I was trying to get people down a path of thinking it through.Every plan is good till it is needed. We can only plan and have many exceptions to the rule scenarios. If you watch domesticated animals while they sleep, they will lie on their backs and show their vitals. A wild animal will seldom do such, they always sleep with their nose pointed towards -the exit- so they can get away fast if surprised in their sleep. All fighting positions needs backup positions and -fast exits- so you can get away and live to fight again.
Like the barn, if cornered, how can your wife get down fast? Is there a rope tied up top that she could kick out and slide down on? What if the barn is torched? Fast getaway? Keep up the planning and survive, Gary
I didn’t even mention blocking of the drive, and making us look like more with headlights of 3 vehicles, tractor and UTV. Still working out an idea with laser pointers.
With one way up, we know where the disorganized will be coming from. With one way up, it also means rough fire roads out. I would only try those in daytime.
I am in a somewhat cornered position, but it also allows me to focus on where the disorganized will be coming from. I know it might be that infamous Hill.