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nature have time,all the time in the world...and I understand some you dudes and dudettes belive,some even belive the book is nothing but true,written
by man,different versions over centuries,but okay,have nothing against it,don't try to take it away from anyone...
what I find strange indeed is,if I say I think and belive in the evolutinary process,some,not all, comes and try to convert me to think into creationism...
any particular reason for that??

Because ministry is part of Christianity.

I have no interest in converting anyone, but if I did try to convert you, it would be for purely selfish reasons. Another skilled soldier of Christ....

In your case, no need. Whatever you believe, your clearly on the team.
I still find it odd that Christianity is considered monotheistic, when it basically has a pantheon of gods and mystical beings. You have God, then Jesus (Demigod), and Satan (fallen angel, but basically a lesser god who contests with God, even Mary has taken on mystic qualities, as well as the saints). Then you have the whole hierarchy of angels, demons, archangels, etc. Monotheistic? .......umm....OK?

Sorry, didn't mean to get off track with it.
in that IHVH states explicitly in the First Commandment that there are other gods but that it must come first.

It's a fair point, but one could argue that some of the intent of that is lost in the translation perhaps.
It's a fair point, but one could argue that some of the intent of that is lost in the translation perhaps.

True, but I've never seen an English translation that comes out as 'I am the only god.' It seems fairly legit that the person who wrote the Decalogue conceived of IHVH as acknowledging other gods but not wanting them on the podium with it. IHVH as the biggliest god, if you will!
weird,as in the lingos of Fin and Swe,the first commandment it's more precise..
translation must be the reason..
Well, it isn't like the authors knew anything about them either. ;)
Well, that's because they didn't exist. Those are modern "inventions" created by scientists as ways to categorize and understand natural processes. Much of it is entirely arbitrary. How would they know about the Cambrian age, when that age wasn't defined until thousands of years later? Why didn't the authors know that a bat is not a bird? Because modern taxonomy wasn't used then. It's a modern invention. In the "taxonomy" of the time, a "bird" was something that had wings and that wasn't an insect. Now we come along and define taxonomy based on things they didn't know about, and criticize them for not knowing OUR taxonomy?

One of the biggest problems with understanding things written thousands of years ago is that people tend to read them in a modern context and thinking that all the conventions of today were the same then. It was a different world. Society was different, laws were different, understanding of the natural world was different. To judge them by modern sensibilities and standards is as silly as criticizing someone thousands of years ago for not wearing the correct necktie for a formal dinner.
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It's interesting that when Doc showed the math, nobody wanted to argue his math is wrong. Rather they avoided that & tried other comments.

'Modern' Science has a real problem, it self-contradicts. MS defines 'impossible' as 10^-50. Anything with odds below that are defined as not happening, not possible. Yet Doc's math shows evolutions favorite illustration as being 10^-828. For the math challenged, let me explain. Let's say the 'impossible' event is winning the MegaLotto. So this situation would be to win the lotto this week. And next week. And the following... and winning each weekly MegaLotto for the next 4 months. If you miss one week, you have to start all over again.

BTW, the lotto has something like 1 in 500 million odds. The real 'impossible' (10^-50) would be the equivalent of winning the lotto six consecutive times. The odds Doc gave are those 6 lotto wins, times 16. So that is winning the lotto every week for about 15 months.

So when Jontte said all the time in the world, that's the problem, it's still not nearly enough time. All the time in the whole universe is still far too little. I would be fine with accepting evolution, if only there were any evidence at all to support it.
well TF,you don't belive that..and I don't buy that creation thing,one thing we have to agree on on is ;we do disagree on this.
life doesn't work in straight lines..

but am I willing to take your faith away?? absolutely NOT,we all need it,in one way or other.

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