Why schools should open or not.

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A lot more people were self sufficient back then or locally connected. They didn’t rely on trucks or supermarkets as much. Today the population is much bigger and business has diversified into stuff we don’t need but it fuels the economy. I don’t know, they are the first things that come to mind. Interesting question though.
In my opinion, for what it is worth, herd immunity is going to be the best bet. Open businesses, restart the economy. Either re-open schools or transfer the education monies to the parents and let them home school. People can elect to wear masks (me and the wife) or not. Getting the China flu is bad for your health but so is being homeless and starving. Now this is the opinion for a person with COPD and diabetes. The country needs to open back up.
In my opinion, for what it is worth, herd immunity is going to be the best bet. Open businesses, restart the economy. Either re-open schools or transfer the education monies to the parents and let them home school. People can elect to wear masks (me and the wife) or not. Getting the China flu is bad for your health but so is being homeless and starving. Now this is the opinion for a person with COPD and diabetes. The country needs to open back up.
I agree, businesses can’t afford to not make or even loose money for too long before closing. We have allready lost a lot of them but the longer this goes on the worse it will get. Many places were hurting before this pandemic and were just pushed over the edge they were teetering on, but not reopening businesses is a guaranteed depression. I kind of feel we are heading towards one anyways but let’s try to slow it down at least. I’m still on the fence with the public schools. Many are so bad that I’m wanting to say screw them and go to private anyways. I don’t see how they are going to keep the small kids from catching and spreading the bug.
In my opinion, for what it is worth, herd immunity is going to be the best bet. Open businesses, restart the economy. Either re-open schools or transfer the education monies to the parents and let them home school. People can elect to wear masks (me and the wife) or not. Getting the China flu is bad for your health but so is being homeless and starving. Now this is the opinion for a person with COPD and diabetes. The country needs to open back up.

From what I researched, it doesnt look like he'd immunity will work with this man made bio weapon.
SOOOOO...here is a great plus for teaching on line. According to many teachers who are posting about it, they said they are literally flipping out that they are going to have a hard time indoctrinating kids!

“A public schoolteacher in Philadelphia is fretting that "conservative parents" may be able to listen in on his virtual classes.

The Washington Examiner reported the concerns were from Matthew Kay, an instructor who worried that his "what happens here stays here" philosophy may be violated.

Kay is an English instructor at the Science Leadership Academy, a public school.

He said he now fears the potential "damage" from parents who overhear his lessons to their children on "gender and sexuality."
Kay worried that "conservative parents" somehow would be able to interfere with the "messy work" of indoctrinating children.

Kay said he was concerned aboug never being quite sure "who is overhearing" the lessons.

"While conversation about race are in my wheelhouse, and remain a concern in this no-walls environment — I am most intrigued by the damage that 'helicopter/snowplow' parents can do in the host conversations about gender/sexuality. And while 'conservative' parents are my chief concern — I know that the damage can come from the left too. If we are engaged in the messy work of destabilizing a kid’s racism or homophobia or transphobia — how much do we want their classmates’ parents piling on?" Kay wrote.

Walsh pointed out that other teachers began sharing their own strategies for "brainwashing during a pandemic."

Further, an adult keeping a secret with a child, and "helping the child conceal that secret from his parent – especially when the secret has anything to do with sexuality – is acting in a way that is nothing short of predatory," Walsh wrote.

Finally, he argued, teachers are supposed to teach.

"A child’s actual parents only come to be viewed as 'dangerous' interlopers and intrusive 'outsiders' when teachers begin to view themselves and the school system as the true guardians and conservators of the children that are temporarily in their care."

EDITED TO ADD: So in other words they are actively BULLYING any student to doesn’t agree with their evil crap!
Down Under we have a large number of children under the age of 10 in hospital fighting the virus - as far as I could read they had no pre existing conditions.

There are lots of valid arguments for and against opening schools.

I just don't know.
This is interesting! Seems the count for children is being artificially inflated.

“The joint report from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association looked at data from 49 states, NYC, D.C., Puerto Rico, and Guam.

However, the alarming “97,000” number being reported by national media is deceptive because the federal government is, once again, intentionally inflating the case counts.

A chart from the report, which includes data collected up to July 30, shows many states are counting adults aged 18-24 as “children.”

Two states reported 18-year-olds as children, 32 states counted 19-year-olds, two states counted 20-year-olds, and Alabama counted cases up to 24-years-old as “child cases” of COVID-19.“
Yup. The big leftist buzz word today is ‘inclusion’. Force all the kids together, even if one dumb troublemaker holds the rest of the class back from learning.

As you guys know, I have a special needs son and I refused to put him in the classes that I knew he would just be a disruption to other who had the ability to learn. Many other mothers of Special kids would demand their child be main streamed into the regular classrooms even if they were incapable of learning the material. I don't understand their reasoning.
My son would join the others in classes such as gym or art.
Alex Berenson says worldwide COVID outbreak has so far only been 'slightly worse than a bad flu year'

Berenson went on to accuse the media of an "obsessive - almost sordid - fascination with death counts, updated in real-time and presented without context."

"Why are we counting deaths this way?" he asked. "We’ve never done this for any other illness. Never."

Berenson specifically cited the Times for its "heat maps" of COVID cases and what he called CNN's "deathmeter", as well as "everyone screaming on Twitter," for instilling the sense that the pandemic is worse than it is.

In truth, Berenson claimed, "the 700,000 people it [coronavirus] has killed worldwide are less than half the number who have died or traffic accidents OR diarrhea OR tuberculosis this year, less than 2% of all deaths.

"There has never been anything like this before, but not because of the virus."

Well, My two granddaughters spent the day with me yesterday and I talked to my daughter when she picked them up..... turns out that the girls were tested for their new private school and the 1st grader (who was top of her kindergarten class) is SIX MONTHS behind where she should be. The school told her not to worry, she is the highest of 4 other new first graders. She will spend an extra hour every day to catch up. Thankfully the teacher said it may not take the 6 months because she is exceptionally bright...... just uneducated.

And this is the result of one of the better public school districts in this area. They can only teach as fast and far as the slowest student. The other granddaughter, going into the 4th grade is only slightly deficient in reading comprehension and needs a little practice. She is however off the charts in math and science, so she's OK. But she is a self starter and plays math and science games on her Ipad all the time, so essentially she is self taught.

The answer is the tax money follows the student.. definitely

school starts Monday and their uniforms came in day before yesterday.... new world for our family and a better situation for my grandaughters.
Teachers are concerned that during the virtual class with students, the parents will be able to listen in. Why the hell would a teacher be concerned about parents listening? Hmm, something smells.

I saw the screenshots of the teachers complaining that the parents will interfere with their induction. They are blaming the parents for all the wrongs in the world.
I retired from the education maelstrom a few months ago. Teachers complain that they are overworked and underpaid. In Kalifornia teachers are under contract for 185 days a year. In other words, they get just about half the year off! I had one teacher express displeasure that she was only making $77,000 a year, which equates to 6 months of work and 6 months of play. Sorry, but members of the military service are the real people who are overworked and underpaid.
This has all been hashed and rehashed. Even though this is still an evolving disease that we constantly learn new things about my opinion still stands. We have to reopen. More People will starve to death if the economy completely tanks than will die from the virus. That being said, the administration not having a science based uniform plan to help is unbelievably ignorant. Masks should have been mandated everywhere, period. Distancing as best as is reasonably possible makes sense. Contact tracing should be way ahead of where we are, it works in most countries. I live in the 5th worst state in numbers of cases. I still am going to work in public places but am taking a lot of precautions. Yes it’s still a risk but at least they are being reduced. There is no perfect way to get through this viral outbreak but letting the economy go into a depression just brings even more misery to this party.
I retired from the education maelstrom a few months ago. Teachers complain that they are overworked and underpaid. In Kalifornia teachers are under contract for 185 days a year. In other words, they get just about half the year off! I had one teacher express displeasure that she was only making $77,000 a year, which equates to 6 months of work and 6 months of play. Sorry, but members of the military service are the real people who are overworked and underpaid.
Wow, I should have taught in America.

A lot of people don’t get paid per work ratio. Most employers in these arenas rely on either a persons dedication to the profession or desperation of circumstance.
Teachers are concerned that during the virtual class with students, the parents will be able to listen in. Why the hell would a teacher be concerned about parents listening? Hmm, something smells.

I posted about a bunch of tweets by teachers who were upset about “how to indoctrinate the kids with parents possibly listening “. They were all upset.
Personally, I couldn’t teach online. Not bothered who would be listening, teachers are used to being observed. Maybe it would be different if I was a high school teacher but I’m used to moving around the class and continually assessing and interacting with the children. Classroom management isn’t just about controlling behaviour it’s more about reading each child’s interest level and perception, then adjusting the lesson if you’re losing their focus. I couldn’t do that online. Let’s face it if classes were to be set up online, only the kids who want to learn would get anything out of it.
Personally, I couldn’t teach online. Not bothered who would be listening, teachers are used to being observed. Maybe it would be different if I was a high school teacher but I’m used to moving around the class and continually assessing and interacting with the children. Classroom management isn’t just about controlling behaviour it’s more about reading each child’s interest level and perception, then adjusting the lesson if you’re losing their focus. I couldn’t do that online. Let’s face it if classes were to be set up online, only the kids who want to learn would get anything out of it.

My wife has been conducting online classes for years, both for her school and privately. It can be done - with the right technology.
Secondary would be easier, I just don’t think the younger ones would adapt as well. Unless they are used to it, I know they do it in remote places or when children can’t physically get to school. What happens, happens I suppose, it doesn’t help that I’m not good friends with technology.
Alex Berenson says worldwide COVID outbreak has so far only been 'slightly worse than a bad flu year'
I won't argue about him having some good points, but I have a feeling he's pulling that out of his ass without having the actual numbers.
He's using worldwide because he knows how difficult it is to get worldwide numbers on anything.

I will try to find those, but in the meantime how about in the US?
Flu deaths in the US, by season
2010–2011 37,000
2011–2012 12,000
2012–2013 43,000
2013–2014 38,000
2014–2015 51,000
2015–2016 23,000
2016–2017 38,000
2017–2018 61,000
2018–2019 34,000
COVID-19 deaths in the US in 6 months of 2020
Slightly worse????
And yes I know that is not completely accurate.
Sorry guys but I don’t believe ANY of the numbers. The reason is the CDC and hospitals have clearly been including not only flu numbers, but also car accidents, cancers, strokes...you name it in the covid numbers. To top that, when the issue of sending kids back to school they started counting adults in the numbers. We are being fed a bunch of lies.
Our government school system is officially a huge detriment to the children and our future!

Joe Gamaldi (@JoeGamaldi) Tweeted:
***Update: The School district has reached out, they have pulled back the assignment, apologized for the assignment, and will be issuing an apology to the parents.*** @WylieISD

So the school gave a less than acceptable apology and said nothing, zero, zip about removing this indoctrination teacher!
"So the school gave a less than acceptable apology and said nothing, zero, zip about removing this indoctrination teacher! "

Well, if it is a primarily black school district the citizens probably agree with this. If it isn't, then the solution is local politics and involvement. Make the school board pay dearly. They wont change unless we force them to. Maybe it's time to start giving that old racist math test joke as a homework assignment. The one we all saw about 20 years ago that had things like "Devon and Jamail break into the local Payless shoe store. There are 20 Nikes in stock........."

I am getting pretty sick of always taking the high road, maybe I have always been more of a gutter fighter than I cared to admit. Just venting frustration here.
it's not a matter of just listening in >>> recording would be possible - right now it's the teacher's word against some kid(s) ...

if a kid complains something was said by the teacher - bingo bango - gooooo to the tape for the day >>> it's been done already by kids that are purposely setting the teacher up to get fired ....

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