old. Maybe both....
Yes but doesn't Trump have half the country against him? If Comey testifies that Trump pressured him to drop investigation...I would imagine that he would have to provide proof of this. If this could be established as fact would this result in impeachment?
Yeah, he does, but my thinking says that he's a republican, and if a republican house and senate impeach him, that will serve the democrats in the midterm elections. Keep in mind that if he pisses them off enough, it may happen anyway.
I've wondered if they intended to let him hang himself in order to get Pence in. Hell, from looking a pictures of Trump, he looks like he's ready to quit himself...
Otherwise, I haven't seen Trump back down from a fight. I don't know if they could impeach him from a conversation with Comey or not, but they sure could make his life worse than it already is....
I hope you're right. Either way you look at it...someone is going to lose.