Women and special precautions

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Awesome Friend
Nov 2, 2012
So... being a woman, I feel that we have special precautions and other worries that men don't necessarily have. I worry about being a woman in a SHTF situation and being raped. I don't feel that a lot of women will make it in the SHTF new world and I know that some men, NOT ALL, will most definately be raping and/or killing women. I have actually considered if SHTF to shave my head and try to look like as much of a man as possible (sorry to my hunny bunny lol) but i'd rather look like a man than have a man want to try to rape me. I am (IMHO) a pretty attractive woman, and I have implants so that may be a bit hard to do, but I am wondering what men think of this? Do you think that concealing that I am female would be to my advantage? Are there other women who worry about this fact too? Although, being a pretty woman could have its advantages in a SHTF situation. Men tend to want to help a woman in distress lol
I think you will be fine as long as u have a gun. God made some people big and some people small but metal made them all equal you need to remember that with a gun you are as powerful as any man out there and if you can protect your self you'll be good I would not let my wife cut her hair off at all and she beautiful
I've shaved my head in the past due to med issues so my SO is used to it, but I'm sure he wouldn't be happy at all, but if it made me feel safe he'd be fine with it.
Well here is where I fear things could get ugly, LOL
But you brought it up, was that question/ brought up for other wemon to answer or are you asking for mens opinion as well?
I am wondering on all fronts...men and women's opinions lol and yes...significant other....i hate saying boyfriend/fiance...we've been together for over 4 years and have a son.
And I'm not easily offended so no worries on things getting ugly!
So... being a woman, I feel that we have special precautions and other worries that men don't necessarily have. I worry about being a woman in a SHTF situation and being raped. I don't feel that a lot of women will make it in the SHTF new world and I know that some men, NOT ALL, will most definately be raping and/or killing women. I have actually considered if SHTF to shave my head and try to look like as much of a man as possible (sorry to my hunny bunny lol) but i'd rather look like a man than have a man want to try to rape me. I am (IMHO) a pretty attractive woman, and I have implants so that may be a bit hard to do, but I am wondering what men think of this? Do you think that concealing that I am female would be to my advantage? Are there other women who worry about this fact too? Although, being a pretty woman could have its advantages in a SHTF situation. Men tend to want to help a woman in distress lol

Bad things can happen at anytime, maybe think about some type of martial arts. I know some hot woman that can kick some ass !!
Ya im looking into self defense classes. Tony has tried to teach me some grappling and some stuff he picked up from the marine corp but it seems harder to learn that stuff from him vs a teacher who has a class plan ya know? I wanna build off the basics and not just jump right in.
Ya im looking into self defense classes. Tony has tried to teach me some grappling and some stuff he picked up from the marine corp but it seems harder to learn that stuff from him vs a teacher who has a class plan ya know? I wanna build off the basics and not just jump right in.
Outside party is best IMHO, check out Jeet Kune Do [ jkd ] it deals with down and dirty fighting, not a bunch of forms and **** like that. Someone is going to the ER and it wont be you.
Bad things can happen at anytime, maybe think about some type of martial arts. I know some hot woman that can kick some ass !!
I think this can help but if your a 130lb girl and a 230 man is fighting you you can be a black belt in judo and that man will be able to over power a woman pretty easy I wrestled in high school and we had a girl on the team and her mom was swat and was trained in all kinda crap I was a 171lb and she tryed to man Handel me and I put her on her ass pretty easy and she said that it was luck so we went at t again and I slammed her again she was probably 160lbs and I'd say mid 40s I was 17 n
Well the same thing was said years ago, about why women should not serve in military.
I infact agree with this for many reasons, not only for the rape issue, but for strength issues as well, and the lowering of standards that allow many to serve.
That aside,
I believe that in a MAJOR SHTF senerio, there will be no law, and where there is no law, there will be lawlessness, of every ugly kind.
Your greatest defence is the same as in a military group, your ability to protect yourself, and others, as well as thiers to protect themselves, and you. I see no reason to believe that women will not return to be a commodity, as they always have been in historical past. Thats the ugly, thing about human nature, in the end, and in its simplest terms, its just nature. In any groups that come together, the only way to keep them together is with civilized laws, but outside that, I would fear, you have a ligitimate concern. In my group we will have no jail, nor will we be doing any banishing, justice will be swift, and perminant. It will be the only way to keep order, and the safety of the rest of the group.

You full damn well know that you are not safe to walk down any big city dark ally, or even street after a certain time, and you full well know it will be much worse than that. I find it very hard to believe that my wife could convince anyone she was a man no matter how she dressed. she cant stand like a man, walk like a man, gesture like a man, talk like a man. She would have to dress like a eskamo, and use my trucks tiedown straps around her chest for someone not to notice she is a woman. A man could tell from far away if someone is a man or women most times, either comming or going lol. and then there is always the shoes to give her away LMAO.
But she can shoot better than most men, so she dont have too.
I think this can help but if your a 130lb girl and a 230 man is fighting you you can be a black belt in judo and that man will be able to over power a woman pretty easy I wrestled in high school and we had a girl on the team and her mom was swat and was trained in all kinda crap I was a 171lb and she tryed to man Handel me and I put her on her ass pretty easy and she said that it was luck so we went at t again and I slammed her again she was probably 160lbs and I'd say mid 40s I was 17 n

Agreed, I am 255 lbs, I throw bundles of shingles on single floor roofs without climbing ladder, I snatch up 160 lb guys by thier necks, turning sideways so they dont kick me in the nads, slap them for being rude, and toss them off in a corner to catch thier breath, I love the martial arts guys, most are like unloaded guns. They are 1/2 a weapon. If someone walks up behind you and grabs you like this, put your arms up and drop.......... when I put my arms around someone, they are squeezed purple, I dont care where thier arms are.
I agree that standards should NEVER be lowered to accomodate a woman being in the military but I REFUSE to agree that we shouldn't be able to serve because men can't keep their dick in their pants and stop raping us. It is a hot button issue for me that WE are punished because MEN can't stop raping women in the military.....GRRRRR my bloods a boilin lol If a women can carry a pack that a man is required to, goes thru all the training and passes all the tests that a man does, then her gender should not be held against her. I don't care that we menstrate, thats not our fault once again. It's also not our fault that men have been proven to want to protect a women even in a situation that would be comprimising, again...not our fault that mean react different around a woman. Because we lack a penis doesn't mean we lack ability. I know that I could never hack it in the military because I am 5'7" tall 103 lbs dripping wet and I could never run/walk/hike with the gear that those guys do...so even if I were compelled to serve, I wouldn't want to for worry of compromising the safety of the other ppl in my unit etc. That being said though, I know that there are positions in the military that women could fill just as good if not better than a man and I feel that if the MOS you choose isn't physically demanding, then the standards shouldn't apply. Why do I need to be able to do all that **** just to push some papers or something of the sort ya know? IDK its a hot button issue for me lol
It is a hot button issue for me that WE are punished because MEN can't stop raping women in the military.....
come now I think this is a little dramatic, Noone is being punished because of mans inability to stop raping, That line is hillarious.
You make it sound like evry night the males in the squads ALL agree it is thier right to have thier women. It is alarming to me that you have already catagorized all men, as endangering, and removing (punishing) something from you.

Of course it would be a hot button for some women, however it is what it is. I totally agree with you, not every position has the physical demands. However the antimosity between the sexes is much of the root cause of many transgressions. People work every day, and perform thier dutys, make this group be on same pay scale, and 1 side of it gets to play on a different level than the other. Weaker men who cannot reach a min, standard are aborted, and sent home, yet thier female counterparts whom cannot reach the same level, are allowed to stay, because of a different set of rule, then add in dress codes, medical exemptions etc.. it is a recipe for antimosity. How would you feel if every women was required to be on birth control in the military, and by getting pregnant, she is in derilection of duty, and discharged. A service member who is derelict has willfully refused to perform his duties (or follow a given order) or has incapacitated himself in such a way that he cannot perform his duties.
All things considered its 2 different worlds in the military for men and women, yet the pay scales are the same, there is huge antimosity. Add in any amount of alcohol, and you have problems. Although alcohol is not nessisary for the small fraction of a % of males that would rape, either in the military, or in civilian areana.Yet statistically, it is a major ingredient in most cases.
Yet on the prepping side, a male, in the military or not, LITERALLY needs to get signed waivers before having sex with someone else, and wouldnt be a bad idea to record it as well, just for safety.

Are you aware of any numbers that indicate that rapes are any higher in any military area, than in any other area of the populous?

I do not believe that there is any excuse for rape, it is often a devestating blow to the lives of its victims, many never even seek the help that is required to overcome these attacks. I as a person whom knows rape victims believe that some never regain "thier life back". Convicted rapists should be immediatly shot. Yet in our society, they are allowed to victimize again and again.

So from your first line, I agree that standards should NEVER be lowered to accomodate a woman being in the military
I take it that you agree that, a secondary min. should be removed, and only women that can pass the physical requirements should be allowed to serve?
That women should not be allowed to do anything the male cant do like on dress code?
That a women, equall to man, when unable to perform thier duty, be discharged from military?
How would you feel about a seperate branch for all of those positions in the military that dont need to meet any physical standards?, curiousity gets me on this one
I think this can help but if your a 130lb girl and a 230 man is fighting you you can be a black belt in judo and that man will be able to over power a woman pretty easy I wrestled in high school and we had a girl on the team and her mom was swat and was trained in all kinda crap I was a 171lb and she tryed to man Handel me and I put her on her ass pretty easy and she said that it was luck so we went at t again and I slammed her again she was probably 160lbs and I'd say mid 40s I was 17 n
I agree, the thing is not to let someone get that close to you. To buy a split second of time to get the hell out. Woman are out matched lets face it. Cant breath, Cant see, Cant stand, = Cant fight !!
Well, if the issue at hand is that women aren't able to serve in the military because they are at risk of being raped, how is that OUR fault? We are always being punished for simply being women. I never said that ALL men are that way...ive gotta go pick up my daughter at school and hit the girl scouts meeting... i will elaborate this evening when I have more than 5 mins to reply...thanks for the reply though
Have two guns on you at all time. This is where that .22 I was talking about would come in handy.... martial arts and all that self defense training is BS. I'm a short 150lb guy, and I know there's no way in hell I will be able to fight a 200+ man in a fair fight...(assuming we were of equal fitness)
Well, if the issue at hand is that women aren't able to serve in the military because they are at risk of being raped, how is that OUR fault? We are always being punished for simply being women. I never said that ALL men are that way...ive gotta go pick up my daughter at school and hit the girl scouts meeting... i will elaborate this evening when I have more than 5 mins to reply...thanks for the reply though
Who is this "we"? Women, or women in the military? Because you cannot fall into both categories.
Have two guns on you at all time. This is where that .22 I was talking about would come in handy.... martial arts and all that self defense training is BS. I'm a short 150lb guy, and I know there's no way in hell I will be able to fight a 200+ man in a fair fight...(assuming we were of equal fitness)
toe to toe probably not !! but a quick eye poke or you put your finger a inch into his eye socket, I guarantee you will have time to get away. I think you guys are missing the point. You just need to get out of the situation not stand there an fight.

So... being a woman, I feel that we have special precautions and other worries that men don't necessarily have. I worry about being a woman in a SHTF situation and being raped. I don't feel that a lot of women will make it in the SHTF new world and I know that some men, NOT ALL, will most definitely be raping and/or killing women. I have actually considered if SHTF to shave my head and try to look like as much of a man as possible (sorry to my hunny bunny lol) but I'd rather look like a man than have a man want to try to rape me. I am (IMHO) a pretty attractive woman, and I have implants so that may be a bit hard to do, but I am wondering what men think of this? Do you think that concealing that I am female would be to my advantage? Are there other women who worry about this fact too? Although, being a pretty woman could have its advantages in a SHTF situation. Men tend to want to help a woman in distress lol
Hi Hj...im gonna have to agree with the guys on this...i really don't think that cutting your hair or trying to look like a man will help...i worry more so for my daughter for the same reason but truly believe that the only thing that would help in that situation would most definitely be a weapon....when people lose their minds it doesn't really matter what u look like....all u can do is be prepared...i guess some type of martial arts is always good to know....but ultimately i know i cant compare my strength to that of a man...n if he really wants to do me or my daughter any harm the only thing that's gonna save us is a bullet...
Ya I'm looking into self defense classes. Tony has tried to teach me some grappling and some stuff he picked up from the marine corp but it seems harder to learn that stuff from him vs a teacher who has a class plan ya know? I wanna build off the basics and not just jump right in.
do u run???like on a regular basis...its good to train n push your body running....rite now it keeps u in shape but u never know when u will have to run in a dangerous situation and for how long...although it seems like an easy enough task...if your not used to running...its not...poor diet, smoking, all these things factor in to how much our bodies r going to cooperate...lol...it comes down to a battle of the fittest....
Ya ive thought about this alot.
Also ive thought about child preditors that wont be monetered by any kind of law.
Scary **** to think about really.
Im not female, but i know if i seen some **** like that, id tell the family to go on ahead ill catch up, and id intervine, by burrying the attacker!
We being women in the military... I am not in the military, I was denied b/c I have a femural rod and pins in my knee...which I totally agree with. I would never be able to make it as a grunt...but I surely could do admin or something of the sort.
So... being a woman, I feel that we have special precautions and other worries that men don't necessarily have. I worry about being a woman in a SHTF situation and being raped. I don't feel that a lot of women will make it in the SHTF new world and I know that some men, NOT ALL, will most definately be raping and/or killing women. I have actually considered if SHTF to shave my head and try to look like as much of a man as possible (sorry to my hunny bunny lol) but i'd rather look like a man than have a man want to try to rape me. I am (IMHO) a pretty attractive woman, and I have implants so that may be a bit hard to do, but I am wondering what men think of this? Do you think that concealing that I am female would be to my advantage? Are there other women who worry about this fact too? Although, being a pretty woman could have its advantages in a SHTF situation. Men tend to want to help a woman in distress lol

You raise a very valid point. One that should be mentioned. I applaud you for your open-mindedness to ask opinions from the other side.
Unfortunately rape happens for the very reason you so eloquently described. I wish it was different but it’s not.
If I may make a suggestion.

1) Get your smallest purse and buy a handgun that fits into it. Learn how to use it and become proficient in its use. Proficiency will bring confidence.
2) If you’re not in good physical shape, get in shape. Start working out with small weights, and do cardio. Watch your diet. Get rid of those Twinkies.
3) Take a self defense course and practice. I’m not talking about fantasy fighting. I’m talking about hard hitting self defense.

These are the suggestions I gave to my Daughter and ones she chose to follow. Unfortunately it wasn’t soon enough. She is an athletic pistol packing Mama of 3. She’s done full Marathons as well as 10 milers and works out at the gym. She runs a 5k before she gets the kids ready for school, and then goes to work….and she was asthmatic as a kit.

So young lady, take it from a Father whose daughter was raped. Maybe the suggestions can prevent it from happening to someone else.
You raise a very valid point. One that should be mentioned. I applaud you for your open-mindedness to ask opinions from the other side.
Unfortunately rape happens for the very reason you so eloquently described. I wish it was different but it’s not.
If I may make a suggestion.

1) Get your smallest purse and buy a handgun that fits into it. Learn how to use it and become proficient in its use. Proficiency will bring confidence.
2) If you’re not in good physical shape, get in shape. Start working out with small weights, and do cardio. Watch your diet. Get rid of those Twinkies.
3) Take a self defense course and practice. I’m not talking about fantasy fighting. I’m talking about hard hitting self defense.

These are the suggestions I gave to my Daughter and ones she chose to follow. Unfortunately it wasn’t soon enough. She is an athletic pistol packing Mama of 3. She’s done full Marathons as well as 10 milers and works out at the gym. She runs a 5k before she gets the kids ready for school, and then goes to work….and she was asthmatic as a kit.

So young lady, take it from a Father whose daughter was raped. Maybe the suggestions can prevent it from happening to someone else.
Damn,, sorry man.
You raise a very valid point. One that should be mentioned. I applaud you for your open-mindedness to ask opinions from the other side.
Unfortunately rape happens for the very reason you so eloquently described. I wish it was different but it’s not.
If I may make a suggestion.

1) Get your smallest purse and buy a handgun that fits into it. Learn how to use it and become proficient in its use. Proficiency will bring confidence.
2) If you’re not in good physical shape, get in shape. Start working out with small weights, and do cardio. Watch your diet. Get rid of those Twinkies.
3) Take a self defense course and practice. I’m not talking about fantasy fighting. I’m talking about hard hitting self defense.

These are the suggestions I gave to my Daughter and ones she chose to follow. Unfortunately it wasn’t soon enough. She is an athletic pistol packing Mama of 3. She’s done full Marathons as well as 10 milers and works out at the gym. She runs a 5k before she gets the kids ready for school, and then goes to work….and she was asthmatic as a kit.

So young lady, take it from a Father whose daughter was raped. Maybe the suggestions can prevent it from happening to someone else.
How does that happen? (and why didn't she shoot?)

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