What Would You Do???

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Awesome Friend
Mar 30, 2020
Hypothetical situation, as of this time and date, but if the SHTF tomorrow and you had a friend or neighbor that wasn’t prepared, would you give them any type assistance, or would you just hunker down in your reinforced bunker and ignore the knock on the steel door?

Personally, my neighborhood is 50/50. There is a pastor’s family that I would help out as best I could. Conversely, there is a long haired, pot smoking, welfare mooching, hippie family across the street that I wouldn’t give a pot to pee in to.

Your thoughts?
I’ve had a long standing feud with the neighbor that ran his washing machine discharge into my yard and threw piles of construction debris over the property line. Even with him though I would share a few tins of food if he was really hungry. I’m not able to support anyone else but won’t sit by with a full pantry and watch anyone starve.
Most of my immediate neighbors I would help as much as possible, . . . they are good people with families and they have helped us out in the past when needed. They make for a great backup system but, I do have one neighbor that I wouldn't even piss on if he was on fire. We have had many problems with him, including him trying to put up blocks to flood our pastures. He has recently HAD to retire from the Sheriff's office due to sexual harassment from accusations from the court house that he was a bailiff for, and there was a reason he got demoted to that position. . . . and he has tried his BS on all the neighborhood females. We were warned when we purchased our place years ago. . . .
Have a young lesbian couple next door doing a wonderful job raising their young son. I would help them. An older couple across the street I would help, they are my fire support team. They can watch my front door and I can / will watch their front door. They also have more firearms than I do, but I think I got them on ammo supplies. Everybody else is on their own. Yes if the others around us are starving, I will turn them away. I can't and won't try to feed the neighborhood.
The only ones who would know to bang on my door wouldn't need to. I would try to help some people (children, elderly, etc.) but if someone is able to fend for themselves then they ought to at least try. If they have useful skills and/or supplies and want to work together, I would consider it. If they want to mooch because they didn't prepare, I don't think so.
If they want to mooch because they didn't prepare, I don't think so.

I agree. Everyone, especially with recent events, should realize that preparation is the key to survival. However, I still see people in my neighborhood that are oblivious to the realities of today’s dangerous world. When the SHTF and the grocery stores are closed, don’t come shopping at my house.
The only thing that concerns me about sharing food with destitute neighbors is that word will eventually get around to the rest of the neighborhood (and maybe further than that). This could create a rather sticky situation with starving people demanding their share of my food.
The only thing that concerns me about sharing food with destitute neighbors is that word will eventually get around to the rest of the neighborhood (and maybe further than that). This could create a rather sticky situation with starving people demanding their share of my food.

And that is the exact reason I won't offer to share. There will never be enough and people will not keep it to themselves. They will all have friends and/ or family, that need to know about this wonderful person and their food supply.
And that is the exact reason I won't offer to share. There will never be enough and people will not keep it to themselves. They will all have friends and/ or family, that need to know about this wonderful person and their food supply.

Yes. If some other prepper wants to be altruistic then that’s their business. As for me, when the SHTF I’m going to keep a very low profile.
I'd view SHTF as a chance to clean house. I have neighbors that I love and would help however necessary. And there are other neighbors who are scum of the earth... I would quickly and purposefully sweep their property and execute every one of them. Criminals now will be bigger criminals later. They're all adults and would pay then for the justice lacking today.
And there are other neighbors who are scum of the earth... I would quickly and purposefully sweep their property and execute every one of them. Criminals now will be bigger criminals later. They're all adults and would pay then for the justice lacking today.

I would have to use Dirty Harry’s line on them...

Hypothetical situation, as of this time and date, but if the SHTF tomorrow and you had a friend or neighbor that wasn’t prepared, would you give them any type assistance,

No, simple as that, In a tornado, power cut , storm or drought, or other local or regional incident that happens suddenly then of course you would try to help out as best you can. But in a Global pandemic that was well advertised long before it arrived and your neighbours CHOSE not to prep, then NO let them live by the choices they made.
The only thing that concerns me about sharing food with destitute neighbors is that word will eventually get around to the rest of the neighborhood (and maybe further than that). This could create a rather sticky situation with starving people demanding their share of my food.

Exactly, they will tell everyone else that you have food, water, medicines, fuel guns etc then you become the defacto enemy outsider who should give them stuff.
I’ve had a long standing feud with the neighbor that ran his washing machine discharge into my yard and threw piles of construction debris over the property line. Even with him though I would share a few tins of food if he was really hungry. I’m not able to support anyone else but won’t sit by with a full pantry and watch anyone starve.

he should have bought some food,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm not sharing,,,,there is game in the woods they can go hunting or fishing,,,,,,,,,,,,,needing some help to do some work maybe but that is all I would do
he should have bought some food,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm not sharing,,,,there is game in the woods they can go hunting or fishing,,,,,,,,,,,,,needing some help to do some work maybe but that is all I would do
Depending on the persons ability to work I think bartering for stuff or labor/skills is a possible idea. No one here has enough stores to become a welfare agency.
And that is the exact reason I won't offer to share. There will never be enough and people will not keep it to themselves. They will all have friends and/ or family, that need to know about this wonderful person and their food supply.

Economists debate over ‘guns or butter’. My thought is you need guns to protect your butter.
No, simple as that, In a tornado, power cut , storm or drought, or other local or regional incident that happens suddenly then of course you would try to help out as best you can. But in a Global pandemic that was well advertised long before it arrived and your neighbours CHOSE not to prep, then NO let them live by the choices they made.

I agree with you completely on that Bill. There is one very elderly lady adjoining our property behind who's children live far away that we keep an eye on that we help regularly. Other than that the others have had every opportunity to stock up and have not. None of them know we are preppers anyway but obviously hard to hide all the gardens. We will just have to be vigilant.
The neighbors directly next to my house, I will do anything in my power to help them out. I would give the my last slice of bread if it came down to it. Ones further up the road, forget it. But, I also know that the neighbors would do the same thing for me.

I checked up the older lady that lives behind me (we share a fence) to make sure she was protected. When she pulled that big hand gun and grinned when she said she had protection, I didn't ask any more questions. She is someone who I would never want as an enemy (but we are great friends and is someone that will help anyway I can).
In most circumstances, I would not be home. All food, firearms, and anything useful that was portable would be gone. I guess they could break in and have what was left. Under some unusual circumstance that we had to stay, I just wouldn't answer the door. My elderly neighbors, whom are long term friends, would all be with their children if things were bad. The eleven people that comprise the three families that surround me, well, how can I possibly feed eleven people for any length of time. I'm afraid I would just have to barricade the door and hang a sign warning them not to attempt to enter. I would hate myself for the rest of my life for it, if it came to that, but I don't see any other solution.
I have a distant (but cordial) relationship with my neighbors.

I would make every attempt to share and help out as much as I can . . . without being judgmental.

Being judgmental is against my spiritual beliefs, and I believe that spiritual beliefs become more important in a crisis, not less. The importance of religion and spirituality is even spelled out verbatim in the June 1999 edition of the military Survival, Evasion, and Recovery manual. They devote (no pun intended) almost 3 pages to it.

I don't believe in practicing certian aspects of my faith only when it's conveinent, easy, or risk-free. I won't be a martyr to my generosity, but I won't be like the goyim (gentiles) in Germany during WWII who pretended that they didn't know what was going on with my people (and yes, there were many non-Jews who fought the Nazis . . . but they were few and far between compared to the ones who just stood by). There were many who turned their backs . . . so part of my cultural upbringing--even my definition of what it is to be a human being--is that I should never do such a thing.

And I won't.
Judgemental? Please, don't sell me short.

If SHTF, I will be judge, jury and executioner. Efficiency in motion. Early firm actions will stop numerous future problems.
Defending myself and being nonjudgmental are two different things.

If things get bad, I intend to use punjii sticks (smeared with a mixture of equal parts feces, blood, and crushed-up raw shellfish), razor wire, and so on.

By being nonjudgmental, I mean that I won't decide whether or not to help someone based on religion, skin color, or whether or not they're gay.

I won't decide that certian people are automatically more or less worthy of my hospitality and help based on how they fit into a mold that I create for them.

I won't be like those people who refused to help my fellow Jews because the Jews were, somehow, inferior . . . and unworthy of the same considerations that are (theoretically) extended to all other human beings.

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