Which High School elective class are you glad you took?

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My first high school (9th - 10th grades) was a Jesuit school overseas, and the only 'elective' available was boat-building. But I studied Latin for two years (mandatory, of course, at a Jesuit school) and then two years more when we got back to a government school in the States, and then two semesters of Attic Greek at college. Now I can read (slowly) all of the Romance languages except Romanian.

Since I live -- for all practical purposes -- in a country with two 'official' languages, my wife and kids all became pretty fluent in Spanish as well.

Come to think of it, I probably would've been a lot better off if I'd taken wood shop instead!
Wood and metal shop. And choir. If ya think football players and cheerleaders get all the hook ups. Ya ain't never been to band camp! ;) :D

Other good classes were scuba diving and surfing. Yes, we had surf "class" for credit. LOL And my other school had skiing one day a week. I can't add or speel, reel good, but I can drive a tank, and fly a plane. ;)
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I’m amazed at some of the electives available to many of you. Alabama’s public education system was ranked 49th in the nation during my time. Thankfully there was Mississippi so we weren’t last. 🤣 Still annoyed they didn’t have an early graduation program. Had to come back for a 12th year just for an english or math class. Where I grew up english should have counted as a foreign language anyway so I took another math ya’ll.

I didn’t need shop class, grew up farming, I lived it. I took it because I could leave school at lunch jr and sr year if I had a farm job. I had a never ending supply of farm jobs. ;)
DECA program.
Was a retail business joint venture local retail business and the High School.

I only had in the school classes till noon.
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