Wife on board.....

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Molon Labe
Dec 8, 2012
South Texas/ West Texas
Amateur Radio Call Sign
This thread is to help people get their spouse to join in with the prepping.
In my experience it's usually the wife who thinks the husband is nuts.
Not always, but usually.
Hopefully some of the other members will give some advice and talking points to help others in swaying the spouse to the prepper way of thought.
Would love to hear from the Ladies about this issue.
Well Wiredog, I'm one of those exceptions to the rule. I'm all for prepping, but hubs is not. He thinks it is a waste of time and money. Have tried convincing him for 2 years now. Finally started doing it myself. Would be much easier and enjoyable if he were on board. Haven't given up on him just yet. Hoping as he sees me doing things, he will eventually join in - always hope...
Well Wiredog, I'm one of those exceptions to the rule. I'm all for prepping, but hubs is not. He thinks it is a waste of time and money. Have tried convincing him for 2 years now. Finally started doing it myself. Would be much easier and enjoyable if he were on board. Haven't given up on him just yet. Hoping as he sees me doing things, he will eventually join in - always hope...
Howdy Maggs!
Ok, so from a new point of view.
If he's not on board , why?
Have you really discussed this subject in depth or just lightly strolled around the park so to speak?
My wife thought I was nuts, what with the politics, God, Guns, and ammo.
But after the storm in New York, she started to see that maybe there was something to all this.
Every one wakes up to reality at a different speed, and not every one has the same trigger.
I don't wanna seem sexist,but, have you tried the damsel in distress looking for the Knight in shinning armour scenario?
I know it is deceitful, but it just might click him into protector mode.
Honestly, that would work on me, stoke the big strong man side of the ego.
I'm pretty sure my wife has manipulated me once or twice in or 20 yr. marriage by pulling some kind of strings. HAHAHA
Any way, i'm glad to hear from you.
Be well, prep well.
I only have one way that I can think of. It's to close them on the idea with logic. Just as we all know history repeats itself, we know that we will see natural disasters and civil unrest amongst other things. Look at every "Republic" or "Democracy" in history, also. They "Spread the wealth", doling out as much as they can to as many as they can until there is nothing left to give. They quickly transform into a dictatorship. It's just a matter og studying history.

If you show your loved ones the facts, they will almost assuredly see the light. Certain things that sound far fetched are hard to grasp for most folks. Some things, like terrorism, or riots(In places that have seen them in recent history) are easy to convince people to prepare. Really, it's not so much convincing as it is explaining. Again, if you tell someone somehting that sounds kooky, they will likely think you're a kook. If you show someone logically that there are legitimate reasons that will show them they need to prepare for "Doomsday", then they are likely to hop on board..... YMMV
I was really nervious when I initially brought up the subject of prepping with my wife.

To my complete amazement, she didn't need any convincing and was on board from the start. Heck, she has suprised me further by suggesting items that we need to get. She's even making some of those cool paracord bracelets for christmas gifts for friends and family.

She's pretty awesome.
I work at a grocery store and last month, we had an additonal 20 % off on our own brands ( I normally get a 10% discount). I told hubby I was stocking up. . .and we did. I asked him flat out if he thought I was crazy, he said no or I wouldn't allow it. So now I know he is on board. I don't do it because I think the world is going to end, we have decided to do this as a lifestlye change. We want to be self-suffecient. Hopefully soon, we will be able to forgo the supermarket for most if not all food items. It is nice to have our own "grocery store" here at home. From the talk today, milk is just 1 of the items that will double in price in the near future.
My hubs kind of knew what he was getting into when he married me. I won't keep anything less than at LEAST a year's worth of food for each person in the family and I add to that all of the time. He thought I was a little paranoid about government issues until I sat him down and read articles to him. Now he doesn't trust them anymore than I do. As far as preps, he's seen the usefulness in having them. He lost his job several years ago and I was recovering from major surgery so we lived just fine on preps we had made until he went back to work. When we go shopping, he never picks up just one of something and he's always asking me if something can be canned or preserved in other ways if it's on sale.
My hubs kind of knew what he was getting into when he married me. I won't keep anything less than at LEAST a year's worth of food for each person in the family and I add to that all of the time. He thought I was a little paranoid about government issues until I sat him down and read articles to him. Now he doesn't trust them anymore than I do. As far as preps, he's seen the usefulness in having them. He lost his job several years ago and I was recovering from major surgery so we lived just fine on preps we had made until he went back to work. When we go shopping, he never picks up just one of something and he's always asking me if something can be canned or preserved in other ways if it's on sale.
We bought a large outdoor freezer and we have not paid full price on meats for years. It is so stocked that we can buy whatever is 1/2 off or on sale.
I have been slowly bringing preps into the home. My husband is on board for some things but not others. If I start talking about politics and the economy, he tunes me out, so I've brought him around by prepping for natural disasters. New England gets its share of ice storms, wind storms, and such so that's worked up to a point. I broached the idea of raising rabbits (our homeowners association bans farm animals but rabbits are listed as pets) and he is adamant that we aren't getting any. Baby steps, I guess. I'll wear him down eventually. I think he just doesn't want to think about what could happen and, being a worrier, I can't stop thinking of what could happen. My only prepper friend is light years ahead of me and I guess in the beginning it took her husband a while to come around, too.
I have been slowly bringing preps into the home. My husband is on board for some things but not others. If I start talking about politics and the economy, he tunes me out, so I've brought him around by prepping for natural disasters. New England gets its share of ice storms, wind storms, and such so that's worked up to a point. I broached the idea of raising rabbits (our homeowners association bans farm animals but rabbits are listed as pets) and he is adamant that we aren't getting any. Baby steps, I guess. I'll wear him down eventually. I think he just doesn't want to think about what could happen and, being a worrier, I can't stop thinking of what could happen. My only prepper friend is light years ahead of me and I guess in the beginning it took her husband a while to come around, too.
Just stage a little power outage or turn the water off at the house. Then pull out your prep supply's and you will be the hero. He will come around.
Just stage a little power outage or turn the water off at the house. Then pull out your prep supply's and you will be the hero. He will come around.
My wife thought I was insane a bit. when I started watching the show Doomsday Preppers then started this website, as she had no idea I had been prepping for sometime (advantage of having my own separate garage :D ). She thought is just camping stuff.... As the series progressed I used it as an ice breaker, along with her reading some of the posts on here, then watching the news more closely and how and who was reporting it, she began to realize I wasn't so crazy after all.... at least in this arena... lol

She soon became such a believer that she has now been able to get her brother and sister, plus their respective families on board and they are going all out.
I think me and my husband are close to being on the same page for prepping.I am more into gardening and self sufficiency.He is into ammo and weapons go figure.So it's kind of i'll take care of this you take care of that,I think it's all about interests.I like to shoot and hunt but he knows more about guns than anyone I know and that's saying a lot if you knew my family. The way I see it even if you aren't prepping for the end of the world it can only make your life better being able to provide for yourself.Healthier foods and fresh water,why wouldn't you want that?Anyone who lives where their are hurricanes,tornadoes or earthquakes knows even if it's not in your area and it hits a surrounding area where those people will go.After Katrina you couldn't buy water or batteries for a month here not to mention there was a knife fight over a loaf of bread not something I want to die over.I will prep to an extent but there are lines I would draw.To me it's just smart to be prepared.
I was just born so far back in the country that It took me about twenty years to get out and get married and in debt. Took me ten more to get back out of the city and rat race to get back home in the woods. My wife from the city loves the self sufficient life and never wants to go back. She is more gungho than me but she dont want to talk to yall bacause she thinks an army tank will drive through the front door. Might be right but everyone within a thousand miles knows me and my life. So the only way I can find to prepare is to bug out. seems Louisiana's emergency preparidness plan rule #1 go to Bill's house. Now Arkansas and Mississippi has adopted the rule(kinda like a Joint partnership agreement with everyone but me) So me and the wife gonna pull up stakes ssoon as we sell the house.
but still hoping she gets to know yall
I was just born so far back in the country that It took me about twenty years to get out and get married and in debt. Took me ten more to get back out of the city and rat race to get back home in the woods. My wife from the city loves the self sufficient life and never wants to go back. She is more gungho than me but she dont want to talk to yall bacause she thinks an army tank will drive through the front door. Might be right but everyone within a thousand miles knows me and my life. So the only way I can find to prepare is to bug out. seems Louisiana's emergency preparidness plan rule #1 go to Bill's house. Now Arkansas and Mississippi has adopted the rule(kinda like a Joint partnership agreement with everyone but me) So me and the wife gonna pull up stakes ssoon as we sell the house.
but still hoping she gets to know yall
Tell her not to worry about us from california, our state government doesn't allow us to think for ourselves.
by the way ,as far as convincing your spouse, you can tell them all you want but a mans (or womans) actions tell the true intentions or convictions. If you start prepping and weighing viable options, as soon as they see you making decisions that go against the grain they know is within you , they'll jump on board. If they truely love you.Nothing would cause me more pain than not paying any attention to my wife's interests.
When I started putting stuff up "just in case" my husband and kids were rolling their eyes. I haven't been prepping long but a little here and a little there. My husband thought I was crazy when the only thing I wanted for Christmas was a food dehydrator. I've made a few batches of deer jerky and some dried fruit so far. I found my husband filling up some 55 gallon drums today with water and he started talking about buying some meat rabbits. I would say he is on board now. So looks like tomorrow I will go pick up a few rabbits. Now if I can just get the kids to come around. I think they are starting too since they are watching the news a lot and have some opinions lol.
When I started putting stuff up "just in case" my husband and kids were rolling their eyes. I haven't been prepping long but a little here and a little there. My husband thought I was crazy when the only thing I wanted for Christmas was a food dehydrator. I've made a few batches of deer jerky and some dried fruit so far. I found my husband filling up some 55 gallon drums today with water and he started talking about buying some meat rabbits. I would say he is on board now. So looks like tomorrow I will go pick up a few rabbits. Now if I can just get the kids to come around. I think they are starting too since they are watching the news a lot and have some opinions lol.

Yum!deer jerky!Yea that would never make it to storage here lol
It didn't here either lol. Hubby and 2 teenage boys ate it all and youth season ended today so I will have to try again another time. But now looking for new things to try
I love pineapple i don't like it bought from the store but when I make it I can eat a whole dehydrated pineapple.We also love fruit roll ups.I use it to dry peppers & spices also.The only things I'm not big on are banana chips & apples.
The first fruit I did was bananas and apples. They were ok but I will try them again another time. I love banana chips. I did onions and bell peppers too I think next time I do those I will put the dehydrator outside lol
I only have one way that I can think of. It's to close them on the idea with logic. Just as we all know history repeats itself, we know that we will see natural disasters and civil unrest amongst other things. Look at every "Republic" or "Democracy" in history, also. They "Spread the wealth", doling out as much as they can to as many as they can until there is nothing left to give. They quickly transform into a dictatorship. It's just a matter og studying history.

If you show your loved ones the facts, they will almost assuredly see the light. Certain things that sound far fetched are hard to grasp for most folks. Some things, like terrorism, or riots(In places that have seen them in recent history) are easy to convince people to prepare. Really, it's not so much convincing as it is explaining. Again, if you tell someone somehting that sounds kooky, they will likely think you're a kook. If you show someone logically that there are legitimate reasons that will show them they need to prepare for "Doomsday", then they are likely to hop on board..... YMMV

Hah! I've tried all of the above suggestions on my husband and he still thinks nothing will ever happen and seems to think I'm just nuts for wanting to do any prepping of any kind. He's always been the type who just waits until it happens before deciding to make a move....wish I'd have known that before marrying him cuz we are always in debt since he doesnt follow a budget and lives from day to day....trusts the banks to make sure his account is okay...ugh! I cant tell you how many times we've been in the red!! I havent worked since our son was born almost 14 years ago so...I'm basically on my own here...trying to care for and prepare for a disaster....((((sigh))))
Hah! I've tried all of the above suggestions on my husband and he still thinks nothing will ever happen and seems to think I'm just nuts for wanting to do any prepping of any kind. He's always been the type who just waits until it happens before deciding to make a move....wish I'd have known that before marrying him cuz we are always in debt since he doesnt follow a budget and lives from day to day....trusts the banks to make sure his account is okay...ugh! I cant tell you how many times we've been in the red!! I havent worked since our son was born almost 14 years ago so...I'm basically on my own here...trying to care for and prepare for a disaster....((((sigh))))

Tough call, if your fairly certain theres no way to get him on board for prepping, theres really only 2 options. Don't prep until you get him on board or prep without him. I'm not sure what the dynamic is in your marriage but my wife has her hobbies and I have mine of which the other has zero interest. But thats ok, we are not clones of each other. Sounds like you really want to prep...so prep. Tell him its important to you and hopefully he'll respect that.

And it doesn't have to be expensive. Few extra items of food for prep each trip to the grocery store and check the clearance sales online and in the box stores and you can have a bug out bag set up for pretty cheap. One of the most important things is knowledge. The gear is great but educate yourself (and your son if he's down). There are TONS of videos online dealing with just about every aspect of prepping and survival....and its free.

Not to mention this site. Ask just about anything and someone will be able to answer it for you, or at least point you in the right direction.

Hope that helped ... maybe a little bit :)
Jessica Ann, we like dried apples, but I don't do them in the dehydrator. I do them the old way like my Gran did. Leave the peel on, core, an slice sort of thin. String them up with cotton thread and hang behind the woodstove. Nice, soft and chewy. Good for dried apple pies as well.
I work at a grocery store and last month, we had an additonal 20 % off on our own brands ( I normally get a 10% discount). I told hubby I was stocking up. . .and we did. I asked him flat out if he thought I was crazy, he said no or I wouldn't allow it. So now I know he is on board. I don't do it because I think the world is going to end, we have decided to do this as a lifestlye change. We want to be self-suffecient. Hopefully soon, we will be able to forgo the supermarket for most if not all food items. It is nice to have our own "grocery store" here at home. From the talk today, milk is just 1 of the items that will double in price in the near future.

Do you have the land and knowledge to become self-sufficient? Make sure you learn to can what you grow safely. Freezers wont work if and when the SHTF. Get the biggest canner you can find and start buying jar and lids when they're on sale or you have coupons. Start looking for woodstoves suitable for cooking and canning. The chimney must be installed correctly and cleaned out yearly to prevent a fire. Drying food is chancy as mold loves dried veggies and meats.
We bought a large outdoor freezer and we have not paid full price on meats for years. It is so stocked that we can buy whatever is 1/2 off or on sale.

You may want to learn how to can meat since there will likely be no power if the SHTF.
Healthier foods and fresh water,why wouldn't you want that?

Where would you find these things if the SHTF? Are you stocking up on seeds and knowledge of gardening? Of all the different vegetables you plan to grow? Are you stocking up on fertilizer for your garden? Do you have a canner and hundreds of jars and lids stored? Do you have your own well for clean water, for yourself and your garden? Has your well water been tested? Just a few things to think about.......
I found my husband filling up some 55 gallon drums today with water and he started talking about buying some meat rabbits. I would say he is on board now. So looks like tomorrow I will go pick up a few rabbits.

Pick up rabbit pellets and straw the day you get them. And make sure the hutches are easy to clean and LARGE enough. Each doe and buck needs it's own hutch. There must be a nest area filled with straw and an outside area protected from sun, rain and snow with a mesh bottom. Most people try to raise them in small or unsuitable pens and it doesn't work out. Or try to feed them on garden waste and kill them with diarrhea. It must be a protected area also as they will attract many predators that will easily rip up poorly made hutches for a rabbit dinner. Even better made hutches have been torn up by dogs and coyotes.
Pick up rabbit pellets and straw the day you get them. And make sure the hutches are easy to clean and LARGE enough. Each doe and buck needs it's own hutch. There must be a nest area filled with straw and an outside area protected from sun, rain and snow with a mesh bottom. Most people try to raise them in small or unsuitable pens and it doesn't work out. Or try to feed them on garden waste and kill them with diarrhea. It must be a protected area also as they will attract many predators that will easily rip up poorly made hutches for a rabbit dinner. Even better made hutches have been torn up by dogs and coyotes.

Our hutches are inside the chicken runs which are inside the backyard fence patrolled by the dogs. Dogs haven't bothered anything, been trained not. They do keep other varmints on the run. The gardens are in the same backyard and fenced as well.

[Where would you find these things if the SHTF? Are you stocking up on seeds and knowledge of gardening? Of all the different vegetables you plan to grow? Are you stocking up on fertilizer for your garden? Do you have a canner and hundreds of jars and lids stored? Do you have your own well for clean water, for yourself and your garden? Has your well water been tested? Just a few things to think about....... /QUOTE]

Got it covered here in MO.

Do you have the land and knowledge to become self-sufficient? Make sure you learn to can what you grow safely. Freezers wont work if and when the SHTF. Get the biggest canner you can find and start buying jar and lids when they're on sale or you have coupons. Start looking for woodstoves suitable for cooking and canning. The chimney must be installed correctly and cleaned out yearly to prevent a fire. Drying food is chancy as mold loves dried veggies and meats.

Yes we do. Grew up doing this.

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