What would you do ?

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im single with no kids..but that did remind me and got me to thinking..i need to look into (all) best routes.not only for getting home if my mom is there..but all routes i need to take if we need to bug out for what ever reason(s)..even if it means going across the feild thats across from where we live.and that reminds me.i still need to get a bolt cutter just in case its needed.i know 3 diffrent routes for getting home from town.there's a 4th route i know from driveing it twice.but i need to drive it a few more times so i can learn the turn off from when im going home from town.and i still need to locate a bug out location.
im single with no kids..but that did remind me and got me to thinking..i need to look into (all) best routes.not only for getting home if my mom is there..but all routes i need to take if we need to bug out for what ever reason(s)..even if it means going across the feild thats across from where we live.and that reminds me.i still need to get a bolt cutter just in case its needed.i know 3 diffrent routes for getting home from town.there's a 4th route i know from driveing it twice.but i need to drive it a few more times so i can learn the turn off from when im going home from town.and i still need to locate a bug out location.

Gets ya thinking huh !!!
naaaaaa not this early..lol..i been looking at a hybrid map of imideate area of my home feilds n all..i already knew of a farm market road not far from me.learning a route i can take by going across country instead of by road(just in case).
naaaaaa not this early..lol..i been looking at a hybrid map of imideate area of my home feilds n all..i already knew of a farm market road not far from me.learning a route i can take by going across country instead of by road(just in case).

Map and compass, you can shoot a bearing with the compass and follow the bearing, it could be pitch black or snow flurry's and you will stay on track.
already have 2 compass's.both are wal-mart specials.both has whistel n thermamerter.and one has magnifying glass as well.got a state map.but still need a city map..
This scenario would never happen to me. I can't tell the the last time I was in a parking garage. No wife and my son's school and our house are 30 miles from work. If it happened it would have to be a massive quake to have me worried. My mother will work on getting my son and I'll start walking. If I cut cross country I would think I could be home in a couple hours. We all meet at the farm. If I get there and no-one is there I walk(or drive the dozer) the few miles to my son's school. I would of coarse leave a note for any incoming family.
This scenario would never happen to me. I can't tell the the last time I was in a parking garage. No wife and my son's school and our house are 30 miles from work. If it happened it would have to be a massive quake to have me worried. My mother will work on getting my son and I'll start walking. If I cut cross country I would think I could be home in a couple hours. We all meet at the farm. If I get there and no-one is there I walk(or drive the dozer) the few miles to my son's school. I would of coarse leave a note for any incoming family.

I will come up with one for you country folks....
Scenario.... It's 11.00 am kids are at school, you and spouse are at work. Normal day, sun is shining and BAM, EARTHQUAKE. " lets say all family members are alive and not hurt " Your car is totaled cause the parking structure collapsed. Spouse's car okay but bridges are out. You are twenty miles from your kids and spouse about the same. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS ? WHAT DO YOU HAVE WITH YOU ? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ? Oh yeah, water mains are broken and contaminated with sewage, people are starting to get freaked out. Land lines do not work and cell service is so over crowed you cant make a call and your battery is at 15 %.

I would like to hear your honest answer on what you have with you and your plan.

Thanks, and if you want to add to the scenario " throw another wrench in the works " feel free.
Well my spouse is on her own for the time being . i will throw my GHB/BOB on my back has everything i need for decontaminating that bad water , would also grab my small air mattress out of the closet and roll it up and strap it to my pack. then i would hike to school for the kids using my air matress as a raft to get across any water ways since the bridges are out . once i have the kids i would set shelter and get fire to keep them warm/dry if it is cold out hunt food if i have to once i know the disaster is at its end we will slowly work our way to the wife.
Nope they don't ask I go all the time. I don't see the need to carry water I has enough knowledge to find water virtually anywhere. Yes there is food in my bag in the form of either tigers milk bars or cliff high protein bars but all i have to say is that I get hypoglycemic and they don't question me anymore.
i am diabetic but have been taken off meds for it because my blood sugar does bottom out like hypoglycemia so i have to carry some sort of sugar in my GHB/BOB. get the shakes and soon there after the feeling of nausia and passing out.
I know all this is common sense and I should be able to know this on my own. I think and process things by talking it out so while I feel foolish for not thinking about that sooner I'm grateful no one don't put me down for a lapse in thinking when I ask elementary questions.
Hi Lindy, dont feel stupid, there are lots of basic things people need to ask, including myself, all the time. Thats what I really like about this place.

As for me in this scenario, it could certainly happen because I live along a fault line and there are parking garages popping up all over the place. I dont carry much in my purse but am working on that. I could be walking anywhere between 16 to 20 miles from work to home and Im in a good pair of work shoes because of work so footwear wont be an issue. Hopefully I could get a lift from someone I know (I dont think I would accept a ride from someone I dont know or had a wary feeling about them if I do happen to know them) and if the cell towers were still up and running I would try and get in touch with the fam via texting because it is a lot easier to get through the towers than an actual call. They might be able to come and pick me up at a meeting point. Other than that, I'll probably be walking. I keep water in the car and carry a gallon jug with me just about everywhere except into the stores. Yep, just answering this question makes me realize how unprepared I am for such an event ;).
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I don't worry about earthquakes here in Illinois, a flood or tornado is more likely to occur so of one did I would do what anyone would do, I'd get away from the disaster area and hunker down if possible
It would have to be an enormous earthquake to effect my area since I'm in a river valley and got at least a hundred or so miles to the nearest fault, the valley is kind of like a shell. It blocks a lot of the natural disasters that occur in my area. If an earthquake did happen it would cause an all out shtf event since almost no one has been in an earthquake around here, there would be a panic and hysteria so I would bug out to the woods in a safe area, there are a lot of places around here with some abandoned shacks that I could repair and stay at with my family until it calmed down
Scenario.... It's 11.00 am kids are at school, you and spouse are at work. Normal day, sun is shining and BAM, EARTHQUAKE. " lets say all family members are alive and not hurt " Your car is totaled cause the parking structure collapsed. Spouse's car okay but bridges are out. You are twenty miles from your kids and spouse about the same. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS ? WHAT DO YOU HAVE WITH YOU ? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ? Oh yeah, water mains are broken and contaminated with sewage, people are starting to get freaked out. Land lines do not work and cell service is so over crowed you cant make a call and your battery is at 15 %.

I would like to hear your honest answer on what you have with you and your plan.

Fun post. And I would have to cross a bridge to get home (most ways I could take). Two separate things really, so will separate the two (my spouse getting home, me getting home)

Me, I dig out some gear from the truck (even if totaled, though I am in a lot, not a structure). I fold the rear seat forward, and change into my SHTF clothes and boots stored there. Grab my GHB and my belt pack. Strap that all on, tuck in the pistol, and start walking.

Totally ready for this. I've got 4 days worth of food, 2 days worth of water, and ways to get more (and treat more) of both. My phone would be charged via the car charger, but if not, I can use the crank radio (has a charger) to get a few minutes to try. Otherwise, just listening to the radio while walking (one ear only). Try to avoid people on my way, and just get home. Once closer to her work, and then home, I'll try and reach her via the cell again, or then use the handheld radio (during our pre-planned intervals). Along the way, I can make camp, throw up a tarp and use my poncho if it's raining, and cook up some beef stew.

If at all possible though, I'm going to try and drive vs. walk home, as far as I can. Not much chance for an earthquake, but a hurricane, etc. is more of an example.

If I can't get my gear, well, would suck, but I still have a swiss knife, flashlight on me, and my knowledge. Hard to imagine me not being able to get to my truck right outside though.

My wife, she also has a GHB in her truck, along with a change of clothes, shoes, and a pistol. She'd pretty much do the same as me, just that she'd go home also. We wouldn't try and meet up. But I'd still check as I'd have to go by there anyhow. I actually work about 30 something miles from home, and she's about 10 miles from home. She'd get there before I do.

The kids would likely be home or at work (they are both within bike distance of home), so no brainer there.
Yeah the GHB is key, with out mine all I will have is a multi tool , Sak and a folder. That will make for a long thirty miles. So I have been taking mine into work and stashing it under my desk. My car is in a parking structure so I don't feel real comfortable leaving it there. You know I really hope all this prepping is for nothing but it has become a life style and I rather enjoy it !!