Why are fish in Florida now going in circles?

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I've seen several videos of animals walking in circles but now fish in Florida are going in circles until they die. All these weird things are happening. Anybody have any clue?

It sounds like “circling disease”. It is a neurological disease like “mad cow disease”. It first appeared in farmed fish and then escaped into the wild. In Alaska, where commercial fishing is a major industry, we see bumper stickers that say, “Friends Don’t Let Friends Eat Farmed Fish."
It sounds like “circling disease”. It is a neurological disease like “mad cow disease”. It first appeared in farmed fish and then escaped into the wild. In Alaska, where commercial fishing is a major industry, we see bumper stickers that say, “Friends Don’t Let Friends Eat Farmed Fish."
That's odd that they would all get something similar to mad cow disease unless it's being sprayed on us from above. I talk to others who have memory issues and my hub and I do but we're older. I wonder why the scientists in FL haven't thought of 'circling disease.'
That's odd that they would all get something similar to mad cow disease unless it's being sprayed on us from above. I talk to others who have memory issues and my hub and I do but we're older. I wonder why the scientists in FL haven't thought of 'circling disease.'
The farm fish continually swim in circles being fed by the fish farmer. They are so close that they easily spread disease. If wild fish swim close to the farm or when the fish escape the farm the wild fish can catch circling disease.
The farm fish continually swim in circles being fed by the fish farmer. They are so close that they easily spread disease. If wild fish swim close to the farm or when the fish escape the farm the wild fish can catch circling disease.
I wonder if it spread worldwide then because other animals are doing the same thing.

Aha: it looks like satellites cause 'mad cow' type disease. I just don't know how we could possibly protect ourselves from above. My hub and I are getting multiple of the symptoms and I know others who are too. It's likely the cause of 'circling disease.' Could be a mystery solved.
I wonder if it spread worldwide then because other animals are doing the same thing.

That guy didn’t do his research. He is likely referring to St. Vitus Dance which wasn't a "dance" at all but found to be Sydenham chorea, a neurologial disorder characterized by irregular and involuntary movements of muscle groups in various parts of the body that follow streptococcal infection. The name St. Vitus Dance derives from the late Middle Ages, when persons with the disease attended the chapels of St. Vitus, who was believed to have curative powers. The disorder was first explained by the English physician Thomas Sydenham. Most often a manifestation of rheumatic fever, Sydenham chorea occurs most frequently between the ages of 5 and 15 years, and is more common in girls than boys. The disease may occur as an infrequent complication of pregnancy.
That guy didn’t do his research. He is likely referring to St. Vitus Dance which wasn't a "dance" at all but found to be Sydenham chorea, a neurologial disorder characterized by irregular and involuntary movements of muscle groups in various parts of the body that follow streptococcal infection. The name St. Vitus Dance derives from the late Middle Ages, when persons with the disease attended the chapels of St. Vitus, who was believed to have curative powers. The disorder was first explained by the English physician Thomas Sydenham. Most often a manifestation of rheumatic fever, Sydenham chorea occurs most frequently between the ages of 5 and 15 years, and is more common in girls than boys. The disease may occur as an infrequent complication of pregnancy.
Sounds plausible but you think that animals from all over the world all developed St. Vitus' dance? Unless it was unleashed as a fog or in chemtrails it wouldn't explain how so many animals are doing the same thing.
I heard about the pole shift and the grand solar minimum. Really weird things are going on.
Solar cycles have always been happening. The one we are currently experiencing is Solar Cycle 25. They’ve been tracked as far back as Roman times.
some time back i listened to some show saying in time as the sun messes up mroe and sends more cms, plasma storms, afects our magnetosphere and weakens this and that it will affect wildlife more and more and then humans.
ive heard about the circling fish and animals and confused whales, bees, some birds. etc, and now as the solar storms get stronger and our natural earth semantics decay we are getting hit more oftne and in stronger add in the 5G and 6G radio waves spreading all over, wish i knew the correct science terms , sorry. kinda fascinating and kinda scary.
yall got your shugite and emf cloth right?
Virus listeriosis can be found in livestock, for instance the sheep that walked in circles in China for 12 days. Nothing religious about it. Maybe an example of why it's not a good idea to do what everybody else is doing. Most instances that I have researched are from a virus.
Science. Mostly just science. Natural occurences. But because there may be no rational explanation it is seen as weird, amazing, scary, terrifying, e

It doesn't really scare me - it just piqued my curiosity. It makes me wonder if it's some kind of spiritual warning or happening, or if it's the satellites that they launched above. They said on the day they were launched people came down with multiple symptoms. Then too many believe we're in the last days and I wondered what others thought of the phenomenon. I tend to think it's something to do with the satellites. Think of how strong they must be to beam down to earth. They're erecting all this technology around us, without considering the full effect on people and animals. I read that men working on them got very ill.
Solar cycles have always been happening. The one we are currently experiencing is Solar Cycle 25. They’ve been tracked as far back as Roman times.
A family member got into reading about them and the carvings in caves. Do you believe that there will be a full pole shift? I heard that Ben from Suspicious Observers moved to NM to allegedly escape the mass flooding. I saw the Navy map that showed America cut in two by water.

Future Naval Map Of Usa Oconto County Plat Map
Future Naval Map Of Usa Oconto County Plat Map

Future Naval Map Of Usa Oconto County Plat Map

Future Naval Map Of Usa Oconto County Plat Map
Future Naval Map Of Usa Oconto County Plat Map
some time back i listened to some show saying in time as the sun messes up mroe and sends more cms, plasma storms, afects our magnetosphere and weakens this and that it will affect wildlife more and more and then humans.
ive heard about the circling fish and animals and confused whales, bees, some birds. etc, and now as the solar storms get stronger and our natural earth semantics decay we are getting hit more oftne and in stronger add in the 5G and 6G radio waves spreading all over, wish i knew the correct science terms , sorry. kinda fascinating and kinda scary.
yall got your shugite and emf cloth right?
That's a good point - my terrier would always feel or pick up on things long before I did. It makes sense as they are more in tune with nature and their instincts seem to be superior to ours. The other thing that I just thought of is that their paws touch the ground - or cement - and they are therefore "grounded" - which is supposed to be healthy. We are not because of our shoes - unless we wear moccasins or go barefoot. I wonder if their being grounded makes them even more in tune with subtle changes in the atmosphere.

Like you said - add in the 5G etc. and it could account for their behavior.
I couldn’t read the article without bowing to their rules.
Was red tide mentioned?
Red tide is actually algae that emit toxins. Found mainly in the Gulf of Mexico. It kills fish by the tens of thousands whenever there is an outbreak.
Completely normal, a part of life and death in Florida.
They are one step closer to getting us to eat bugs….
I noticed that you hail from Harrisburg.
I’ll be there tomorrow for the 4 day annual reunion of the Society of the 5th Infantry Division.
It’s in a different city each year, this year in Harrisburg at the Red Lion Harrisburg Hershey.
Virus listeriosis can be found in livestock, for instance the sheep that walked in circles in China for 12 days. Nothing religious about it. Maybe an example of why it's not a good idea to do what everybody else is doing. Most instances that I have researched are from a virus.
I couldn’t read the article without bowing to their rules.
Was red tide mentioned?
Red tide is actually algae that emit toxins. Found mainly in the Gulf of Mexico. It kills fish by the tens of thousands whenever there is an outbreak.
Completely normal, a part of life and death in Florida.
I read several articles and I believe that one mentioned algae. It just seems odd that sheep in China, Moose in Russia, ducks, fish, ants, worms, and other living things were doing the same thing. There must be a common denominator. I'm not a scientist but it seems to me that it could be the satellites.

How exactly is AZ and UT and NV and CO going to flood. Maybe below me, I'm at 650 ft, but there's 5,000 ft mountains right behind us going up to 5-7,000 9n the CO Plateau. If we flood so goes everything east of Denver.

How exactly is AZ and UT and NV and CO going to flood. Maybe below me, I'm at 650 ft, but there's 5,000 ft mountains right behind us going up to 5-7,000 9n the CO Plateau. If we flood so goes everything east of Denver.

I don't know if the map is legitimate but I read that they were relocating all government offices away from the coast. There is so much misinformation online that it's hard to ascertain the truth though. The flooding will allegedly be when the pole shifts or it will happen when Wormwood hits the earth. I'm unsure if I got the story right or not. I read so much that by the end of the night my brain is fried.
there is a native american prophecy--im thinking hopi but not sure. there is a natural disaster coming and the waters of the ocean will flood into the western shore coming all the way cloe to the 4 corners area. in fact the 4 corners area is said to be one fo the safest places and canoes will be needed to move to the mesas. CA will be gone. many of the survivors will find their way to the 4 corners area and try to help one another--natives and whites. will rebuild and try to restart working together.

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