What will happen in 2018?

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015
OK all, pull out your crystal balls & share what you predict will happen in 2018?

Plenty of topics. Economy. Politics. Society. International. Who dies. Terrorism. Iran, NK, ISIS, etc. Inventions. Companies. Internet... And what doesn't happen!

Have fun, all I ask is to keep it clean and polite... limit 20 predictions per post?

I'll start with just one safe bet: Trump is NOT impeached and the Russia thing fizzles (finally).
I predict Toexist posts again on this site.
There will be a major draining of the swamp in high level of government.
One of the big dems will be jailed on felony charges (hillery Clinton, Holder, Obama, Rice)
Stock market will hit 26k then a major crash, then come back slow and strong.
The Saints win the superbowl after a playoff underdog comeback.
The border wall is being built at a record pace.
A new health care bill is passed, different from every previous plan that was voted on.
I will win the LOTTERY buy a huge track of land then build a new house with the ultimate bunker and then disappear from the rest of the world,,,,,,,,,
Doc makes a good point. Someone can start another thread for pipe dreams.

Now maybe Rellgar things all of these are possible? Let me clarify again... what do you think WILL happen in '18?
I can dream can't I,,,,,,,,,,,??????????????

now here goes
someone snuffs fat boy and it's not the USA,,,

we see a sizable drop in the stock market but not a crash

Trump will still be president in 2019,,,

no we will not see Clinton or Obama prosecuted in 2018,,,,,I would like to see that but it will not happen

the Russian probe will be a bust for the Democrats by that I mean they will get a few of Trumps people but anything short of Trump will be a failure

the GOP will still control the Senate

we will see a serious effort to ban assault weapons which will fail but the banning of high capacity mags will happen
I predict that Hillary will still be whining about losing to Trump.
The cry baby Dems will still be crying about the election.
The spineless Repubs will continue to fight Trump and squander their majority.
The invasion of muslims and third worlders will continue. Sanctuary cities will grow.
Fuel prices will continue to be too high. Taxes will still be too high.
Talk about immigration "reform" will continue to be just talk. The Repubs will roll over and work with the Dems to pass amnesty.
Welfare reform will just be more talk.
The stock market will hit 26,000.
And hopefully I'll live to see 2019.
Unfortunately I believe we will see more mass shootings and related events to further push the gun grab agenda.
A few more fun ones:

1. Trump will NOT stop tweeting.
2. The media will continue to refuse to cover any good news that support Trump.
3. "Climate Change" liars will not stop yakking but there will still be no evidence to support their junk science, and Trump will keep cutting their gov't funding.
4. We will see action on The Wall. Mexico will still refuse to pay, but Trump will find ways to tax money going to Mexico. Or keep jobs from going down. Or deport far more illegals. Whatever it is, Trump will show how that money will be 'saved' and he will say it's going to pay for the Wall.
5. Russia-gate will flat-out end. FBI/DoJ will suffer and some will go to prison, many will lose jobs. Even Killary will sweat it out. Flynn will basically walk.
6. Someone will draw Sarah Huchaby in a super-hero outfit, knocking out fake-news clowns and exposing their lies while baking desserts!

There are so many more...

* A thought, not sure which way it will swing. Will RINO/1-party "republicans" support Trump and push for a stronger country or will their loyalties remain with the 1-world gov't? I think the answer is in the middle: they recognize Trump's popularity & will sort-of get behind him to not lose office, but will be far from true conservatives.
1. Trump isn't impeached. The Russian collusion fantasy results in some minor arrests on trumped up charges, but it never gets as far as the Oval Office. Probably because it's all nonsense.

2. We'll see more mass shootings. At least one per month, until by the end of the year (or even sooner), there is a public outcry to ban guns completely, despite lobby efforts of the NRA, etc. Some of these will be at concert or performance events (this is to further spread the use of face recognition software at such venues).

3. We will once more see the deaths of many of the icons my generation grew up with.

4. North Korea will continue to ramp up it's rhetoric, all the way up until the Olympics. After the Olympics, realizing his ploy has failed (as we ignore him), he will still try and stir the pot... Meanwhile, eventually, his soldiers will not be paid, or fed properly, and this will drive Un to the bargaining table by the end of the year. While he will trade some disarmament for money, fuel, and food, it will of course be very superficial. However, his subterfuge will be made public, and he will once again, be forced to concede more arms. (most of it will all be behind closed doors, however).

5. The Dems will be pushing Sanders and Warren out to the voters to see if they get any bites. They will, from the same folks that voted for Hillary in 2016. And they will continue to delude themselves, keeping these two in the spotlight as 2020 contenders, throughout the year, on and off. Waters will even be attempted (until it backfires spectacularly).

6. By year end, we will have a mutually beneficial agreement with Putin regarding Crimea and Syria. Russia will get their pipelines, but we'll still get a kickback to cease trying to thwart it.

7. The ridiculous wall idea will see more press, as prototypes are shown, and initial surveying stages begin.

8. The GOP will reintroduce a new ACA type legislation, but it too will fail miserably. However, this will lead to a bi-partisan effort to truly construct a more workable plan to implement, but not before more pieces of existing ACA are dismantled.

9. State governments, emboldened by more fundies in office than ever, will try more and more bold religious legislation (which will fail miserably with voters).

10. Puerto Rico will again be in the news, this time, needing a HUGE bailout effort. There will even be telethon like TV specials created for this.
I plan on expanding My prepps quite a bit and redoing My budget . But planning and doing are 2 different things .
I do think We will see some major fall outs and possible arrest in the Democrat party . I think Trump will keep up the MAGA agenda and the liberals will have some big reasons to have some major melt downs . GOD'S speed .
Personally, I predict I'll finally get my garden going this March!

I predict that once our son moves out in Feb, we'll finally be able to get the house in order.

I predict we'll start the new business ventures this summer (converting our tack shop into a studio for both scrapbooking crops, and paint and sip studio).

I predict I'll have to kick my derelict boarder out in Feb, because there's simply no way she'll ever get caught up on paying the board for her 4 horses (sweet lady, but has no business with 4 horses...got divorced, and won't give them up, even though she needs to).
GOP loses the Senate retains the House
Japan changes its Constitution, gets approval for Aircraft Carrier pissing off china
Little fat man bobs his head every now and then, saber rattling continues
Stock market heads for correction
Dollar devalued even more due to debt
Russian collusion BS starts to wind down in the fall with Mueller finding everything outside the scope though no russian collusion
Moody's starts downgrading Connecticut municipalities
California debt starts making the news
Germany starts to reverse course on immigration
US continues it's upswing though debt continues to rise
US sees more challenges to its sea and air dominance
Romney takes Hatch place in the Senate
I'm still stuck in Washington
I'm starting to shift my focus to worrying a little less about what's going on in the world and worrying a little more about what I can do to prepare for what's possibly coming. Of course, this does require you to focus a little bit on what's going on in the world, but toning down my focus a down a notch or two has definitely made me a happier person. I plan to continue this shift of focus in 2018.

Now, I will say that I'm a little more worried about North Korea this year. I have a feeling Trump is going to try to egg him on and I think it might just work. Guess we will have to wait and see what happens..
Now, I will say that I'm a little more worried about North Korea this year. I have a feeling Trump is going to try to egg him on and I think it might just work. Guess we will have to wait and see what happens.

Let me put your mind at ease. What is the worst thing he could do? Launch a nuke at the US? (no, actually, it's not the worst thing, but we'll get into that in a bit)... Say he launches a dozen nuclear ICBMs (most intel would say he has 0, but let's just worst case this...). First, these missiles need to defeat PAC3 intercepts from SK. Then, they need to defeat Aegis systems from ships in the Pacific. Then, they need to defeat space-based systems (that are classified, but assume they are HELs (high energy lasers))...then, on the way to target, assuming any got through all of that, they now encounter more Aegis as they approach their target, and more PAC3's, and this is just assuming the "public" stated components of the BMDS (Ballistic Missile Defense System).

Now, the other problem with this, is that Un has at best, a severely FINITE amount of missiles. He also has ZERO capability to muster troops, bombers, sea power, etc. to the US. Attacking us is a complete suicide move for NK, because they cannot sustain warfare. Un is crazy, but he isn't stupid. To actually USE his weapons, he'd lose the only bargaining chip he's ever had (and lose any forces, just on the way to get here!). He simply won't (and can't) do it.

Now, the ACTUAL threat posed by NK is if they smuggled in a dirty bomb, and exploded it in a US harbor. Again though, this has the same problem as above...it's a suicide move, and would simply end not only his reign, but most assuredly, his power base, and likely his life.

So, when you see some of us laugh off the threat posed by Un, it isn't bravado, it's a simple matter of logistics and capability to wage war. Simply put, attacking the US is a losing scenario for Un, and he knows it, and we know he knows it.

In the past, our leadership has simply paid him hush money to quit making noise. However, this has enabled him, because now every time he needs something, he ramps up the rhetoric. And why shouldn't he? It's worked for decades. About time an administration cut him off. I don't agree with the childish responses Trump makes, but ignoring NK's closed door demands is really the best tactic for ending this nonsense.

If we play this right, eventually, he'll get to a point where he can no longer pay or feed his military reliably, and then he'll BEG to come to the bargaining table, where he'll simply have almost nothing to barter with. Then, and only then, will we truly start to put him back in his place on the world stage...king in his own realm, but a nobody on the global stage.
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The more likely scenario with Un, is an attempt to take over SK. However, this would basically end any public support from China, who is basically their only way around sanctions. It would also open the door for a UN action to basically force him back. Again, this has the added problem of being costly for Un. He can't afford to replace any tanks, planes, subs, etc. that get taken out, so he'd only succeed in weakening the enemy.

Plus, it would take time to mobilize, and in that time, the US and other allies would send in enough force to make it a suicide mission. So, even though more likely given his insanity, Un isn't stupid enough to actually do it. It would truly be pointless (and ultimately, humiliating).
I'm still stuck in Washington

I thought I liked you! Didn't you read where I asked everyone to be both clean and polite on this thread??? And there you go...
Just kidding, but at first I read it as "Washington DC", those 2 letters sure make a difference. If you think west coast is bad, try the other. Ugh, that "DC" is what could have made it a vulgar comment!

Gazrok, most of what you said I agree with. However, the one 'worst' thing NK can do is detonate an EMP nuke over the west coast. I agree launching it off NK would be a wild shot, but maybe he can sneak one on a freighter & launch from mid-Pacific somewhere.

I agree that his end-result would be worse for him. NK would be a sheet of glass. But that wouldn't help 1/2 our country.

So what is NK's real 'plan B/C/D'? He's desperate & need money/food. Plan A was the same old saber-rattle, get handout, shut up. Trump has shut that plan down. Plan G is starting a war, so what are B/C/D/E/F? What does he have to offer other countries that could get him food/money? Selling weapons to Iran? Iran has plenty of cash (Thanks Obama!), but they have their own issues right now. China isn't going to help this wack-o, too many eyes watching. He has no infrastructure to manufacture, he has starving worm-infested uneducated drones for citizens, he has sanctions blocking most things that he possibly could do.

I think Trump has played this perfectly. NK is more and more cornered with 1 option: surrender. That would look like all weapons/nuclear material taken away. All nuclear scientists deported. Constant in-country monitoring of his military capabilities, and significantly restricted military (army, weapons, equipment, everything). Let me go wildly optimistic: What the "Tear down that Wall" statement and fulfillment were for Reagan can be "Remove the demilitarized zone" statement and fulfillment for Trump! Imagine, East & West Germany reuniting, could be the same for North & South Korea! Who would be the biggest loser here? China!

Hey, stop, before you talk about this being a pipe dream, I'm just following suit that others have posted their pipe dreams! People laughed when Reagan said it but it was fulfilled within a decade. Sorry, I'm getting off topic...
But that wouldn't help 1/2 our country.

He doesn't have the arsenal to take out a city, let alone half the country, even if we didn't have a ballistic missile defense system at all!

I think you are still under the idea that all of us grew up with. An actual nuclear exchange is nowhere NEAR as destructive as the movies in the 80's painted it. Not even close.

Back then, the average nuke was 5 megatons. These days, around 300 kilotons, and they are airburst weapons, not impact ones. The average nuke used by the US, Russia, or China would take out a couple mile radius, not a whole large city. So, in New York City, with a population of over 8 and a half million people, one detonation of a standard modern nuke, would kill about 770,000 people. Granted, still nothing I'd want to experience, and still mind-boggling, but our mainstream ideas and perceptions of nuclear warfare are completely incorrect. This would still mean over 7 million survivors of that attack, for example, but hopefully this puts it into perspective a bit.

Even if he launched from in the Pacific, it still means only 3 of the 5 lines of defense would be against the inbound. No, the bigger threat is still from a dirty bomb in a harbor. With the amount of cargo ships coming from China, and that area of the world in general on a weekly basis, this really is an Achilles Heel in our national defense.
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He doesn't have the arsenal to take out a city, let alone half the country, even if we didn't have a ballistic missile defense system at all!

I think you are still under the idea that all of us grew up with. An actual nuclear exchange is nowhere NEAR as destructive as the movies in the 80's painted it. Not even close.

Back then, the average nuke was 5 megatons. These days, just a couple of kilotons, and they are airburst weapons, not impact ones. The average nuke used by the US, Russia, or China would take out blocks, not a whole large city. Granted, still nothing I'd want to experience, but our mainstream ideas and perceptions of nuclear warfare are completely incorrect.

Even if he launched from in the Pacific, it still means only 3 of the 5 lines of defense would be against the inbound. No, the bigger threat is still from a dirty bomb in a harbor. With the amount of cargo ships coming from China, and that area of the world in general on a weekly basis, this really is an Achilles Heel in our national defense.

Im not sure why so many People want to give North Korea so much credit . K J's Military wouldn't stand much longer than Sadam's did . If hostilities broke out between the U.S Military and North Korea Kim would be choking on the dust of whats left of His nuclear program. I would imagine that We would let China have what they want of North Korea as a buffer zone . Thats their biggest concern with korea .
Imagine, East & West Germany reuniting, could be the same for North & South Korea! Who would be the biggest loser here? China!

Oh, I can see that happening before 2030. 2040 at the latest. At some point, Un loses power either to death, a coup, etc. The next leader is shaped by both the US and China, and NK becomes a nation more acceptable by both (and SK). As the business and cultural relationship between NK and SK grows, folks in both call for unification. The US and China help to broker it, with some mutual assurances (and benefits), and it simply comes to pass. Just a matter of how long it all takes.
We would let China have what they want of North Korea as a buffer zone . Thats their biggest concern with korea

Yep, they'd be tasked with sending in the ground troops to clean up. Meanwhile, we would have just done months and months of carpet bombing to destroy their ability to make war. Eventually though, would take ground forces to remove them from the mountains, despite bunker busters, etc.