Last night the Finale of this year's World Series. Great game. Go Braves.
Been a fan since I started listening to them on the radio in 1967. I was 6 years old that summer.
Ha! You and me both. I remember getting a little radio that barely played but sometimes I could listen to the Braves. I was a big fan even though they always lost. After the first big strike (about '87), then another a few years later. I gave up completely on baseball. Something about it galled me. I didn't even watch the good Braves in the middle 90's, not a single game.
Last night I happened to watch the last 2 outs. Flipping channels, saw the score then watched.
The thing I love about their win... Earlier this year the nut jobs got the all star game moved out of Atlanta for their pc god. Now the Atlanta home team are world champs! Irony is a wonderful thing sometimes!

Bogart movie update... Enjoy both of tonight's films immensely.
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