Why Americans are being forced to invest in China --- CCP. This is a must read.

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Sheep don't have a choice where they graze, that decision is made by their shepherds. What should we care where the sheep are led, they are doomed 5 ways anyhow. As far as I am concerned anyone who trusts their life savings to a suit and tie after the last decades of disastrous losses deserves what they get.

In fact I am content they are going down that road. Imagine if they were all out there buying solid assets, real tangibles that will increase in value as our oil economy collapses. What would be left for us? The total above ground silver in the world for example amounts to roughly 3 Billion ounces. At today's price that's US-70 Billion dollars. Now there is 32 Trillion held in Pension funds in the US alone, or about 460x the value of all physical silver worldwide.

One way of seeing these figures is to consider that if 70,000 middle-class investors in Australia decided to put 100 grand into silver, they would buy up every ounce on the planet. I could only imagine what the price of silver would be today if the masses had caught on. But this is just theoretical because the 70 thousand would never get their hands on that silver, most of it is already spoken for.

silver uses.jpg

But silver is just one play, there is a whole raft of solid investments out there from copper mines to water companies that will all prosper in the future we discuss here. But Tesla? GM? US Bonds? Good luck with that stuff.
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Sheep don't have a choice where they graze, that decision is made by their shepherds. What should we care where the sheep are led, they are doomed 5 ways anyhow. As far as I am concerned anyone who trusts their life savings to a suit and tie after the last decades of disastrous losses deserves what they get.

In fact I am content they are going down that road. Imagine if they were all out there buying solid assets, real tangibles that will increase in value as our oil economy collapses. What would be left for us? The total above ground silver in the world for example amounts to roughly 3 Billion ounces. At today's price that's US-70 Billion dollars. Now there is 32 Trillion held in Pension funds in the US alone, or about 460x the value of all physical silver worldwide.

One way of seeing these figures is to consider that if 70,000 middle-class investors in Australia decided to put 100 grand into silver, they would buy up every ounce on the planet. I could only imagine what the price of silver would be today if the masses had caught on. One day they will no doubt, at the very top of some future silver price bubble like they did in the late 1970s. That will be a good opportunity to sell some and take massive profits. But silver is just one play, there is a whole raft of solid investments out there from copper mines to water companies that will all prosper in the future we discuss here. But Tesla? GM? US Bonds? Good luck with that stuff.
Where did you get your facts on there only being 3 billion ounces of silver? To date there are estimates of well over 50 billion ounces of silver that have been mined. As an FYI, there have been about 5.5 billion ounces of gold mined.
To date there are estimates of well over 50 billion ounces of silver that have been mined.

Yes that pie chart is a little misleading in the fact it focuses on all mined silver but it shows where the silver goes which is important.

The simple fact is a lot of the silver ever mined has been lost, lost when a missile explodes in Iraq, when an electronic device is tossed into a landfill, and a proportion of the massive amounts used for photography in the 20th century simply went down the drain pipe. It's hard to estimate how much is still around because of this. Gold is different, most of the gold ever mined is still around in useful forms. So yes my figure might have been inaccurate, sites vary widely on what is the total, but it does represent the silver bullion or coin "Available" for purchase.

What's happening to all those old solar panels? They have silver in them, but it's not economical to recover it, they dump them. And all the silver piling up on rooftops in new panels is also lost to us for the same reason. Back in the 1970's bubble, at the very top, people were selling solid sterling silver jewelry and dinnerware and candelabras, but that only occurred because the price was so high and usually that silver stays where it is..

Silver's use for solar panel manufacturing is around 80 million troy ounces per year or currently about 8% of annual silver supply.
Any way you cut it silver is a precious metal, it is rare and is cheap, cheap probably because the price has been suppressed to allow it's use in all our technologies. Corporate profits trump small suppliers every time, just as a farmer.
