What preps do YOU have for rainy weeks?

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Thunderstorms and Flash flooding are forecast fro our parts of the Ozarks over the next few days. We're on a high elevation, so the flooding isn't an issue, but tornadoes are a possibility. Unfortunately, our "tornado shelter" is a 4' tall culvert that goes under the highway down the hill from us, and it won't be usable if it's been flash flooding.
we both need a better tornado shelter situation.only thing we have going for us.is a hall closet,that i still need to work on getting the lumber...some things i already have for rainy days,others i still need to get.but yet.some can/will apply for rainy days.especially if there's no electric..
emergency radio am/fm/weather
flashlights and lanterns
emergency foods
first aid kit
cooking items pots n pans utensils stove
rain suits
dust mask
extra meds (if possible)
whistle & bull horn
hand wipes
hand can opener
cash money
reading glass's
portable hand held cb/ham radio
camping port-a-potty
folding saw
claw hammer
weapons guns/knifes/bow n arrow
multi tool pliers
lighters and water proof matches
Fire extinguisher
for entertainment..
board games.decks of cards,
The only thing raining days keeps us from doing is working the land aside from that everything else remains the same, flooding only affects us several mile away preventing us from heading into town, power outages isn't much of an issue as far as not having any in fact it wouldn't bother me one bit. For entertainment the Wife has an extremely extensive library, board games, cards, crossword puzzles, 20 or so 5k/10k piece puzzles, domino's and many many coloring books for adults and kids and if none of that meets one fancy then don't come to me and say 'I'm bored, nothing to do' because I'll be like, ok I have horses that need brushing and stalls need cleaning no such thing as 'nothing to do'. The only thing that would cause us to evac are wildland fires an all out war/invasion or a mountain with an attitude, I have two live volcanoes one to the Northwest and one to the Northeast of me and besides, mama makes sure the kids and grand kids entertain and spoil me, there always something to do here even on rainy days. :)
here's some interesting games that can be played,with or without electric..

Story Circle
Have everyone sit in a circle. Someone starts a story and, after a couple of sentences, they look to the person on the right to let them continue the next part of the story. The story gets sillier the faster you go. The sillier the story, the more fun!

Alphabet Game
One person starts out with a sentence like “I went to the grocery store and it sells… [Name a something a store would sell starting with the letter “A”, like Apple].” The next person says the same line and at the end finishes with something grown that starts with the letter “B” and down the alphabet. So the next answer could be “Beans” and so on until you reach the end of the alphabet or can’t think of anything.

I Spy
One person starts out saying, “I spy with my little eye something… [Insert description of what they see here].” The others try to guess what the first person has spied. If they don’t get it, the “spy” continues to give clues until someone guesses. Once someone guesses correctly, they become the spy!

20 Questions
One person thinks of a person, place or thing. The other players get twenty questions to try and figure out what the first person is thinking of. Whoever wins becomes the next to pick the person, place or thing!

One Word Answer
One person picks one word that is a thing. That will be the answer to any question they’re asking during the game. For example: They pick the word, “cat “. Another person asks, “What do you eat for breakfast?” The first person’s answer is “cat.” They keep getting asked questions until the first person laughs. Once they laugh, the person who asked the question that made them laugh is the next answer giver.

Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button? *A button or small item is required.

Everyone sits in a circle. One person who is “IT” stands in the middle and puts the button in one person’s hand. The person who is “IT” closes their eyes and everyone in the circle passes the button behind their backs until they decide to stop. Whoever is “IT” has to try and guess who’s got the button! The person who was holding the button is the next person that’s “IT”.

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