What Preparations do you have for Radiation Protection?

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I was searching for how to prepare for nuclear attacks? Any input for what we can do? A bunker or root cellar would probably be good to have, but I'd bet that there are few of those amongst us, if any.

Go to You Tube and enter Preparing Your Home for Nuclear Fallout. There are several videos on how to prepare your home. If you don't have a basement maybe try to prepare an interior room sealing off and barricading windows. Stack things like boxes of books against the exterior walls to add some shielding.

You really want to shelter in place. If there is no good way to secure your home is there commercial property near you that may have a basement? A church or a school? Wherever you end up you sgould plan on staying there for at least three weeks for things to get back to reasonably safe conditions. If you do have to leave your home it is critical that you get to the designated area very quickly. Depending on your proximity to ground zero, it only takes about 15 minutes for radioactive fallout to start dropping back to Earth.

It has been mentioned many times, but the only things that will protect you from radiation are Time, Distance, and Shielding. Hazmat suits or any kind of suit for that matter, will not protect you from radiation. They protect you from contamination.
I bought 120 (130 mg.) Potassium Iodide Tablets. I have several large rolls of 6 mil Visqueen and many staple guns and lots of staples. If the power stayed on I ca use electric heat and propane to cook. But if power was off, I would have no choice but to use the wood stove, which would require going outside for wood. If I was using electric to heat, I need to remember to put double trash bags over chimney and duck tape.

I wonder if wearing an "immersion Suit" would be of value outdoors. The only thing exposed is your face.
the book Nuclear War Survival Skills by kearny is still worth getting. and i think you can still get a free download online. then shane connors site the good newsd about nuclear destruction is alos very good
a doc told me the potassium iuodine is only to protect the thyroid from radioactive iodine. with safe iodine pills you saturate the thyroid so it doesnt take up the radioactive iodine and it only protects from thyroid cancer. the potassium iodine does not protect from radiation.

i also read that after fukashima, that the Best protection, detox thing was activated charcoal tablets made from coconut husks. it binds and detoxes---sorry its been many years since i went over that info but the stats were on the level of protection it gave was pretty amazing.

there was a map of the us that showed likely targets, and average wind speed and direction estimating ow long til any radiation got to your area. i was surprised to learn that for my locale, las vegas being hit was the biggest threat and id have 48 hours to tie up loose ends, put chickens in garage with food and water, and head for the basement. i reckoned if i hear of any nukes popping anywhere ill just mosey on down there just in case.

shane conners site has good free info

i think im more worried about those russian posidon subs with the nuke drones that blast causing tsunamis 1600ft tall to take out their enemies. and putin saying america set the precedence for using nukes so they can too to defend themselves.

im getting more chocolate. ive heard it has amazing restorative powers.
I bought 120 (130 mg.) Potassium Iodide Tablets. I have several large rolls of 6 mil Visqueen and many staple guns and lots of staples. If the power stayed on I ca use electric heat and propane to cook. But if power was off, I would have no choice but to use the wood stove, which would require going outside for wood. If I was using electric to heat, I need to remember to put double trash bags over chimney and duck tape.

I wonder if wearing an "immersion Suit" would be of value outdoors. The only thing exposed is your face.
If time allowed I'd bring a supply of wood inside, a large supply. An alternate would be to keep the wood under the eve by an exterior door and drape a canvas from the eve.

An immersion suit would keep the radioactive particles off you. The trick would be to not contaminate yourself or your home while getting out of it. The beauty of my Tyvek coveralls is that I can step out of them just outside the door and abandon them. I can even cut them off if I wish. They would be a one time use item. I bought a case of 25 and trips outside would not be long and not a daily event. The goal is to keep the radioactive particles off your body and especially outside of your lungs.

The skin is a barrier for some radiation (Alpha particles if memory serves). The radiation will go through the Tyvek (non Alpha). Here is where time comes into the equation. You want to minimize your time outside and then get rid of your outside layer, leaving the contamination outside your living area. The N-95 is to keep the particles out of your lungs. Discard the outer clothing, discard the outer gloves, discard the mask, discard the inner gloves, take a shower if possible.
What make and model?

Distance is probably the most important. Just being 10' away from a deadly source can make it harmless due to the inverse-square law. Of course, it depends on how large it is too.
I've even been a radioactive source before :oops:.
Playing with the CDV-700 after a "nuclear stress test":

I was more than 100X more powerful than the 18mr source shown earlier.
(and that was on the highest scale on the meter that it can measure with :oops:)

Not a clue, it looks exactly like yours however and only gets started at 800. with the long cord, I expect it was made to be used outside a shelter or put on the end of a stick to find hot spots. I live 5 miles from ground zero, I haven't bothered in years.
I wonder if wearing an "immersion Suit" would be of value outdoors. The only thing exposed is your face.

Do you know what might be targeted in your area? Determine the target, and check the direction of the prevailing winds. That will give you a good indication of where the fallout is going. An immersion suit will only protect you from contamination, anything that might be falling from the sky. It will not protect you from radiation, but at least the suit you can remove and bury. You don't have to bring it into the house. There is some protection from that aspect. You should wear eye protection at a minumum and a mask so you don't inhale anything.
Well this topic seems uber relevant today.....sadly. This is a topic I really need to brush up on. I would love a step by step guide on what to do to get prepared and what things (in order) that should be done. Clearly, that would depend upon how much time you have, but I wonder.....how would you really know? It seems that communications would be the first thing to go, so even if you knew an attack had started, how would you know where they landed? Without that information, you wouldn't know how much time you had.

Due to that, I'd probably head to the basement sooner than needed. I would want to cover the garden with our tarps which would be more difficult in the winter. Other things I'd want to do before shutting ourselves in the basement.

*park heavy machinery on the most vulnerable wall to help block radiation
*get metal pieces (siding that we have stacked) and throw it up against the vulnerable walls on the outside.
*park vehicles outside the vulnerable wall
*get the dog food downstairs
*fill coolers with fresh refrigerated or frozen food and take downstairs
*grab our favorite blankets and pillows
*grab crossbow with bolts
*get purse (with cellphone)
*get battery container full of charged batteries
*grab important paper safe (if I have time)
*grab laptop (even though it probably won't work)
*get milwaukee portable fans and batteries to go with it

Things I already have downstairs:
*calander and clock with fresh batteries (will emerge after 2 weeks)
*dry food and water for at least 2 weeks
*cots, fold up chairs, and blankets
*potty with lid, TP, diaper genie for used TP, spray, chem packs (also have other buckets with lids to prevent smell)
*wet wipes for cleaning up
*books, cards, puzzles, word find books, reading lights, reading glasses, portable DVD player with DVD's, etc.
*guns with earplugs
*NOAA radios and walkie talkies
*small generator (wouldn't use)
*sterno, small propane tanks with stove (wouldn't use due to air quality)
*hand warming packs
*apple juice, tang, electrolyte powders
*paper products...plates, utensils, TP, PT, cups, garbage bags, duct tape
*plastic sheeting with staples and stapler to pin up on walls
*several supplements and OTC meds
*medical supplies
*extra underwear, socks, shirts, clothes, shoes, sweatshirts
*tyvek suits, footies, masks
*radiation detector (although not really proficient on it's use) but have manuals
*litter box for the pups with litter (hope they use it)

I'm sure there's lots of other stuff there that I have forgotten about or haven't mentioned. I have a small nuke kit with books and manuals that I would brush up on if trapped in my basement. It would be REALLY hard not to leave for this or that after shutting the door, even if you already have your stuff there and have a plan. There's always something you're going to forget.

Could we live down there for 2 weeks....yes. But, would we be able to do it? Hmmmm.... I don't know how many people would be joining us? I anticipate 5 people total, but I don't know that for sure. What are you gonna do when idiot relatives show up a week later? How do you tell them NO though the door? They don't even know they are contaminated and could contaminate us. Many people haven't thought this scenario through.......many of those are family members.

I just don't know. I'm not sure this is going to be as 'easy' to shut in for 2 weeks as it may seem on the surface. Hubby is not a NO person and he's also not a sit still person, especially when chaos is going on outside. Sadly, I think this is going to be a test that we are going to have to face soon. Pray.....just pray!

It would be nice if we could link all these topic threads into one post.......lots of good information on the fourm.
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I like that idea. Where would be the best place to add it?
Probably in the Survival & Prepping section.
Give it a good name like: Radiation and Nuclear War Survival.
Like @Caribou said, it's gonna be a lot of work for 'somebody' to round-up all the threads about it :(.
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This is an interesting thing that I heard tonight on Goshen Prepping live chat: pectin in apples helps to protect you from radiation. This was discovered relative to Chernobyl. I need more apple sauce, dehydrated apples, and to eat more fresh apples. I'll be eating more apples now!


Apple pectin used for radiation protection after Chernobyl


Apple pectin is a dietary fiber supplement that is often used to maintain powerful digestive health. It is also known as fruit pectin. Purchased in powder form, apple pectin becomes a gelatinous, or jelly-like, substance when wet. Many people are familiar with apple pectin in the making of jams and jellies. However, natural healers, herbalists, and fitness experts use apple pectin when preparing colon cleanse products because it is a soluble fiber. Apple pectin has the ability to sweep out radioactive dust particles from the intestinal tract, and it was used extensively after the Chernobyl nuclear plant meltdown.

How Apple Pectin Works

Apple pectin is a soluble dietary fiber source. The fibers in apple pectin help to balance the colon. In the digestive tract, apple pectin swells, forming a gel which acts like a broom to sweep the entire intestinal tract of waste material and body fat. In the large intestines, apple pectin breaks down into short chain fatty acids, which have positive pre-biotic benefits. Apple pectin is considered safe by the FAO/WHO Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives.

Apple Pectin and Radioactive Protection After Chernobyl

Both master herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze and nutriceutical researcher Jon Barron have recently mentioned that apple pectin was used after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster in 1986. Jon Barron states that "apple pectin was used in the aftermath of Chernobyl to reduce the load of radioactive cesium in children." Dr. Schulze says that apple pectin was used "extensively" after the Chernobyl disaster. He mentions that apple pectin has been proven to remove heavy metals, and even radioactive Strontium 90. Dr. Schulze says that taking apple pectin proved to significantly prevent damage from radiation exposure.

Apple Pectin Reduces the 137Cs Radioactive Cesium Load in Chernobyl Children

The Swiss Medical Weekly published a report in 2004 confirming that apple pectin was seen to reduce the 137Cs cesium uptake in Ukrainian children after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster. A study led by V.B. Nesterenko at the Belrad Institute of Radiation Safety was performed to see if orally administered apple pectin was effective in binding 137Cs in the gut for food contaminated by radiation, or if eating "clean," non-contaminated food was enough. The study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving children from contaminated villages near the disaster area.

Radiation levels were measured at the beginning of the study and one month later. At the end of the trial, 137Cs cesium levels in children who were given apple pectin were reduced by 62%. Children who had received "clean" food and a placebo had reduced radiation levels by only 13.9%. The results were determined to be statistically significant.

Source:Natural News

I wondered how much apple juice one would have to consume to get the benefits of ridding radiation from the body? I'm sure that depends upon exposure. While looking for that answer, I found a couple of interesting articles... However, I still didn't find a definitive answer to my question. It looks like it would have to be a lot, so I think it is just an extra small layer of protection that helps to rid the body of radiation.

I also have a bag of apple pectin that I would consider using as well b/c it's easier to store and doesn't take as much room. I have about 4 gallons of juice stored, even though we don't typically drink juices. It's cheap enough to have some on hand. I paid just over $2 per gallon but it is in plastic containers. Glass containers would be my first preference, but that is over double the price. I bet cider would work too but likely have a shorter shelf life.

I was doing some more 'post-move Organizing' this past-weekend, and came across our 'NBC PPE-kits'.. Not much, but.. Each has a Full-head 'smoke hood', with face-sealing inner mask, and an 'upgraded' NBC-filter, a Tyvek full-body / hoodie-suit, butyl-rubber gloves, and mil-surplus 'Mickey-boots' for each.. (the Coveralls can just be disposed of, but the Gloves / boots will be easy to 'de-con'..)


..Plus, (In addition to 'Regular comms-kits' (Portable HAMs / Direct-Talkies (Motorola i576s, so no one can 'eavesdrop', unlike FRS, etc) etc) I plan to carry (in-case of 'INCH' situ..) a Dosimeter, Casio mini 'weather-station' watch, and a decent-qual AM/FM/SW radio, assuming that All cel / TV, and (likely) Most 'top-level' radio-stations will be Out, as well as the Internet, etc, so.. "Something" to, at least Try, and 'see what's going on', if the 'unthinkable' comes to pass..

..and it sure feels like it's Looming, these days, eh? :oops:o_O

Tyvek suits for temporary fallout protection. Wear them outside after a nearby blast (if going outside is absolutely necessary), or to get to your shelter location. But, take the suit (and gloves & respirator) off before you go back inside your shelter. If there is fallout, the radioactive particles will be on the suit (and in your respirator filters). Temporary exposure probably ok, but long term exposure is very bad.
The wife is not 100% on board with prepping. I feared she might think I'm crazy if I started ordering stuff like the Tyvek suits. So, when the news was talking about nuclear stuff, I left the suits in our shopping cart on Amazon, and she saw that. I explained what they were for, and asked her if we should buy them. I left it up to her. She did not jump on the idea, and I let it go, and we didn't buy anything.

But, then she was listening to the radio, and the guy was saying that a full out nuclear war is not necessarily the primary threat to us. He suggested it is the dirty bombs that have already been smuggled across our southern border and into the United States, and hidden here to be detonated to crash our economy at the time of choosing of our adversary, say, China.

So she came home and said, "Let's get the Tyvek suits and give a few to each of our (grown) kids." She's good with buying respirators, too, so I'll probably make a trip to the hardware store and hit the paint section for some respirators. We have nitrile gloves.

I asked her if she wasn't worried that the kids will just think their father is going crazy. She said she will remind them that they thought I was crazy when I bought masks a couple months before Covid hit. But then no one could get masks for a while, and we were the only ones who had them, and I didn't look so crazy then. :cool:
The wife is not 100% on board with prepping. I feared she might think I'm crazy if I started ordering stuff like the Tyvek suits. So, when the news was talking about nuclear stuff, I left the suits in our shopping cart on Amazon, and she saw that. I explained what they were for, and asked her if we should buy them. I left it up to her. She did not jump on the idea, and I let it go, and we didn't buy anything.

But, then she was listening to the radio, and the guy was saying that a full out nuclear war is not necessarily the primary threat to us. He suggested it is the dirty bombs that have already been smuggled across our southern border and into the United States, and hidden here to be detonated to crash our economy at the time of choosing of our adversary, say, China.

So she came home and said, "Let's get the Tyvek suits and give a few to each of our (grown) kids." She's good with buying respirators, too, so I'll probably make a trip to the hardware store and hit the paint section for some respirators. We have nitrile gloves.

I asked her if she wasn't worried that the kids will just think their father is going crazy. She said she will remind them that they thought I was crazy when I bought masks a couple months before Covid hit. But then no one could get masks for a while, and we were the only ones who had them, and I didn't look so crazy then. :cool:
I have this issue with my daughter. She doesn't get it, and there is only so much one can say. Cleaning out the garage: "Why do you have all this sugar?" Me: "I bought it when it was on sale for Christmas baking." She gets that.
Now the Tyvek suits? I can pass them off for painting. But the respirators? Oh, those could be for painting purposes as well. But I do need to make a kit of all of this stuff. But once it hits, there will need to be a reality conversation. I would like to make up a kit for her to keep in her garage, but she would never accept it.
Tyvek suits for temporary fallout protection. Wear them outside after a nearby blast (if going outside is absolutely necessary), or to get to your shelter location. But, take the suit (and gloves & respirator) off before you go back inside your shelter. If there is fallout, the radioactive particles will be on the suit (and in your respirator filters). Temporary exposure probably ok, but long term exposure is very bad.

These suits, and any clothing for that matter, do not protect you from radiation. They protect you from contamination. They will keep radioactive fallout or particles from contacting you skin, but you will still be absorbing radiation into your body.

You are correct in that whenever you go back inside the suit or all clothing should be discarded and stored for a later burial.
These suits, and any clothing for that matter, do not protect you from radiation. They protect you from contamination. They will keep radioactive fallout or particles from contacting you skin, but you will still be absorbing radiation into your body.

You are correct in that whenever you go back inside the suit or all clothing should be discarded and stored for a later burial.
Correct. Good clarification. They just prevent particles that will radiate you from sticking to your clothing or skin (and with a respirator, from coming to rest inside your lungs), so that when you enter your shelter, you won't bring radioactive dust into your shelter, and be constantly radiated by it.

Some levels of radiation are tolerable for a short time, but would be dangerous with continued exposure. With the suit (and with proper disposal), you will only be exposed to radiation when you are out and about in the suit (and not afterward).
I went ahead and built my coffin. So, I guess I'm prepared for any radiation that would be lethal.
But what if it is completely avoidable by simply spending 2 weeks in the center of your house and not going out?
Distance matters when it comes to radiation.
The war is over, you go out, and there is nothing to hear, smell, taste, feel, or see, except maybe a layer of dust on your truck outside.
You scream: "They missed us completely!!! We're ok." :woo hoo:
This is what will kill the vast majority of people🤨.
You all will have to excuse me for being 'possessed' by this topic but I grew up in the "Duck and cover" and "Always know where your nearest fallout-shelter is" days. 🤨
It was drilled into our heads.
Every big brick building had a sign like this one on it back then:

Americans are woefully unprepared today, even though we are at many times greater risk than back then🤨.
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I ordered off amazon and got this little guy in. Any of the techies know if it is worth using? I have been down with a serious head cold mutated virus affliction so I haven't buckeled down yet to figure it out. I have several other things that should go beep but since just over the hill to the north are those odd fenced in enclosures with doors that slide open....who knows.
I ordered off amazon and got this little guy in. Any of the techies know if it is worth using? I have been down with a serious head cold mutated virus affliction so I haven't buckeled down yet to figure it out. I have several other things that should go beep but since just over the hill to the north are those odd fenced in enclosures with doors that slide open....who knows.
Outstanding!!! It is a low-level meter that can tell you which people 'stink' coming into your home, that need to shed their clothes before they come into your home.
And it can also measure in millirems per hour instead of just silly sieverts :woo hoo:
  • Dose equivalent rate: 0.0-1000μSv/h(10mSv/h)
  • 71puoZFjnKL._SX522_.jpg
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I don't know if I should say anything on line. What would you recommend here in central montana. We do have radon mines and missel silos.
Since it is a low-level detector, the reading in the center of your house should be noticeably different than standing outside in the sunlight.
And hot-rocks are completely legal, as long as they are not "too hot":thumbs:.
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