When does an 'economic collapse' begin?

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who said anything about selling anything? If the collapse is worldwide, about the only thing of value will be food, .22lr guns and ammo, silencers for same, and medicines, mostly antibiotics, but painkillers, sedatives, speed, and wound-treatment stuff will be sought by some. If it's just the collapse of one nation, yeah, gold coins will probably get you to someplace that's not nearly as bad off.

for now, build all the credit card debt that you can, and rent an apt. If you see serious signs of shtf, use the cards to buy all the gold coins, powdered veterinary meds and .22 ammo that you can. Dont HAVE a home that anyone can come foreclose upon, increase the taxes on, or that has any sentimental value to you, cause you can easily have to abandon it.

Dalisa, you watch way too much youtube videos and or follow the likes of alex jones. You're all over the board throwing unorganized monologs. Earlier in other posts you berated the discussions on "non electric tools, and other items of need" but then you come to this post, you are all over the board that makes no rime or reason. You make it extremely difficult to take you seriously!

You say
I aint tying up thousands of dollars in tools

You say
for now, build all the credit card debt that you can

Though this post; "We're not all ignorant peasants, with no gear, like the Jews were in the 1930's" ignorant peasants? Hitler blamed the jews for the economic conditions, doesn't sound like ignorant peasants to me, the Jews weren't the only ones rounded up! Disparaging comment to say the least.

there's 300+ million guns in the US, 10 million motorcycles. There's ATVs', boats, ultralight planes. Our country has been crossed in 8 days on a bicycle. People can sell off a lot of stuff, if need be. We're not all ignorant peasants, with no gear, like the Jews were in the 1930's. We are also aware of the precedent. It's not going to be just a question of rounding up the sheep, here.
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it was the great depression, dude. almost everyone was an ignorant peasant in Weimar, Germany. The fact that you're ignorant about that fact does not impose anything upon me or my writing.
You did here;
yeah, BEFORE shtf, if they need to gear up properly. School loans are an easy way to get a loan 6k per year (half time) or 12k per year full time, at 7% interest. and you can get paid 3k per year for selling your plasma. So the fact that people aint serious about gearing up is not my problem.
the FACTS are often "all over the board". So if you follow the facts, you will be, too.
it was the great depression, dude. almost everyone was an ignorant peasant in Weimar, Germany. The fact that you're ignorant about that fact does not impose anything upon me or my writing.

I'm sure all these folks in this partial list would disagree, Weimar had a thriving culture up and till 1933!
Max Reinhardt, Arnold Schonberg, Max Liebermann, Herman Cohen, Albert Einstein, Kurt Eisner, Gustav Landauer, Eugen Levine, Rosa Luxemburg
"Build all the credit card debit you can". . . Really?? Not sure about your way of thinking. Most people are trying to get out of debt as much as possible. Like paying off cars, homes, etc. Doing that reminds me of those idiots on a reality show that bought into the world ending Dec 2012. . . they bought all the supplies they thought they would need to survive on credit cards laughing it off, saying that they will never have to pay it back cause the world would end as we know it and there would no longer be banks around to collect. I wonder how they are doing now? We don't buy credit. If we want it, we save till we have the money. . just makes life easier for us.
Well said. Debt is evil stuff.
my error, I'll go back and fix it. I meant to say build all the credit card CREDIT possible. Then IF shtf, you want all the credit card debt that you can get. :) Nobody's going to be collecting on it.
I'm sure all these folks in this partial list would disagree, Weimar had a thriving culture up and till 1933!
Max Reinhardt, Arnold Schonberg, Max Liebermann, Herman Cohen, Albert Einstein, Kurt Eisner, Gustav Landauer, Eugen Levine, Rosa Luxemburg

guess you dont understand the meaning of "almost"? I can put a gun to your head, and fire, and you can move your head, and ALMOST not get shot but still got your skull shattered.. Understand now? Almost is not the same as "all".
guess you dont understand the meaning of "almost"? I can put a gun to your head, and fire, and you can move your head, and ALMOST not get shot but still got your skull shattered.. Understand now? Almost is not the same as "all".

Not even 'almost' problems started after 1933 and the Great Depression had little to do with it, most if not all of the problems developed during Jewish persecution period.
A fellow prepper friend who goes deep into financials (he's got a 8-figure bank account) pulled me aside the other day. This weekend he told me that if a budget turnaround doesn't get through congress by August 1, then the US has only 24 months until we face economic collapse. I laughed. I asked why not 22 or 26 months? I agree it's a mess and will fall apart sooner than later, but I can't tie it to such an accurate timeline. He was getting into business stats, company by company and industry by industry. He talked about how the automotive industry isn't selling anything due to lease-backs (and people can't afford new cars). He talked about how credit card debt is insane. He said interest rates need to hit 12% to avoid the disaster.

He went point by point. He's known my view on things. He just added a locked-in timeline. I don't have a crystal ball, but it is interesting that he's getting convinced of a schedule. Interesting.
hell if the economy tanked most around here would not notice,,,,no one really has that much

all BS aside the economy could slow down but it has happened before,it will not be the end of the world,it will recover ,,,,,,,,,,,it always has in the past I see no reason it couldn't recover again
Let me clarify. Ps, GG, I think you are talking about a major economic downturn like 2008. The conversation I mentioned was talking about a much bigger event. Removing the US dollar from the world reserve currency. A repeat of the major bank collapse which the gov't won't bail out this time**. Many major companies going bankrupt.

Something comparable to what Argentina does about once a decade. You might say what's the big deal, they survive. But people there know HOW to deal with it, and Argentina isn't a major world power. Imagine welfare checks dropping by 80% (at least in value, buying power). Imagine pension checks dropping 3/4ths of their value. Riots.

Most damage will be self-inflicted as a nation. I've said before that the first disaster we have will be financial. BUT what it causes and what follows is what will really matter. And it won't matter if you live in Manhattan or out in the woods. You many not have a stock portfolio that implodes, but if the grocery store prices triple, it will affect every single person nationwide.

** The Frank-Dodd bill several years ago addressed this. The banks will be able to steal money straight from your bank accounts the next time they collapse, it's the new law.