Preaching to the choir means preaching to the already-believers, not the un-believers.
As far as prepping, I buy what I want to stockpile. I buy canned foods, dry foods, whatever - I don't can or grow them myself. I wish I had the knowledge, experience, and space to do that effectively. But I don't. Nor do I want to dedicate all my time to growing, canning, prepping and preparing. I would rather hit the store with a couple hundred bucks every month or so, and after two hours of shopping exit with a crap-ton of long term storage food. If the store shelves are empty, I will rely on the crap-ton of food I've already bought and squirreled away over time. I will not make it through the forever apocalypse with my plan. But I don't want to. Having a bunch of chickens in my back yard wouldn't help much either. Knowing my luck, a tornado would come through and they'd be flung off into the middle of the Pacific. Or a brush fire would take them out. Or the coyotes. We've got so many rabbits on our property that trying to grow anything for sustenance would probably just result in a bunch of obese rabbits. There are things that can foil even the best laid of plans.