I have watched and known them for years...So, don't curse too loud with your mouth full.
Lol, yeah, I Grew Up in CA / lived there for 27 years (and Now, live in AZ, about 25 miles from 2 of the Border-lines) Lived in El Salvador for ~5 yrs, and
Married a Salvadorean, so IF you think that I don't "get" the 'value of migrants', and what I posted is all just 'anti-migrant vitriol' - Brother, You're the one who's 'Argument has Failed'.. and
Yeah, I 'get it' - I am All For
LEGAL Immigration. (My Wife being One of them, and - I, myself, went thru such a 'process', when I applied for / gained 'Residencia Permanente' in El Sal - I KNOW, first hand, 'what it's About', m'kay?) I DO NOT Support, however, Illegal Immigration - nor Illegal Work-conditions (Bad for US, Bad for the Workers (in the long run) Do you have Any Idea how Badly they - often - get treated / abused?? I Do (from Family-of-Family Friends in El Sal, who's Kids 'crossed via Coyotes'
($8 Grand each, Minimum, they 'arrive, in Debt) - and that was 2005/6!) Who Lived / Suffered it. One of 'em - my 'ex BIL' - ended up Dead (read:
Killed, because he didn't 'pay his coyote bill Fast enough' for them
) orphaning his Ex / Son down in El Sal.
..So, yer darn tootin I'm Against Illegal Immigration - Bad for
Everyone, All-around. And you know who Else is? My Immigrant Wife - seeing what's happening Pisses her off (when Her Family is - Still - in the legal process-pipeline,
10 yrs running) Legal immigration? Fine, but even Then, it should
Not be 'Unlimited'. The 'process' Is Broken, and arduous, at best, but.. That does NOT make what's Happening, currently, "OK", by
Any measure.
And if your argument fails, just scream: "It's all about the
Did you WATCH THE VIDEO?? You are OK with that
?? Do yer homework -
Then you can lecture.