I was thinking a red can on a fencepost.
Bfree is thinking an 18 megaton warhead. Lol
One things for certain his leaves not doubt there issues that need addressing.
using red on boundaries may be issued, as it is also a sign meaning private property... potentially.
has anyone watched the stand... one of the best tv miniseries ever.
I think they had a way of knowing who was good and who was evil.
none the less... hobo symbols already exist.
All communications are already intercepted so your sign won't be secret to the government.
Also if things get bad enough the internet will start to break down, although parts of it will still function.
What you might find is code phrases like
Mother Abigail said God still loved him, that God loves all, no matter what.
"God loves all, no matter what."
I think some of you arn't really getting how massively serious the world situation would get.
The chances of you bumbing into each other is really damn slim.
Of course with that meet up you will get a better chance to organize in person. None the less doing anything via electronic means will fail,
in order for proper safe communications you need to be in a bubble of sound where your lips are not visible to any viewers, ex. with a mask or hankercheif on, loud music playing random sound to drown out. Although the chances of you being monitored are slim. I assume I am always being monitored, even if the person on the other end doesn't say I'm being monitored.
something like this
Knowing one anothers names will probably be a good sign.
Trusting people you havn't met with your life in a crisis they all expect to get murderous is a stretch.
hobo symbols
https://www.google.ca/search?q=hobo symbols&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=RLnHUbyHHYTWqgH314CwDA&sqi=2&ved=0CCwQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=600
Anyone who knows these signs will either be cool or a suit that knows about cool people.
In a chaos situation both could be considered friendlies.
Its really the people who are norms but are forced to desperation.. I cannot imagine any scenarious other than plague where social order will be a complete collapse you'd need major civil war for that, and I don't think America is really capable of civil war, people don't hate each other enough. Maybe I just don't know enough about america. The only place you see such violent divisions is the jail system. I dont see how America will turn into prison planet over night. Maybe I'm wrong but I thought America came a long way from its hate crime days. I think foreign invasion are also issued. AN EMP coupled with foreign invasion may be prompt but I think that America will be forged together if it faces its mutual annihilation.
Of course 15 to 20 years from now it could be totally different. But I think it would take a nuclear exchange with Russia to really see any short term changes. I am hard pressed to see that happening in the next 72 hours.
Language is naturally acquired common experience is a basis for group language development.