I was complaining to my Dad once about all the tools my son had lost.
He just smiled and said I was paying for my raising.
In other words, my son was getting even for my dad for all the tools I lost as a kid.
I worked at a place that went to the 5S system.
Everyone hated it. They actually had a team that went around and removed stuff they deemed excess.
One woman opened the drawer on my desk and said I did not need so many pins and pencils and started to take them.
I told her to get away from my desk and if she removed anything she was going to have a big problem.
The rest of the guys in the shop did the same thing.
When the boss came in and told us we didn't have any choice and they were going to take what the said was excess we all told him we quit.
They changed their story and left us alone.
I did score some good stuff from the people that did comply.
I still hate the whole 5S thing.
5S is a workplace organization method that uses a list of five
Japanese words:
seiri (整理),
seiton (整頓),
seisō (清掃),
seiketsu (清潔), and
shitsuke (躾). These have been translated as "Sort", "Set In order", "Shine", "Standardize" and "Sustain".
[1] The list describes how to organize a work space for efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining the area and items, and sustaining the new order. The decision-making process usually comes from a dialogue about standardization, which builds understanding among employees of how they should do the work.