WHICH human appears abnormal......view photo and vote.

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
And you wonder WHY has America lost world respect.

And you scratch your wondering why do things "SUCK".

And you are thinking, "Do I really have enough food and water, secured in safe location"....???

And you are saying to yourself, "Do I need to make radical changes for my family's survival"....??
On a "drop Dead" serious note, I ask you, are you truly ready for what is coming".....???

When did you last inventory your rolls of "Butt-Wipe"...???
Speaking of buttwipe. Biden is channeling Cornhulio seeking TP for his bunghole.

Jokes aside, no doubt our enemies know how screwed we are with our current lack of leadership on the nuclear buttons.
I think that "ONE" of them is a Medical Doctor. Your Obama medical care is in trusted hands, you can sleep well.
What was it look like in other countries when they swirled the down shoot of the toilet.

Don't be concerned, as just a few decades ago America had an elite respected and feared military.
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Here is a prime example of a nefarious and corrupt media trying to spin the fact that they were complicit in the deception that is Joe Biden.


As if anyone who worked in the White House was unaware. It has all been in plane view all this time. Media, you are all in on this deception and we all know it.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”​

― Joseph Goebbels

this would be funny if it wasn't At least joe is old and has a reason for brain malfunction where as the idiot installed (by the same "voting machines" in ottawa is just an idiot
And they invent stupid phrases like "cheap fakes" so you won't believe what you're seeing.
I have been listening, and none of them are screaming 'cheap-fake video' about what was on display to the whole world with the debate footage.
Today they be more like:
...And it isn't fair for SD to post a pic of 2 abnormal people and asking us to pick which one is 'abnormal', (thereby making the other one 'normal'):(.
That Dark looking mound in the lower Right-hand corner looks like the back of a Head, that asked a ? and the "Good Doctor"(LOL) is Pointing and Screaming at them(her/him/it)...!!!
I don't blame the Democratic Party, I don't blame Joe Biden or his family, or his advisers.

"WE are to BLAME". We allowed this. YES, our whole reality is corrupt, but we are "EACH" responsible to some extent.
I'm Not, I Voted for Pres. Trump, if You didn't then, YES, You are Responsible...!!! We All saw what was going on when He was at the Helm and those that didn't Vote for Him are Responsible...!! :waiting: :waiting: :waiting:
I'm Not, I Voted for Pres. Trump, if You didn't then, YES, You are Responsible...!!! We All saw what was going on when He was at the Helm and those that didn't Vote for Him are Responsible...!! :waiting: :waiting: :waiting:
Yes, you are.......This is not about who you voted for. The current condition started November 1963 and has grown/accelerated unabated for 61 years.

We have "ALL" enjoyed the fruit of the financial illusion. The cure will be horrific or fatal.
Yes, you are.......This is not about who you voted for. The current condition started November 1963 and has grown/accelerated unabated for 61 years.

We have "ALL" enjoyed the fruit of the financial illusion. The cure will be horrific or fatal.
No Fruits here, Plenty of Labor tho...!!! When I got Home there were People calling US "Baby Killers" and when Applying for Decent Jobs after serving back then and reporting that "Yes" I Served in the Military, More Doors Closed then were Open...!! Have had a few good jobs along the way, even worked My way up to being Grocery, Package and Warehouse Manager at a PX, till they went "Woke" and allowed AAFES System to do all the Ordering and My Title was Deleted...! I still had "Faith" that "Right" will WIN, Still do and that's why I will Vote for Pres. Trump in 5 Months... :thumbs:
For more than a year, the media have been editing out the parts of his (rare) media conferences that looked bad. That was easy because most speeches by politicians are too long for news sound bites anyway.

The debate was the first public appearance he has made for a long time where that could not be done.
I don't blame the Democratic Party, I don't blame Joe Biden or his family, or his advisers.

"WE are to BLAME". We allowed this. YES, our whole reality is corrupt, but we are "EACH" responsible to some extent.

The electorate always gets the politicians that they deserve.

The strong polarization of American politics has led to people on both sides of the divide accepting (and strongly supporting) profoundly flawed candidates just because they are "our guy"......and they know what philosophical buttons to push to get support. The process is now pure mathematics.....driven by poll stats.

If people started rejecting bad candidates (put up by their side) the system would be forced to find better candidates......but they don't......so the system responds by putting up worse and worse candidates.

The only thing that floats to the top of the American political soup these days is scum.
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In case anyone is wondering Jill is not a medical doctor. She has a doctorate in English or something like that. Her being a doctor was falsely put out there during covid
Did someone advertise her as a medical doctor? I never saw that. It is perfectly fine for PhD's to use "Dr." in their title. It is appropriate, and is usually the way things are done. Often without specifically saying what the PhD is in. It would be inappropriate to say/imply that the PhD is in some field other than what it truly is, but I don't remember ever seeing that about Jill Biden. All's I've ever seen were internet comments "correcting" things ... things that apparently do not exist so are not in need of correction. I'm not a fan of any Biden, but it does not serve us well to exaggerate or embellish things or take tangents off of the truth.

Can anyone point out an instance where Jill Biden presented herself or was officially presented as a medical doctor (excluding unverified claims by her detractors or the ignorant)?

This post is a generic comment, not about any specific person or instance.
Did someone advertise her as a medical doctor? I never saw that. It is perfectly fine for PhD's to use "Dr." in their title. It is appropriate, and is usually the way things are done. Often without specifically saying what the PhD is in. It would be inappropriate to say/imply that the PhD is in some field other than what it truly is, but I don't remember ever seeing that about Jill Biden. All's I've ever seen were internet comments "correcting" things ... things that apparently do not exist so are not in need of correction. I'm not a fan of any Biden, but it does not serve us well to exaggerate or embellish things or take tangents off of the truth.

Can anyone point out an instance where Jill Biden presented herself or was officially presented as a medical doctor (excluding unverified claims by her detractors or the ignorant)?

This post is a generic comment, not about any specific person or instance.
Whoopi Goldberg indicated she was a medical doctor. Did you read the link I posted?
Whoopi Goldberg indicated she was a medical doctor.
Whoopi falls into the category of "ignorant". Just because Whoopi said it, does not mean that Biden ever presented herself that way. It's not Bidens fault that some idiot on a talk show said something wrong.
Did you read the link I posted?
It even says in the link you posted:

After someone alerted Whoopi to the fact that “Dr. Jill” has a doctor of education (EdD) degree from the University of Delaware and not a medical degree, Goldberg apologized. “I was wrong about his wife. I was wrong, before you start texting and emailing,” she said.

Whoopi's mistake. Not a false claim by Biden.

Earning a PhD gives you the right to use "Doctor" in your title, like it or not. Because it is a doctorate degree. You don't have to use it, but you certainly can if you'd like. Many do.
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