Why we're all fat...

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Awesome Friend
Aug 15, 2013
So, I'm grocery shopping last night...(Publix had their $50 gas cards for $40, as long as you spend $50 on groceries...plus Publix times their sales and BOGOs to coincide with manufacturer coupons, etc.)

And I realize....I now really KNOW why all of America is fat. It's economics. My wife and I feed a household of five on two incomes with a little supplement from home business ventures. We struggle to find healthy meals to make where the entire ingredients for a meal cost less than $10 a person.

But, going to McDonalds, we could EASILY eat for like $6 a person.

No wonder we're all FAT!!! Simply put, it has gotten way more expensive (exponentially) to eat healthy. And we're not even talking about fruits, veggies, or organic/tree-hugger stuff...just regular groceries.

This is actually a primary reason for starting the garden next month. We even coupon pretty well, I mean we got 3 of those gas cards, so that was saving $30 right there, plus we saved about $130 with coupons and bogo deals, etc. Imagine if we DIDN'T coupon? Ridiculous, but that's why we're all fat....too damn expensive to eat healthy.....

yeah..the good ole u.s.a junk food city on junk foods ..and fast food places with drive through windows..
This didn't use to be the case though. You use to be able to feed a family (per person) cheaper than getting fast food. Fast food was a surcharge, for convenience. The problem is, grocery inflation has far outpaced normal inflation...so much so, that now, it's getting more expensive to cook your own food!.

I think another step we're going to take is to do some bulk shopping at places like Sams Club, Costco, etc. Not always cheaper though, have to compare the per oz. prices.

i already do certain amount bulk shoping at sams club,on acount it pays to do so.like thier loafs of bread.2 for price of 1.or at least close to it.also buy my coffee and sliced cheesse there as well.simply because i can buy it there for same price and for a lil more of the items..
The garden should be a good way to cut down on the grocery bill some.
Another plan is getting a freezer chest to store bulk meats in. So we can buy more family packs when on sale, etc. We'll also eventually be canning any excess from the garden (and eventually fruit trees). We have a business license too, so looking for any sources where I can get things wholesale too, even if not really planning to resell.
So, I'm grocery shopping last night...(Publix had their $50 gas cards for $40, as long as you spend $50 on groceries...plus Publix times their sales and BOGOs to coincide with manufacturer coupons, etc.)

And I realize....I now really KNOW why all of America is fat. It's economics. My wife and I feed a household of five on two incomes with a little supplement from home business ventures. We struggle to find healthy meals to make where the entire ingredients for a meal cost less than $10 a person.

But, going to McDonalds, we could EASILY eat for like $6 a person.

No wonder we're all FAT!!! Simply put, it has gotten way more expensive (exponentially) to eat healthy. And we're not even talking about fruits, veggies, or organic/tree-hugger stuff...just regular groceries.

This is actually a primary reason for starting the garden next month. We even coupon pretty well, I mean we got 3 of those gas cards, so that was saving $30 right there, plus we saved about $130 with coupons and bogo deals, etc. Imagine if we DIDN'T coupon? Ridiculous, but that's why we're all fat....too damn expensive to eat healthy.....
eww mcdonalds! worst food in the world . if americans would eat supper at 5 o clock in the pm like we are suppose to that **** would burn off by the time we went to sleep that night. but statisticly most americans eat there last meal of the day after7-8 pm and go to sleep with that crap in there stomachs!
i been on a diet myself ! eating subway 6in. sub for lunch everyday and staying away from sugars and most carbs , lost around 20 lbs this month.
So, I'm grocery shopping last night...(Publix had their $50 gas cards for $40, as long as you spend $50 on groceries...plus Publix times their sales and BOGOs to coincide with manufacturer coupons, etc.)

And I realize....I now really KNOW why all of America is fat. It's economics. My wife and I feed a household of five on two incomes with a little supplement from home business ventures. We struggle to find healthy meals to make where the entire ingredients for a meal cost less than $10 a person.

But, going to McDonalds, we could EASILY eat for like $6 a person.

No wonder we're all FAT!!! Simply put, it has gotten way more expensive (exponentially) to eat healthy. And we're not even talking about fruits, veggies, or organic/tree-hugger stuff...just regular groceries.

This is actually a primary reason for starting the garden next month. We even coupon pretty well, I mean we got 3 of those gas cards, so that was saving $30 right there, plus we saved about $130 with coupons and bogo deals, etc. Imagine if we DIDN'T coupon? Ridiculous, but that's why we're all fat....too damn expensive to eat healthy.....
I'm got fat due to being lazy, and over consumption. My weakness was Monster drinks and Del Taco.
You are right though, it does seem to be much cheaper to eat at a fast food joint than at home.
Totally agree on the food inflation. I haven't done any calculations this last year, but it appears that in general it is just leveling out from the 20% or more the year before. The biggest scam in the food inflation spike last year was package size. Ex: a spaghetti sauce can looks about the same size as it used to be. But alot of people don't buy groceries when they still have some of the old cans. The price never changed but the size decreased from 26.5 ounces to 24. Worse was things like soft spread margarine that is no longer 3 lb. (48 ounces), but 45 ounces using the same package. But did they ever label it 'new reduced size' on the package?

I still cook pretty cheap comparatively speaking, but ' Carbs are cheap.' Especially in the last year, I have alot of homemade pizza, bread, and pasta. It took awhile for my body to adjust to the higher levels of carbs. So yes, eating healthy is a thing of the past, until I get back to Northern Wisconsin where my diet is alot of venison and fish.
The garden really helps with the bills, but even more is the stuff is so much better than store bought. I got three tomatoes from Walmart yesterday and they suck! Hard, underripe, and pretty much tasteless. I'm still getting carrots from the garden, they have great flavor!
i been on a diet myself ! eating subway 6in. sub for lunch everyday and staying away from sugars and most carbs , lost around 20 lbs this month.
I've threatened to loose weight for a couple years now, so far all I've lost is my eyesight and hearing!
I am cutting fat and weight like crazy, I need to get in shape to join a PD. I am using crossfit now which is fun.

Seriously, McDonalds is crappy and expensive. I go to Trader Joe's and buy their pasta sauce for 1.29, which I like because it doesn't have too much junk in it. Then I take 2 celery, 2 carrots, and one medium onion, put it in a blender and sautee it in olive oil to serve as a savory/sweet base and then stew the pasta sauce in it. Throw in a 1.29 package of Trader Joe's organic spaghetti, and a bit of ground meat and you got a cheap meal for for a few people. The trick is to buy things on sale like chicken breast, or vegetables like 99 cents a lb. broccoli. Trader Joe's sell bananas for 19 cent each which comes out to be cheaper than CostCo.

I hate eating out at fast food restaurants because I am cheap, and I hate the taste since I use to be a trained chef.
In my younger years I worked at Taco Bell off and on for 6 years total. That was all I ate during that time... Fast food, Soda etc etc. But I never gained any weight. (I smoked a lot of cigarettes though) After several years of high level of stress, and always eating that crap I had a curve in my spine by 25%. I never realized it until everything from my hip down was hurting. I went to a Chiropractor, and she told me if I kept eating that crap, and continue working under stress it would kill me. She fixed the curve in my spine, but I did not listen to her. I continued to work in fast food under stress. I finally got out of it. It finally started to catch up with me though. My feet would hurt standing up for 30 minutes, It became harder and harder just to cut the grass, or anything physical. Early in 2012 I noticed I was gaining weight so I checked. I was about 10 lbs over weight for my height. After that I quit drinking the soda, eating sugary foods, STOPPED eating the fast food, and now my weight is where it should be for my height, and I feel so much better. Hell I even went so far as to drinking my coffee black rather than with sugar, and creamer with more sugar in it. With all that said...

Something to consider being over weight is what will happen after SHTF? Meaning what if you are forced out of your home, you have to go on the run. I mean LITERALLY running from a group of zombies so hungry wanting to kill you for your food or worse. Chances are the zombies will easily catch up. It is so sad to look around and see so many people over weight these days. IMO everyone has their excuse as to why, whether it be from depression, or just flat out do not care, or both. What is even worse is seeing young kids over weight. To me that should be considered child abuse. Another thing to consider is TPTB (The powers that be) are winning by being over weight because it will be easier to catch those over weight. My heart goes out to everyone that is in depression or does not care, so they choose to eat, or drink. I to was depressed for along time from dealing with my best friends death in 1988, my parents split up, my dad not being there when I needed him most. I to drank, partied, did not care, was suicidal until I became a born again Christian. After that everything changed... literally. So my advice is rather than turning to McDonald's, Taco Bell, or Jack Daniels to deal with what ever your going through. Turn to God instead. Through God's love he can heal all wounds, if you let him. Trust me, I know from experience. Society has defiantly changed for the worse because we just push God aside for a candy bar. So look where we are today as a society. Sad...VERY SAD!!! God Bless.
but statisticly most americans eat there last meal of the day after7-8 pm and go to sleep with that crap in there stomachs!

Not sure about you, but I don't even get home from work until around 7pm, so no choice really. I do try and stay up later though, to give it time to digest.
So, I'm grocery shopping last night...(Publix had their $50 gas cards for $40, as long as you spend $50 on groceries...plus Publix times their sales and BOGOs to coincide with manufacturer coupons, etc.)

And I realize....I now really KNOW why all of America is fat. It's economics. My wife and I feed a household of five on two incomes with a little supplement from home business ventures. We struggle to find healthy meals to make where the entire ingredients for a meal cost less than $10 a person.

But, going to McDonalds, we could EASILY eat for like $6 a person.

No wonder we're all FAT!!! Simply put, it has gotten way more expensive (exponentially) to eat healthy. And we're not even talking about fruits, veggies, or organic/tree-hugger stuff...just regular groceries.

This is actually a primary reason for starting the garden next month. We even coupon pretty well, I mean we got 3 of those gas cards, so that was saving $30 right there, plus we saved about $130 with coupons and bogo deals, etc. Imagine if we DIDN'T coupon? Ridiculous, but that's why we're all fat....too damn expensive to eat healthy.....
I so hear what you are saying!! It is a challenge everyday for my family of five!!

we've gotton into a rutine of eating junk food instead of good meals here at home..im slowly getting us back into good meals thoe..that'll not only means eating better.but hopefully it means buying less junk food as well..we dont eat out to often.msdonalds is at the bottom of the eating out list.we normally eat mexican food. but normally at the better places like cotton patch,chili's,golden corral,cotton patch,olive garden,and of course IHOP..one good thing about eating out,is we rarely do eat out..:) save money that way
I have a healthy version of fast food. I cook large meals, such as a big pot of soup, roast with veggies, chili, etc. then I vacuum bag and seal individual servings, date/label and toss em in the freezer. When I'm tired and don't feel like cooking I pull out whatever looks appealing at the time. I probably have 60 meals ready to go stored right now. Luckily at work I have a microwave and fridge in the break room so I eat better and save money too. I could probably make smaller portions in the future though, as I'm about 25lbs heavier than I ever was!
We used to do that, when just 2 or 3 of us, but with 5 in the house now, too expensive to make extra.
We used to do that, when just 2 or 3 of us, but with 5 in the house now, too expensive to make extra.
Yeah, it's not too bad for me now since I'm the only one that eats regular food now. My wife only eats yogurt now, so I'm only cooking for one. I was a single dad with two small children, and when I met my wife she had two little ones too. I definitely struggled to keep things going for a few years there, but somehow always got enough. When she started getting sick and had to quit working we had to make some adjustments just to keep going. Even back then I made enough food to pack my lunch for the next day, which helped with me not eating out as much.
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You men eat your dinner ....eat your pork and beans....I eat more chicken , than any man ever seen....Yeah , yeah..........................(you know the rest of the tune )

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