Where would you be if you could be

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Somewhere that is off the main roads, in a gun friendly state far away from any strategic targets, and that has unlimited clean water, a long growing season, rich soil, low population density, abundant game... and relatives.

In other words, somewhere like my BOL :)
Well, here you've seen the plans or wishes of less than 1/100th of the population so I wouldn't worry too much. Yes, if anything happens, there will be an attempt at mass exodus from the cities but it's fairly certain that most won't make it very far as evidenced by every scifi movie and book out there. Right?

i dont put alot of store in the sci fi shows and books..on acount.i think there's a combination of truth and fiction in them..but yet..they do make good points thoe
Somewhere that is off the main roads, in a gun friendly state far away from any strategic targets, and that has unlimited clean water, a long growing season, rich soil, low population density, abundant game... and relatives.

In other words, somewhere like my BOL :)

We call that area East Texas...where Jimle and Danil54grl live at....:)
i dont put alot of store in the sci fi shows and books..on acount.i think there's a combination of truth and fiction in them..but yet..they do make good points thoe
I meant to say 1/100th of 1% of the population. We may even be less than 1/1000th of 1%... ;)
Anyway, my point is this: While there may be an attempt at mass exodus of highly populated areas, people will run out of gas and just sit there waiting for help to come. There will be people who will take advantage of the weak. If the exodus is illness, the sick may die on the road.
How many people can walk out of a city and reach safety? A very small number. So I think those of us who do know what we are doing have a better chance at reaching isolation in the countryside. Once we've reached our destinations, we'll probably have to either defend it or figure out who we're going to let in with us.
The more people that survive and are community minded, the better for us all, though.
I live in my bug out location. 40 acres of forest land, a year round stream, 65 ft waterfall, and land minimums up here means no neighbors close by. We are also California's citrus and avocado growing belt so plenty of food. Bring on SHTF... lol

Of course, I've got a standing invite to the sunny Kalifornia from someone who enjoys knives and Shepards...so I sleep well at night. I love citrus it gets rid of beri-beri and is good for the gums...avocado's I leave to the wife...she enjoys them on her salad and on her tortillas. Of course the surfing is great there too. Who wouldn't want an abundant water supply. Well I'd better not forget the smoker, so I can bring some good ole BBQ if the SHTF.

Might have to make a detour and pick up Jimle though and his mom in tow.

Wow, all this discussion on food made me hungry.
I meant to say 1/100th of 1% of the population. We may even be less than 1/1000th of 1%... ;)
Anyway, my point is this: While there may be an attempt at mass exodus of highly populated areas, people will run out of gas and just sit there waiting for help to come. There will be people who will take advantage of the weak. If the exodus is illness, the sick may die on the road.
How many people can walk out of a city and reach safety? A very small number. So I think those of us who do know what we are doing have a better chance at reaching isolation in the countryside. Once we've reached our destinations, we'll probably have to either defend it or figure out who we're going to let in with us.
The more people that survive and are community minded, the better for us all, though.

That's a fair assessment Quiet. Part of laying a good network in a pre-SHTF. I like the way Maverick approaches things up where he lives in Washington, he is very involved in Red Cross and the local Emergency Planning Committee, this gives him access to state and local EM planning. Those are invaluable contacts to have. Many don't even consider networking their local LE and government in small towns, I've been fortunate in that I do like to network with the people in my area. Can't say I know everyone, but those that I've met, I've liked and we've shared some coffee or a donut. Who doesn't like a donut. My kids will tell you that they hate going around town with dad, I seem to bump into someone each time I head out. Well I see your little rain off the coast is heading out to see on national news today. Take care Quiet...hope you have a blessed day.
it might take some time my friends,but talk enough friends from here and BBQ and citrus and....I'll pop-up on your doorstep with my gear and a biiiiig smile

I told you that your always welcome...I spent most of the day working the yard. On Thursday night, we had some drunk youngster drive his truck into the middle of my yard and tore it up pretty good. Wife had hoped he hit the old SUV...not such luck. lol. He destroyed five yards down the street. My cameras only got the picture of his truck and the face of the passenger. Couldn't get the plate because of the angle. I guess a blessing is I found a blind spot on my cameras, so placed one up in that direction today. Yard looks pristine, but need a little rain to get that area back up.

So I do make a mean brisket and beef ribs, both making a local BBQ contest for 2d place. My pulled pork would make most North Carolinians smile. I am never satisfied, so I have different recipes for all my meats. Even have a few secret ones too from Nashville and N.C. Still trying to get my hands on Kansas Citties finest Arthur Bryants recipe. Lol, one thing I do know how to do besides prep is BBQ.

Speaking of which, if you ever do come on down...I've got some philly cheese stuffed peppers wrapped in bacon and sprinkled with a special ingredients...they are to die for. Also I make some great Carne Alsalda and stuffed chilli's. Not bad for a transplanted Yankee!
proves that you can adapt my friend :)

Hey I froze my butt of in the Dakotas and I was from New York...if you can adapt to that...well short of eating Vietnamese fermented fish....I think I can make it anywhere...can you believe when my dad was alive he ate that crap...teaches you that not all Vietnam Vets left out of their all right...love my dad, but man...fermented fish. Well no wonder why I don't eat Sushi...but Roninsensei does and he can have my share if the SHTF and that's the last food on earth...I'll go on a diet! :p
sushi ain't that bad...fermented fish,well I've tried much but that might be something not to...
That's a fair assessment Quiet. Part of laying a good network in a pre-SHTF. I like the way Maverick approaches things up where he lives in Washington, he is very involved in Red Cross and the local Emergency Planning Committee, this gives him access to state and local EM planning. Those are invaluable contacts to have. Many don't even consider networking their local LE and government in small towns, I've been fortunate in that I do like to network with the people in my area. Can't say I know everyone, but those that I've met, I've liked and we've shared some coffee or a donut. Who doesn't like a donut. My kids will tell you that they hate going around town with dad, I seem to bump into someone each time I head out. Well I see your little rain off the coast is heading out to see on national news today. Take care Quiet...hope you have a blessed day.
Thank you, Bob.
Speaking of LE though, you know what I never thought of - most of the deputies at our local Sheriff's dept went to school with my kids. I even babysat several of them when they were children. I think I need to renew those relationships.
I'll move a slight north of here, forks washington, it borders the olympic national forest everything here to sustain life, it's a hostile environment and it's that environment I would use to my advantage. Certainly a place you don't want to lose your bearings in!
how close do you live to the cascadian faultline???

the subduction zone is 50miles off shore, I'm a ways from the actual subduction, I live on the west cascade foothills, if CSZ decides to break lose I'm in a 8-9eq area, the closer you are to the beach the worst it will get giving a possible 9-9.5 I am 70miles from the beach ;)
just got me thinking as I saw some programme about that cascadian faultline yesterday on tv and if it says snap,crackle and pop it will be something else than nice
just got me thinking as I saw some programme about that cascadian faultline yesterday on tv and if it says snap,crackle and pop it will be something else than nice

very possible imagine a 9.0 going on for 5-7mikes, it is the primary reason I have been prepping heavy (heavier then normal) WSU/PNSN and the USGS have been doing their best, they are experimenting on early warning devices that detect p-waves in advance, they set some up in california to give a few second warning, the future goal is 20sec warning may not sound like much but 20sec is a long time to take cover or pull a vehicle over, there is more details I cant really get into right now.
hey, I hope they get that early warning system to function, really do, we don't have quakes here, only prblem with mothernature comes when russkies burn their forrests and smoke drifts over to us...and some algea when it's hot..

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