Where would you be if you could be

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Awesome Friend
Mar 1, 2013
Central West Coast Florida
Putting forth the assumption of the pending doom that most feel is coming and not to far off. Where in the United States would you prefer to be if you could be. Say for instance you had the opportunity to be able to choose what state, which area, where ever you thought the best for the time, the safest for the time and making it the most permanent place to stay. Bugging out only if one really had to and if one had to where from your choice spot would you bug out to?

It will be very interesting to see each ones view on the subject. The why's and wherefores of the choices one could make.
I'd stay here in TX also. As nutty as it sounds I'd keep away from the mountains. Big thicket maybe. I would certainly keep close to a river. It's tough to move in the mountains and it's kind of hard to grow food in rock. Seems most military establishments are close to mountains also. Not all I admit but most of the ones I've seen. I don't want to be near them.
From a SHTF perspective, Wyoming. Simply put, nobody lives there (comparatively). I'm pretty happy here in FL though. No snow.
Putting forth the assumption of the pending doom that most feel is coming and not to far off. Where in the United States would you prefer to be if you could be. Say for instance you had the opportunity to be able to choose what state, which area, where ever you thought the best for the time, the safest for the time and making it the most permanent place to stay. Bugging out only if one really had to and if one had to where from your choice spot would you bug out to?

It will be very interesting to see each ones view on the subject. The why's and wherefores of the choices one could make.

In the middle of Colorado, control of water and mountains are critical for me. Idaho another locale, but too far from Texas. No offense guys, Jim, I am starting to think it has nothing to do with location, but water. Like I said, I am getting tired of flushing my toilet with bath water. Just praying that we get about 6 inches tonight with the high potential for a tornado.
yeah,without water.you dont have squat..so location and water go hand n hand..plus a person has to take all the other things into consideration as well..like,garden area(s).exactly where the home is located.barn,shop,pond(s)/small lake(s),security,right along with all the needs for the person(s) that'll be living there..if you dont have the best location possible,to avoid the roving gangs and/or what ever.then the water wont be of much use to ya.especially if their able to poison it and/or what ever..
yeah,without water.you dont have squat..so location and water go hand n hand..plus a person has to take all the other things into consideration as well..like,garden area(s).exactly where the home is located.barn,shop,pond(s)/small lake(s),security,right along with all the needs for the person(s) that'll be living there..if you dont have the best location possible,to avoid the roving gangs and/or what ever.then the water wont be of much use to ya.especially if their able to poison it and/or what ever..

I am serious, I think if we get down to 5% this summer, prices on homes are going to fall, people will leave Wichita Falls, and the insurance for fire is going to skyrocket. Someone was telling me layoff for city workers if they hit that point. Not a good thing for such a big town. Also discussions about Air Force pulling out and sending trainees to other locale to save water. That is rumor, but that will hit the economy hard.
now thats rough if it gets down to 5%..thats why id rather have a well.when it comes to what your saying.and also because of the droughts i've seen here in east tx as well
if you have a great/prime location..and no water right there on hand.how are you gonna get water from it's location to your home?and without being seen?
how is someone gonna fly into a swamp without crashing? :confused: LOL
a floater plane born and raised in the bayou i learned stay in the marsh and there you can stand what I'm saying is walk through the marsh to get to the other marsh till you get where you want old duck blinds are good buyout locations and its also dangerous because of the snakes that could be inside
a floater plane born and raised in the bayou i learned stay in the marsh and there you can stand what I'm saying is walk through the marsh to get to the other marsh till you get where you want old duck blinds are good buyout locations and its also dangerous because of the snakes that could be inside
bug out sorry for the in correct spelling in a hurry
I had contemplated going south, but how quickly things change. I'm staying as far from Atlanta as possible now.
Actually, if I could be anywhere, it would be the foothills of the Smokey Mountains, Cherokee National Park area. It's beautiful, not highly populated, lots of rivers, slightly higher altitude which would be better for my lungs than where I am now.
Unfortunately, I cannot convince any of my children to move with me, so if I go, it will only be for a visit. I am stuck here, it seems.
well,as I don'tlive there I'm doing this by "feeling"... it should be very rural,with fresh water like a river, some mountains, enough soil that I could cultivate my own food, woods where I could hunt, perhaps Oklahoma,north-Texas , Kansas or Colorado
well,I might drop by for some citrus fruits...need it for my chicken dish my sons love..ok, a long way to get some but I'll take it as exercise, plenty of walking, rowing and walking again ;)
Key Word in original Post "PENDING DOOM" NUCLEAR WAR? PANDEMIC? MARTIAL LAW? So many Dooms, so little Time!
My choice would be Coastal Mexico! It's off the Grid, the Population is decreasing on a daily Basis, there are hardly any Children so Education Taxes would be low! Coastal Climate is very temperate, good for Gardening, raising Chickens etc. Just don't drink the Water:)
I live in my bug out location. 40 acres of forest land, a year round stream, 65 ft waterfall, and land minimums up here means no neighbors close by. We are also California's citrus and avocado growing belt so plenty of food. Bring on SHTF... lol
I to am situated right where I want to be. Yes there are lots of places that seem beautiful or are less populated, but I've made the best of where I am. I do think water is one of the most valuable things you can have when looking for property. Luckily I have two creeks on the property, but a well can be a good substitute. (As long as it has a Manuel pump backup). I do recommend to all to start working on getting away from large populated areas as well. Even if it's a five year plan to make a move, start thinking and working on ways to make it happen. In just about any emergency scenario, cities are not safe places to be.
still, glad I live in the outskirts of my capital..have a freshwater river 500 yds from me..several routes out from my location,which I know pretty well, played a lots of cowboys and indians in the woods here
Here are my thoughts on "PREPPING" Some will agree, some won't.
Prepping is basically being prepared and self sufficient in the event of a "DISASTER". People who understand and practice the "ART" of Prepping are very wise, and realize that whatever your Social Status is today, it could all be gone tomorrow! I am a Pessimist, and I am rarely DISSAPPOINTED ( MURPHEYS LAW ) so to speak. I am a short term Prepper, concentrating on Natural Disasters. The reason for this is simple. LOGISTICS/ Where you are and where you would like to be are two different things. One is real, and one is theoretical! Best Scenerio , you are very rural and living where you will make your stand! Worst Scenerio , urban or around highly populated areas! Modern day Nuclear Attack would pretty much be "END GAME" for both Coasts and Central populated Areas. Airborne Nuclear Debris would probably contaminate Water and Soil taking away two basic Prepper needs. I think the more survivable Scenerio would be Civil uprising and Government reaction ( Martial Law and disarming of the Nation ) to this I would hope Military and Local LE would not stand for or participate! Armed Home Defense against those who would participate, Remember Waco! Ruby Ridge etc. Any way, just some thoughts from an old Pessimist .....
Well from what I'm reading, everyone is moving to the sticks, away from cities... If that's everyone's plan, then maybe DC will be the safest place around. ;)
Well from what I'm reading, everyone is moving to the sticks, away from cities... If that's everyone's plan, then maybe DC will be the safest place around. ;)
Good point! Whichever direction the masses are going, the opposite is probably the best way!
Here are my thoughts on "PREPPING" Some will agree, some won't.
Prepping is basically being prepared and self sufficient in the event of a "DISASTER". People who understand and practice the "ART" of Prepping are very wise, and realize that whatever your Social Status is today, it could all be gone tomorrow! I am a Pessimist, and I am rarely DISSAPPOINTED ( MURPHEYS LAW ) so to speak. I am a short term Prepper, concentrating on Natural Disasters. The reason for this is simple. LOGISTICS/ Where you are and where you would like to be are two different things. One is real, and one is theoretical! Best Scenerio , you are very rural and living where you will make your stand! Worst Scenerio , urban or around highly populated areas! Modern day Nuclear Attack would pretty much be "END GAME" for both Coasts and Central populated Areas. Airborne Nuclear Debris would probably contaminate Water and Soil taking away two basic Prepper needs. I think the more survivable Scenerio would be Civil uprising and Government reaction ( Martial Law and disarming of the Nation ) to this I would hope Military and Local LE would not stand for or participate! Armed Home Defense against those who would participate, Remember Waco! Ruby Ridge etc. Any way, just some thoughts from an old Pessimist .....
I don't think we have much to worry about a nuclear attack, both sides would be committing suicide. Now a single bomb going off in a city is a very real scenario. So is an accident at a plant. As I've stated before, that's one of the few things I'm bugging out for.
Well, here you've seen the plans or wishes of less than 1/100th of the population so I wouldn't worry too much. Yes, if anything happens, there will be an attempt at mass exodus from the cities but it's fairly certain that most won't make it very far as evidenced by every scifi movie and book out there. Right?

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