Whats in your bug out bag?

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richy rich

Aug 25, 2013
OH./ VA.
hey guys im a little new to prepping. i was wondering what are some items should put in my B.O.B. and could you put a list of whats in yours to give me ideas. thanks :)
Welcome Richy! Well all I can tell you is what I've got in mine and it does need improvement; food (canned or ration blocks), water, basic first aid kit, ax with a saw blade in the handle, a knife, a machete, flashlights, batteries, matches, glowsticks, compass, mirror, metal dish bowl that serves as a cup as well; fork, spoon, can opener, one of those aluminum blanket things for keeping warm, a water proof poncho, and of course my guns and ammo:m4: because those will most likely be going with me.
I need to get a much bigger bag though because Im going to add clothes and a bigger first aid kit, several (small) survival and medical books, a spare set of shoes and about anything else that I can think of :) so my BOB is constantly improving as well as growing. It'll be kinda weighty by the time Im satisfied with it.
Im going to add clothes and a bigger first aid kit, several (small) survival and medical books, a spare set of shoes

On the clothes and shoes, why not simply keep them NEXT to your BOB? For example, I'm not going to wear my work clothes home if I have to hoof it. I have a spare set of clothes to change into (and shoes) next to my BOB in the truck. The clothes have lots of pockets, and are pre-loaded with gear. No need to take up room in the BOB...just leave the clothes you're changing out of (but do have spare socks in your BOB).

For the books, just store as pdfs on your smart phone. Service or not, can still access this. Several solar/hand crank/spare battery options for your phone that can be put into a BOB for under $40.

On the first aid kit, do you really NEED a big one? Just how much do you think will happen in 72 hrs? If you have the basics, you're likely ahead of the game.

You don't want a big heavy bag, especially if you aren't used to hefting one (your shoulders will ache, etc.). This kind of makes me giggle a bit, because I am quite used to hauling a heavy bag, but not in some big manly way. I'm used to hauling a heavy pack on my back all day in sweltering theme parks, and being the pack mule of the group...so having a pack on my back is not out of the ordinary for me... :D
On the clothes and shoes, why not simply keep them NEXT to your BOB? For example, I'm not going to wear my work clothes home if I have to hoof it. I have a spare set of clothes to change into (and shoes) next to my BOB in the truck. The clothes have lots of pockets, and are pre-loaded with gear. No need to take up room in the BOB...just leave the clothes you're changing out of (but do have spare socks in your BOB).

For the books, just store as pdfs on your smart phone. Service or not, can still access this. Several solar/hand crank/spare battery options for your phone that can be put into a BOB for under $40.

On the first aid kit, do you really NEED a big one? Just how much do you think will happen in 72 hrs? If you have the basics, you're likely ahead of the game.

You don't want a big heavy bag, especially if you aren't used to hefting one (your shoulders will ache, etc.). This kind of makes me giggle a bit, because I am quite used to hauling a heavy bag, but not in some big manly way. I'm used to hauling a heavy pack on my back all day in sweltering theme parks, and being the pack mule of the group...so having a pack on my back is not out of the ordinary for me... :D[/quote

Hey Gazrok, I think the problem here is that members " especially new to prepping " are getting confused on GHB vs BOB the load out is totally different. We should work on a thread for that, what do you think.
Hey Gazrok, I think the problem here is that members " especially new to prepping " are getting confused on GHB vs BOB the load out is totally different. We should work on a thread for that, what do you think.

Well, on a lot of forums, the terms are pretty interchangeable. Technically, mine is a GHB (Get Home Bag), not a BOB (Bug Out Bag) or a NGH (Never Going Home, bag). But, I would take the same bag if I was leaving our base also.
Well, on a lot of forums, the terms are pretty interchangeable. Technically, mine is a GHB (Get Home Bag), not a BOB (Bug Out Bag) or a NGH (Never Going Home, bag). But, I would take the same bag if I was leaving our base also.

Well, on a lot of forums, the terms are pretty interchangeable. Technically, mine is a GHB (Get Home Bag), not a BOB (Bug Out Bag) or a NGH (Never Going Home, bag). But, I would take the same bag if I was leaving our base also.

Yeah not me, mine are geared way different.
Totally understand your reasoning, just saying that in the community at large, a lot of times the terms are interchangeable, even though the goals of the two bags are different.
Most are familiar with the BOB acronym, fewer with GHB....

My GHB is geared for 4 days, because I'm estimating that as the MAX time it would take me to walk home on foot, from work, should vehicle travel be impossible. Realistically, it'd likely only take me 2-3 days, but giving a little pad here. That said though, I also have some supplies that would help me use it as a BOB as well. (and we call them BOBs, just because the term is so known).
hey guys im a little new to prepping. i was wondering what are some items should put in my B.O.B. and could you put a list of whats in yours to give me ideas. thanks :)
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Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com!
So far:

1 week dehydrated food supply
High energy snacks (energy bars, trail mix, Slim Jims, raisins)
Compact stove and fuel
Waterproof matches
Steel cup for cooking.
6 bottles of water
Water filter
Paper towels
Toilet paper
Huggies Natural Care (hypoallergenic) baby wipes
Hand sanitizer wipes
First Aid Kit (gauze, adhesive tape, bandaids, Neosporin, triangular bandage, Q-Tips, Cotton Balls, Space Blanket, Instant Ice Pack, alcohol wipes, scissors, tweezers, safety pins)
22 Pistol with 3 loaded mags and 200 extra rounds
Wind up flashlight/radio
Sleeping bag

Planning on adding:
Lightweight waterproof jacket.
I am planning my BOB too. I think your families important papers and SScards should be first a binder or portfolio binder like me that way it is all save behind plastic covers in the binder. money and coins second followed by weapons if you need such in the areas you are going threw. fourth food and water the family will drink and needs nothing to get ready... I am assuming the Bug out in a vehicle for a long trip away from the area.... I will be heading north away from Houston if there is a attack or major something coming from the coast or border. five... Toilet paper in case we can not stop... plus anything ladies would need since I am a lady....six: a means of blocking out the windows so it is A less hot and B no one knows what I have through the windows.... seven: I want to have a CB Radio in each of our cars so we can talk with out cell phones.... eight: meds, my mom oxygen generator (I want to get her a portable one), and her Cpap machine. ... nine: solar charger with batteries and lanterns and such.... ten: Car things full size spar tire, stuff to fix the car or tire.. like jack, tire patch, jumper cables. I know a lot of people bring clothing but that is not important I have had to evacuate before more than once and changing cloths is low priority and it takes up room.
thermal blanket is useful if you live in a cold or winter place we dont get winter in Texas so I am not worried about cold ... more into staying cool and hydrated. but then I am also assuming AC works in the car. I am not footing it because I live in Texas and you can die before reaching the next city or major anything in Texas... the state is spread out not condensed.
I will try to add to my list things as I find good ideas and have money or time or space to add to my Bug out.
sadly someone would buy that lol

a village raises the kid so that it has useful village idiots and this country has a stock pile of village idiots.

"empty contents of can into one gallon of water" LOL,

I just read that the "Sham wow" guy is making a comeback,so maybe he'll have an infomercial on it before long.

Edit-just goggled their site-

Literally Thousands of Uses!
Dry Martinis-Manhattans
Watering Cactus
VW Bug Anti-Freeze
Dry Cleaning
Humidifying Saunas
Filling Dry Docks
Dry Mopping Floors
In Dry Sinks
Dry Shampoos
In Dry-Cell Batteries
Dampening Dry Humor
Making Dry Ice
would you put currency in your bag? Credit/Debit cards will be of no value when there is no power. I never thought of that till now.
Immediately as a SHTF event is occurring, paper money will likely still have value (as long as people think order may soon be restored). Within a few weeks though, it will be worthless. Still good to have in a BOB though.
I'd advise against precious metals. For one thing, it's expensive, for another, you'll NEVER get the same purchasing power as what you paid for it. For example, trading $100 worth of gold for 10 cans of food (that cost $1 each) is a pretty bad return on your investment. Whereas trading a $5 pack of cigarettes for a $100 shotgun is a more likely scenario (assuming the trader has other weapons so just trading a spare).
On the clothes and shoes, why not simply keep them NEXT to your BOB? For example, I'm not going to wear my work clothes home if I have to hoof it. I have a spare set of clothes to change into (and shoes) next to my BOB in the truck. The clothes have lots of pockets, and are pre-loaded with gear. No need to take up room in the BOB...just leave the clothes you're changing out of (but do have spare socks in your BOB).

For the books, just store as pdfs on your smart phone. Service or not, can still access this. Several solar/hand crank/spare battery options for your phone that can be put into a BOB for under $40.

On the first aid kit, do you really NEED a big one? Just how much do you think will happen in 72 hrs? If you have the basics, you're likely ahead of the game.

You don't want a big heavy bag, especially if you aren't used to hefting one (your shoulders will ache, etc.). This kind of makes me giggle a bit, because I am quite used to hauling a heavy bag, but not in some big manly way. I'm used to hauling a heavy pack on my back all day in sweltering theme parks, and being the pack mule of the group...so having a pack on my back is not out of the ordinary for me... :D
hmm this reminds me of a need ! i dont really have anything to put xtra cloths in think ill get a buttbag my bob has the straps for it thx for the reminder gazrok
hey guys im a little new to prepping. i was wondering what are some items should put in my B.O.B. and could you put a list of whats in yours to give me ideas. thanks :)
well in my bag i have , a old hickory butcher knife which i shortened 2 inches and made a sheath for i have a back up fixed blade knife a good pocket knife,multi tool,folding saw, compass, mirror, bandana, mess kit, tin cup,1 spork, canteen, first aid kit, sail needles,para cord,good rope, space blankets, fire starting kits -ferro rod,matches,lighter,magnifying glass" atleast 5x magnification" cotton balls and a hand balm with oils and beezwax to use in conjunction with the cotton balls for fire starting if u cant find dry tender,sodium hypochlorite or bleach for water purification,duck tape 2 -1in. rolls, tarps for shelter, sleeping bag/wool blanket,spare clothing , walmart special freez dried mre's, head light, knife sharpening-wetstone/oil stone or honer, water proof book on outdoor survival -T. Edward Nickens" Field&Stream Outdoor Survival Guide " is a good one . i also have a altoids mini tin fishing kit i put together and a compact sewing kit i got at the dollar store for a buck. then i carry my SAR 9mm on my side with an xtra mag. and a gortex hat on my head cus its cool! lol.
thought you might figure that one out :) ..and yes it is.pliers-wire cutter-wire stripper-wire crimper-bottle opener-2 phillips-and 2 flat head screw drivers..the other is black pepper-salt-paprika-curry-cayenne-and garlic salt
i have a total of 8 of these....
in which at least 4 wll go in my bob

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I personaly are along with a lot of others about what's in mine guns amo is a needed change of clothes I kept 4 days and them some winter stuff and warm socks, past the clothing keep 2 pairs of shoes one just in case the other gets wet and the second to be if the second wears out alwase be prepared for anything also as FEMA recommends you need to have a first aid kit I would have a small surgical kit but that's just me, Don't let your bag get to over weight I have to reduce mine here and there and even though I run 6 or more miles every day but Sunday and bike every day also I still have to tone my bag down just a little on the weight

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