When you choose a vehicle to buy for your family have you considered what we as preppers often ask of our vehicles outside the commute and shopping trips to Tesco?
Off the top of my head are a few examples of what preppers often expect their vehicles to do, does’nt it make you want to think just that little bit more about what type of vehicle you actually NEED compared to what you want? And what sort of equipment you actually NEED in that vehicle?
Being the EDC drive in all seasons on all road conditions (work, shopping, school run etc)
Bring in Firewood / Coal / Oil drums/ Gas bottles etc
Transport building materials to repair or upgrade house
Doing the garden waste / council tip runs
Bring in gardening supplies like bulk fertiliser or bails of compost
Transporting entire family and comprehensive food/fuel/water supplies and BO Kits to safety
Acting as temporary mobile shelter in emergency
Recovering large game carcasses for food after TSHTF
Clearing obstacles from the road in an emergency (fallen trees, broken down vehicles etc)
Pulling other vehicles in your group to safety
Towing trailers or equipment/ logistics/camping trailers etc
Acting as mobile comms base or mobile kitchen on days out
Foul weather shelter when away from home in rural areas
Powering tools such as winches, Ham/CB radios, electric wood saws, tyre inflators, air pumps
Acting as a mobile office.
Off the top of my head are a few examples of what preppers often expect their vehicles to do, does’nt it make you want to think just that little bit more about what type of vehicle you actually NEED compared to what you want? And what sort of equipment you actually NEED in that vehicle?
Being the EDC drive in all seasons on all road conditions (work, shopping, school run etc)
Bring in Firewood / Coal / Oil drums/ Gas bottles etc
Transport building materials to repair or upgrade house
Doing the garden waste / council tip runs
Bring in gardening supplies like bulk fertiliser or bails of compost
Transporting entire family and comprehensive food/fuel/water supplies and BO Kits to safety
Acting as temporary mobile shelter in emergency
Recovering large game carcasses for food after TSHTF
Clearing obstacles from the road in an emergency (fallen trees, broken down vehicles etc)
Pulling other vehicles in your group to safety
Towing trailers or equipment/ logistics/camping trailers etc
Acting as mobile comms base or mobile kitchen on days out
Foul weather shelter when away from home in rural areas
Powering tools such as winches, Ham/CB radios, electric wood saws, tyre inflators, air pumps
Acting as a mobile office.