who goes into pinterest?

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
how many here go into pinterest? i've seen some pretty good ideas there.from everyday decorations,to good ideas on prepping and gardening...
My wife is all over that pinterest for years now. Ive never got around to check it out. Almost all of the receipts, home decor ideas and crafts my wife does are from there.
i mostly look for prepper and garden ideas..in which i came across a good idea for tomato cages made out of 2x2's and 1x2's
i'll see if i can find that pic/post again,so i can post a pic of it.and maybe explain it,at least some what
I use heavy duty welded wire to make my cages. Cut the bottom so that you can push the wire into the ground. Not sure what the cost difference would be. They can be used year after year. Those you are looking at are attractive
I use heavy duty welded wire to make my cages. Cut the bottom so that you can push the wire into the ground. Not sure what the cost difference would be. They can be used year after year. Those you are looking at are attractive
I use three t posts and thirty feet of field fence, that moves each season. I just weave the tomatoe thru the fence. I like using whatever I have on hand that works.
Ooh, I have an old field fence panel I'm not using....that would be a good use for it.
My garden is fenced on three sides, and the fourth is along the greenhouse. That's a long line of trellis to plant each year. I have sweet peas along the front and pole beans on the back. I plant the tomatoes in a new spot each year to help with diseases, and pretty much rotate all plant locations each yr as well.

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